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Nursing moms

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LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

921 total posts


Nursing moms

I have a few questions. Do you sleep with a bra on at night? Should I always have a bra on or can I take it off sometimes?

It seems like after I nurse or pump, my breast hurts, like a little stingy feeling. I hope that makes sense.

Posted 12/8/05 10:08 AM
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Re: Nursing moms

To be quite honest - I NEVER wear a bra. It's too annoying between always moving it to nurse and my boobs being a different size everyday. I'll wear one if I go out - but that's about it... They still seem pretty firmChat Icon

Posted 12/8/05 10:12 AM

My love.

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Re: Nursing moms

I sleep with it - with pads...tmi but I am always leaking in the am - no matter how much I pump the night before.

I haven't been without one since before the baby - one of the reasons I can't wait to stop nursing...I want to sleep without a bra!!

Posted 12/8/05 10:13 AM

life moves fast

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Re: Nursing moms

I slept with a bra and pads in the beginning until our "schedule" was established and I didn't have to worry about leaking and until I wasn't sooo full, it was uncomforable not to wear a bra.

Posted 12/8/05 10:14 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

921 total posts


Re: Nursing moms

I have not slept with a bra on, but I wake up and there are big wet stains on the sheets from me leaking.

Any ideas what this stinging, burning could be?

Posted 12/8/05 10:16 AM

life moves fast

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Re: Nursing moms

Could it be your let down reflex? Or is it all the time?

Posted 12/8/05 10:18 AM

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Re: Nursing moms

I don't wear a bra when I sleep, but I wear a camisole with a shelf bra and nursing pads. I can't sleep with a bra - too uncomfortable!

Posted 12/8/05 10:32 AM

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Re: Nursing moms

Posted by jcndd

To be quite honest - I NEVER wear a bra. It's too annoying between always moving it to nurse and my boobs being a different size everyday. I'll wear one if I go out - but that's about it... They still seem pretty firmChat Icon

Same here.

Posted 12/8/05 11:09 AM


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Tracey - brideinapril

Re: Nursing moms

I always have a bra on, even when I sleep. This is one of the reasons I'm looking forward to stopping. My boobs are huge, and normally I am like an A cup!

Posted 12/8/05 11:46 AM

My boys

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Re: Nursing moms

I wear a sports bra every night (with very thin pads). I used to find I would wake up with wet stains if I didn't wear anything.

Posted 12/8/05 12:22 PM

Mommy to 2 boys!

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Re: Nursing moms

I wear a bra with pads all day and all night b/c of the leaking.

Message edited 12/8/2005 12:33:08 PM.

Posted 12/8/05 12:32 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Nursing moms

I don't sleep with a bra on, but I keep I little towel that I use when I wake up to nurse Nicholas and I start leaking.

I felt the same stinging after nursing and it was similar to the stinging sensation that I feel right now when I am going to nurse Nicholas or between feedings, so I think that it can be the let down reflex. What I feel is like tons of niddles... I don't know it it's similar to what you're feeling.

Posted 12/8/05 1:03 PM

My Everything

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Re: Nursing moms

Posted by jcndd

To be quite honest - I NEVER wear a bra. It's too annoying between always moving it to nurse and my boobs being a different size everyday. I'll wear one if I go out - but that's about it... They still seem pretty firmChat Icon

Same here except i had saggy boobs to begin with so not much I can do to fix that. I also don't leak so I don't have to worry about that.

Posted 12/8/05 1:31 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Nursing moms

I wear a sleeping bra that I got from Motherhood... no wires or anything and it just criss crosses in the front... it's REALLY comfy. And I wear lilypadz during the night so I won't leak. I get that stingy sensation too... but only when I pump

Posted 12/8/05 1:40 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

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Re: Nursing moms

I never wore a bra at night, but I am also not very large chested even when nursing.
I did however wear a pumping bra to help me pump without holding the horns. It was a god sent.

I also had that tingle for weeks even after I finished my milk supply. It is very normal.

Posted 12/8/05 3:50 PM

Love my Family!

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Re: Nursing moms

I never wear a bra, I feel so uncomfortable sleeping with one on, I never leaked during the night so I didnt have to worry. If u need to wear one I would go with a no wire bra, it will be much comfortable to sleep with. Chat Icon

I use to get that feeling in my breast's in the begining, but I figured it was just milk coming in.

Posted 12/8/05 4:23 PM

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Re: Nursing moms

I wore a bra pretty much 24/7 when I was nursing/pumping and haven't pumped in over a month, but still wear it sometimes because my boobs just hurt a lot still.

Also the stinging feeling sounds like its probably let down.

Posted 12/8/05 8:12 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

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Re: Nursing moms

I live in nursing tank tops from Target. I bought 4 and wear them to bed also. And for the first 2 months or so of nursing I used to get the burning sensation afterwards. I read somewhere that its your milk coming back in after your drain a breast. Like refueling. Don't know why it doesn't happen anymore though.

Posted 12/8/05 11:17 PM

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