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People with thyroid issues come on in.....

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LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

3944 total posts


People with thyroid issues come on in.....

DH had blood work done 2 weeks ago and his thyroid came back out of whack so to speak, Nothing cancerous, but the docotor told me he is going to have to take further tests, which he is going for this Thursday. Whatis going to happen, what else are they looking for in his blood work.... ? Has anyone know anyone that had this? I am thinking it is underactive, he has a lot fo the sgns for that.... what do they do for it? Should I be freaking out? ( I am sorry I have never had good experiences with doctors, both my parents died too young. ( 53 and 60.) Chat Icon

Posted 3/7/06 3:58 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

3944 total posts


Re: People with thyroid issues come on in.....


Posted 3/7/06 3:59 PM


Member since 5/05

3664 total posts


Re: People with thyroid issues come on in.....

Damm... a bump after one minute of posting? Chat Icon

I wouldn't worry about it right now. Thyroid issues are common enough and are very treatable for the most part with medication. Don't get too worked up until you get the results back from the doctor.

My wife has a thyroid problem... but she takes the synthroid. I just have to keep an eye on her and make sure she takes it reguarly. When we moved... she stopped taking it for two weeks because she couldn't get to the old pharmacy for a refil.

I was almost ready to strangle her after the second week because she was just out of control from not taking the meds.

Posted 3/7/06 4:04 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

3944 total posts


Re: People with thyroid issues come on in.....

Posted by DjPiLL

Damm... a bump after one minute of posting? Chat Icon

I wouldn't worry about it right now. Thyroid issues are common enough and are very treatable for the most part with medication. Don't get too worked up until you get the results back from the doctor.

My wife has a thyroid problem... but she takes the synthroid. I just have to keep an eye on her and make sure she takes it reguarly. When we moved... she stopped taking it for two weeks because she couldn't get to the old pharmacy for a refil.

I was almost ready to strangle her after the second week because she was just out of control from not taking the meds.

Sorry for the quick bump, I am kind of anxious!

Message edited 3/7/2006 4:08:28 PM.

Posted 3/7/06 4:06 PM


Member since 5/05

3664 total posts


Re: People with thyroid issues come on in.....

Posted by princess99

Sorry for the quick bump. I am anxious.

No problem. Understandable. Chat Icon

Posted 3/7/06 4:08 PM

Welcome to the World!

Member since 5/05

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Re: People with thyroid issues come on in.....

My levels were elevated and I was on Synthroid. Within a week, my levels went down. I don't have any feedback about men having thyroid issues. Sorry.

Did you go to the Doctor with your husband?
Maybe, your DH is omitting some information? Maybe, they are doing more blood work to check his levels again? or cholesterol? diabetes?

You should call the office back and ask what they are looking for.

Try not to Worry! Chat Icon

Posted 3/7/06 4:31 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

3944 total posts


Re: People with thyroid issues come on in.....

They told me they checked him for diabetes etc. They said his thyroid was "off" and they want to do more tests to see what it is, overactive or underactive. I am just a nervous nelly becuase i have had such bad experiences with docotors, so I automatically freak out. I know it is not good to freak out like that but i do. I had called back the doctor and this is what he had told me.

Posted 3/7/06 4:46 PM

2nd verse same as the 1st

Member since 5/05

15287 total posts


Re: People with thyroid issues come on in.....

They are probably doing more extensive blood work - an initial screening may not check for every single thyroid level that can be checked.

If it's underactive, they will prescribe a synthetic thryroid pill for your DH.

If it's overactive, depending on the cause, they may give him something to slow it down medically (a beta blocker) or they may prescribe a radioactive iodine treatment that will "kill" off part of the ggland to reduce production of the thyroid hormone. This is totally painless - I had this done twice once in pill form and another in liquid form. There were a few precautions to take for a few days after but not a big deal at all.

LMK if you have any questions, I'll try to help as much as I can. Thyroid problems, while not common in men, are pretty easy to treat and stabilze. Chat Icon

Posted 3/7/06 4:52 PM


Member since 5/07

1551 total posts


Re: People with thyroid issues come on in.....

Hi all -
I know this is an old post but decided to give it a try anyway.
Has anyone had any experience with thyroid nodules? My husband has had to get a thyroid uptake iodine snan b.c the dr thinks he has a hypoactive thyroid. and then the radiologist found some nodules. He seems to think they are benign but I guess they still need to do an ultrasound. he says sometimes you can develop nodules if u have an uderactive thyroid b.c not enough of the hormones are being replaced?????
anyway, can anyone shed some light on this or have a similar experience?
Thank you!!

Posted 8/23/07 8:12 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 1/06

719 total posts


Re: People with thyroid issues come on in.....

My Mom just had her thyroid out last week because she had nodules on and around it....She had a couple biopsies over the years and everything was benign...Surgery went awesome! She feels great now and didn't even need painkillers afterwards...I know that everyone's case is different but I hope this helps! My Mom also had an underactive thyroid...I know exactly what you are going through because I remember how scary it was for my Mom to get the first biopsy done...Rest assured that everything will turn out ok!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/23/07 8:28 PM

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