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My last day of work was today!

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Spring Baby06
My two loves

Member since 5/05

3612 total posts


My last day of work was today!

And I had to leave early. I was up all night in the bathroom and have not stopped going since. I know this could be a sign of labor approaching, or maybe I just have some sort of stomach bug. I'm running a slight fever, and started contracting. They were regular for a while, about 5-8 mintues apart for about 45 minutes, then they tappered off. I am going to see how the night goes, I just don't want to spend it in the bathroom again.Chat Icon I was 50% effaced as of Monday.

I am very excited to meet this little girl, but a part of me is hoping she'll wait at least a week. I purposely stopped working 2 weeks before my EDD to take some time and relax. I feel guilty and horrible for saying this but I just need some rest....

Thanks for listening...

Posted 3/24/06 7:43 PM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

My Beautiful Babies

Member since 5/05

2073 total posts


Re: My last day of work was today!

Jill I hope for your sake she does wait another week. It would be so nice to get some rest and personal time.. don't feel bad for feeling that way. I hope you feel better soon and there is a stomach bug going around so drink lots of fluids and get some rest.Chat Icon

Posted 3/24/06 7:57 PM

I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05

11357 total posts


Re: My last day of work was today!

Congrats on finishing work and I hope you're feeling better!

Posted 3/24/06 9:35 PM

Growing up soo fast..

Member since 1/06

14917 total posts


Re: My last day of work was today!

I hope you are feeling better and congrats on your last day of work. try to get some relaxing in now!!

Posted 3/24/06 10:14 PM

2 Girls For Me!

Member since 5/05

4377 total posts


Re: My last day of work was today!

Congrats Jillian!!

Enjoy these next few days - hopefully the baby will give you at least a few days of rest.

Its a beautiful experience and your little girl will be here soon.

My best advice to you is SLEEP SLEEP SLEEP - and rest up all you can.

Good LUck and can't wait to hear about your birth story and see some pics!Chat Icon

Posted 3/25/06 8:00 AM

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