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Dear LIF, its me Princessmaris

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Family of 5!

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Dear LIF, its me Princessmaris


Message edited 6/5/2006 9:09:15 AM.

Posted 6/3/06 10:06 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Dear LIF, its me Princessmaris

Why is it that this woman always thinks she knows your son better than you do??

This woman is something else...It couldn't have been ANYTHING that she did, right?Chat Icon

Sorry that she's annoying you once again...Chat Icon

Posted 6/3/06 10:24 AM

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Re: Dear LIF, its me Princessmaris

I say you deal with her just you deal with any toddler. Tell her that's his schedule. You're sticking to the schedule.

No one knows your son better than you. Chat Icon

Posted 6/3/06 10:31 AM

My Everything

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Re: Dear LIF, its me Princessmaris

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I'm mad for you. That would drive me up a wall. All I have to hear from my mom is that her teeth are bothering her, that seems to be the answer for everything. Meanwhile she has no teeth and really isn't teething.
No way could I deal with all you have to deal with. That one things drives me up a wall sometimes.

Posted 6/3/06 10:42 AM


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Re: Dear LIF, its me Princessmaris

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She is a real piece of work this lady.. WOW. Thats all I can say.. WOW.. Chat Icon

Posted 6/3/06 11:09 AM


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Tracey - brideinapril

Re: Dear LIF, its me Princessmaris

Wow, what a nut job. I could never deal with having a MIL like that!!!! Chat Icon I feel so bad for you that you have to put up with this cr*p!

Posted 6/3/06 12:08 PM


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Re: Dear LIF, its me Princessmaris

My sister is like this. I sometime refuse to answer the phone when she calls/

Posted 6/3/06 12:32 PM

I'm two!

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Re: Dear LIF, its me Princessmaris

My ILs were visiting over Memorial Day, and the first day that MIL is here she sees that Jackson is the tiniest bit fussy after just finishing his bottle, so she starts heating up another one. I said, "um, what are you doing? Are you heating up another bottle?" so she says, "yes, he's still hungry". Uh, first of all, who's son is he? Mine, right? How about asking me if it's ok to feed him another bottle? Second of all, he WASN'T hungry - I think I should know. So I say, "no, he's not hungry" and she says, "yes, he is" Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

My blood just boiled. I was sooo tempted to say, "W T F lady, who the heLL are you to just show up and tell me that MY son is hungry when I'VE been the one feeding him for 3 weeks????"

Anyway, turns out Jackson was a little fussy because he had the biggest LOAD in his diaper!!!! I found this out when I took him from FIL (who had been holding him all this time). I guess his sense of smell isn't too good Chat Icon

If these people lived close by, I don't know what I'd do. I'm so sorry you have a bossy MIL! I just couldn't deal with that every week Chat Icon

Posted 6/3/06 1:20 PM


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Re: Dear LIF, its me Princessmaris

Wow!! Sorry you have to deal with this BS, but I think that you eed your hubby to step up to the plate and address some issues with his mom, why does it seem lik you are alwasy going head to head with her, it's his Mom, and I;m sure he would do better approaching her than you would do since you may feel uncomfortable. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/3/06 2:16 PM


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Re: Dear LIF, its me Princessmaris

Some people always think they know your child better than you. Just stick to your guns! You're his mommy, you know him better than anyone. She should follow the schedule you set up whether its at your house or hers.

I'm sorry you are dealing with this. Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/3/06 2:27 PM

LIF Adolescent

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Re: Dear LIF, its me Princessmaris

Wow. I'm getting stressed just reading this. Sorry you have to deal with these people...Chat Icon

Posted 6/3/06 2:38 PM


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Re: Dear LIF, its me Princessmaris

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Posted 6/3/06 2:46 PM

Family of 5!

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<3 Mommy <3

Re: Dear LIF, its me Princessmaris

Anniegrl thanks for the story- it comforts me to know... Im not the only one..... totally sounds like something my MIL would do...

Emilian- DH could see it was driving me nuts, so he took the baby and said "lets go".... for him to actually confront her though- he dosent understand why I just dont ignore her.... He understands why it bothers me.... but his feeling is.... why fight with her.... when I can just ignore her, and in the end... I am the mother, and I make the rules.... He just dosent understand....They have had words a few times and he feels what more can he say- she hasnt listened before... so why would things change?

I just feel so robbed.... There have been so many many incidents (ones Ive never even posted about.... thanks Stef Chat Icon ) that instead of enjoying my son, she has made me miserable.... I feel like there has been so many moments... she has truely ruined for me....Chat Icon

Message edited 6/3/2006 4:40:01 PM.

Posted 6/3/06 3:19 PM


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Re: Dear LIF, its me Princessmaris

I'm so sorry you have to deal with this.Chat Icon
Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/3/06 3:41 PM

LIF Adult

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Re: Dear LIF, its me Princessmaris

Honestly, I would get a new daycare situation and NOT drop my son of for alone time. I would not allow anyone to overrule the way I am raising my child..nor would I allow anyone to make me feel bad about his/her bedtime. This is just plain mean and uncalled for. I am sorry that you are dealing with this, but if you take her out of the equation you might be much happier.

Posted 6/3/06 11:44 PM

Family of 5!

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Re: Dear LIF, its me Princessmaris

Posted by michele31

Honestly, I would get a new daycare situation and NOT drop my son of for alone time. I would not allow anyone to overrule the way I am raising my child..nor would I allow anyone to make me feel bad about his/her bedtime. This is just plain mean and uncalled for. I am sorry that you are dealing with this, but if you take her out of the equation you might be much happier.

I wish it was this easy... but she is his I cant write her off....

As far as daycare.... it would be so easy for me to say good-bye and just let me mom watching him all 5 mornings.... BUT- then I have to see my MIL...

She demands she sees him at least 3xs/ week.... I dont have a say....

If I take away her babysitting time... that means shes just gonna come here... and then I have to give up my free time, and be with her!!! And god knows I dont wanna do that!

At least with her having him those few mornings... I only have to see her face... when I bring DS to see my FIL...

Posted 6/3/06 11:49 PM

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Re: Dear LIF, its me Princessmaris

I understand the daycare thing because it gives you peace of mind to have him with a relative & saves you a lot of $ too.

Why do you think you don't have a say? You have 50% of the say - the other 50% is your husband's. You've said that Ryan doesn't care if his mother sees the baby or not. You're the one making yourself crazy adhering to her demands. She may be the grandmother but that doesn't give her the right to make your life miserable.

Marissa - you're not a child. Stop letting her treat you like one.

Chat Icon

Posted 6/4/06 12:17 AM

Family of 5!

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<3 Mommy <3

Re: Dear LIF, its me Princessmaris

Posted by nrthshgrl

I understand the daycare thing because it gives you peace of mind to have him with a relative & saves you a lot of $ too.

Why do you think you don't have a say? You have 50% of the say - the other 50% is your husband's. You've said that Ryan doesn't care if his mother sees the baby or not. You're the one making yourself crazy adhering to her demands. She may be the grandmother but that doesn't give her the right to make your life miserable.

Marissa - you're not a child. Stop letting her treat you like one.

Chat Icon

You are not understanding.... I dont have a say....

She will just come here.....and call here a million times...

Posted 6/4/06 12:20 AM

boys will be boys =)

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Re: Dear LIF, its me Princessmaris

OH GOSH HOW ANNOYING IS SHE ?????????? Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

She REALLY knows how to get on a DILs bad side ! Chat Icon

Dont some MILs know how to just play nice and not be so annoying! and then she calls the next morning ?? OMG phone calls to "checkup" are the worse for me, Ive started not answering the calls sometimes Chat Icon
Answering redundant "fine fine, yes yes" questions just makes me nuts Chat Icon

You are totally in the right here and youve done nothing wrong. It seems shes trying to find something wrong with ANYTHIng you do with your son.

I hope she chills down and gives you guys some breathing room to be parents on your own Chat Icon Im sure youre doing a perfect job without her supervision.

This stirred up some "annoying MIL" feelnigs I have too as you can tell Chat Icon Chat Icon although I love her, she can be annoying sometimes too Chat Icon

Hey theyre lucky we're not the types of DILs that DO write them off and cut them off and that we do acknowledge they are grandmas and deserve that relationship...
as much as "enoough is enough" sometimes....

HUGS ! Chat Icon

I hope I made sense, Im babbling its late..Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/4/06 1:22 AM

My love.

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Re: Dear LIF, its me Princessmaris

ugh - that would make me nuts. I think you need to politely suggest that if she can't follow your rules, you can't bring your son over unattended - period.

Posted 6/4/06 3:38 PM

I love my Katie Bug

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Re: Dear LIF, its me Princessmaris

I dont have much advice but Im so sorry about your MIL ...UGH!!Chat Icon

Posted 6/4/06 3:51 PM

She's my dancing queen!

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Re: Dear LIF, its me Princessmaris

Isn't is wonderful how other people think they know how to raise YOUR baby better than you and that they know YOUR baby better than you???? Chat Icon I'd have some unkind words to say to her if I were you!

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/4/06 4:30 PM

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