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Warm weather swaddling ??

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All good things in 2016!!

Member since 8/05

20181 total posts


Warm weather swaddling ??

My mother called me this morning(like she does every morning to check how the baby did lastnight). She hates the Swaddle me.....thinks it too constricting and looks like a straight jacket. But I got this speech on overheating -- how my daughter is a sweater(which she is) & to be careful with the Swaddle Me. What do you all do for the inbetween weather(before the AC goes on) with swaddling?? An undershirt only under it???

Message edited 5/5/2006 9:30:20 AM.

Posted 5/5/06 9:26 AM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

My Everything

Member since 5/05

20541 total posts


Re: Warm weather swaddling ??

They make a jersey material swaddle me which we used but it is harder to get really tight IMO.
If we used the fleece one when it was warm we put her in it in just her diaper and never had any problems.

Posted 5/5/06 9:51 AM

We love summer!

Member since 5/05

1063 total posts


Re: Warm weather swaddling ??

I use the swaddle me right now and it hasn't been that warm at night but also not cold so i've been putting DD in a onsie and using the fleece swaddle me. I also have the jersey cotton one as well and agree that it does not stay tight on. Then again my DD manages to get her arms out of the swaddle me by the time morning comes Chat Icon

Posted 5/5/06 10:34 AM

My girls

Member since 7/05

4303 total posts


Re: Warm weather swaddling ??

I don't have AC and put my daughter in the Miracle Blanket last summer wearing just a diaper.

Posted 5/5/06 2:43 PM

My Boys

Member since 6/05

1019 total posts


Re: Warm weather swaddling ??

Yea, you can try undershirt only for bedtime. But also, maybe set up a small fan to circulate the air.

Posted 5/5/06 5:29 PM


Member since 8/05

4987 total posts


Re: Warm weather swaddling ??

I've been swaddling DS with just his diaper. He tends to be pretty warm. I agree that the jersey Swaddle Me $ucks. DS squirms his way out so easily. We just got the miracle blanket yesterday so hoepfully that will be better. Now is a hard time of year because it's warm, but we haven't started turning on the AC yet. Once we have the AC on I think it won't be such a problem.

Posted 5/5/06 6:40 PM

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