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Calling all breastfeeding moms

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Member since 5/05

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Calling all breastfeeding moms

I always said that I would not breastfeed when I got pregnant...but here I am 34 weeks later and feel that I owe it to my child to give it a try! I just feel completly clueless. I tried to sign up for a class at my hospital but they are all offered after the baby comes....So my question the nurses help you in the hospital? Is there a good book you can recommend for me to read? Any tip or advice you could give me would really be appreciated. Also, what things should I have packed with me for the hospital that I will need for nursing? Thanks for your help!

Posted 7/25/05 4:59 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Infant

Member since 5/05

373 total posts

Mom of 2

Re: Calling all breastfeeding moms

Up until the day I got pregnant I said the same thing....I didnt take any classes only read books before I gave birth. The nurses were SOoooooooooo helpful in the hospital plus they should have lactation consultants available for any issues. Luckily everything went smooth for us....and I wish you the same. The only thing I wasnt sure of was the latch and if it hurt I had them check it. It was a bit uncomfortable at first, ya know having people in the room while feeding the baby but compared to what I had just gone through -- it was NOTHING Chat Icon

I would recommend nipple cream for the soreness and cracking that occurs during the first few days but if you dont have it they should also give that to you in the hospital. You may also want a nursing bra and nursing pads since you may leak.

Good Luck to you and your baby!!!!!!!!

Posted 7/25/05 5:05 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

538 total posts


Re: Calling all breastfeeding moms

In the hospital the nurses assisted you as well as the lactation consultant. She was wonderful, and would answer any questions you had and work with you until you were confortable.

breastfeeding FAQ

This website is a great please to search out any questions you might have. If you go to the library you can take out books on breastfeeding, or buy them on line...I had my moms book from the 60's, the info is the same really...

Posted 7/25/05 8:47 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/05

373 total posts

Mom of 2

Re: Calling all breastfeeding moms

this is another site:

Posted 7/25/05 9:32 PM


Member since 5/05

4457 total posts


Re: Calling all breastfeeding moms

I didn't know anything about breatsfedding but knew I wanted to give it a try, I found the lactation consultant in the hospital to be a wealth of knowledge, thankfully i was able to breasfeed both of my girls for their entire 1st year of life. I think it;s baptism by fire, and then add a little knowledge from nursing staff once the baby is born, if you read too much you'll become overwhelmed. Breasfeeding my kids was once of the most fulfilling aspects of early motherhood for me!!!

Message edited 7/25/2005 10:44:16 PM.

Posted 7/25/05 10:43 PM

My girls

Member since 7/05

4303 total posts


Re: Calling all breastfeeding moms

Posted by RyansMommy

this is another site:

Kellymom is a great site. I still go there for information after four months of breastfeed.

I also have a book that I find helpful: The Nursing Mother's Companion

The nurse at the hospital were really helpful to me -- I called them in nearly everytime I was going to feed her so that they could watch and give advice. Don't be shy about asking to see the lactation consultant as well.

Breastfeeding isn't easy at first, it is likely to hurt some -- but once you get the hang of it you'll appreciate not having to sterilize bottles. More importantly, both you and baby will get very good health benefits. Best of luck to you in getting it to work!!!

Posted 7/26/05 8:54 AM


Member since 5/05

2314 total posts


Re: Calling all breastfeeding moms

I remember I was really intimidated to breast feed her when she was first born, but you become more comfortable pretty quickly. The first 2 weeks are the hardest with getting a good latch and working together, but after that the pain/soreness subsides and it should be better. I have to say BF has been the most rewarding part of motherhood for me I wouldn't trade it for anything. I dont even think it can be explained, but it is such a nice emotional/physical connection. I found the nurses at the hospital to be fairly helpful, but dont be shy about asking for a lactation consultant, they are the most helpful and understanding. I also read the The Nursing Mother's Companion book and used

Good Luck!!

Posted 7/26/05 9:55 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/05

373 total posts

Mom of 2

Re: Calling all breastfeeding moms

Posted by curley999

I have to say BF has been the most rewarding part of motherhood for me I wouldn't trade it for anything. I dont even think it can be explained, but it is such a nice emotional/physical connection.

I couldnt agree more!!! I enjoyed it so much more than I ever ever imagined.....and it is very hard to explain....almost as if you have a bond that ONLY you and your baby could have....Chat Icon

Posted 7/26/05 6:24 PM

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