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Thoughts on a weird situation?

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Member since 5/05

10278 total posts


Thoughts on a weird situation?

While I was out earlier, I ran into a busybody neighbor. Busybody starts rambling and she said, "Have you seen the kids in apt ZZZ? They're fecking enormous, and overfeeding them is child abuse. I am going to call the childrens svcs dept on the parents."

I told her I was in a hurry and couldn't stay and chat with her. I was shocked.

I have seen the kids she was talking about, and the whole family (a boy, a girl and the parents) is obese. I don't speak to them other than passing hellos, so I really have no idea if they are overweight b/c of a medical condition, a genetic thing, or whatever the case may be.

Do you think there will be consequences for that family if Busybody reports them for abusing their kids for "overfeeding"?

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Posted 12/20/05 3:10 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

14279 total posts


Re: Thoughts on a weird situation?

I wonder...

I think that ACS is SO swamped with cases that it would be very low priority. I have been involved in reporting educational neglect and I also reported a parent who beat the crap out of her kid in front of me during parent conferences. Nothing was ever done. Though that was the late 90s. I don't know if ACS has stepped up more but they are still overwhelmed.

Posted 12/20/05 3:16 PM

is not the girl you knew

Member since 5/05

14266 total posts


Re: Thoughts on a weird situation?

yikes i dont know... it seems like almost gentic.

i think they should worry more about UNERfed kids than OVER fed though

Posted 12/20/05 3:17 PM


Member since 5/05

10278 total posts


Re: Thoughts on a weird situation?

I'm sorry the nothing was ever done about the parents you reported, MrsProfessor. Chat Icon I'm sure you're right.There are more severe situations out there to be taken care of first.

Posted 12/20/05 3:19 PM

Daylight savings :)

Member since 5/05

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Re: Thoughts on a weird situation?

There is a huge problem with childhood obesity in our country and I think it is more complicated than parents overfeeding their children. Obesity seems to outrage certain people, but I certainly wouldn't put having obese children in the same category as physically abusing them. I don't think anything will come of it, if she does choose to report it.

Posted 12/20/05 3:28 PM

Big sister!!!!!!!!!!

Member since 12/05

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Re: Thoughts on a weird situation?

I am a social worker and I can tell u that this would be very low priority on the list unless there was specific abuse. They can go check out this case but in the end it does look like genetics. There isnt a law about putting children on diets. Do the kids look happy? Do the parents seem crazy? There has to be more then the outside appearance to this nosy neighbor. If u think there is a problem, i would call. if not, I would avoid this neighbor so u dont become part of it.

Posted 12/20/05 3:28 PM

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