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Who BF without a pump??

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me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Who BF without a pump??

This is my plan....for now since $$ is kind of tight and I'm not sure renting a pump will fit into our budget right away....maybe when I go back to work.

I'm a little sad because I'd love for DH to help in feeding her and I'd love the break....but....we can't.

Posted 1/4/06 4:17 PM
Long Island Weddings
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My munchkins

Member since 5/05

5010 total posts


Re: Who BF without a pump??

why dont you just get the advent isis hand one its only $44,

heres the linkpump

also i read in the Johnson and Johnson book if you dont have a pump you can pump manually by hand, its time consuming but once milk comes in it doesnt take long. Thats another option if you want dh to eventually feed her.

Posted 1/4/06 4:22 PM

Two ladies and a gentleman!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Who BF without a pump??

I did, well sort of. I always gave one bottle of formula a day--overnight, so DH could do it. Then I did end up getting a pump; it was the Medela single electric and it was only $75, so maybe that's a more budget-friendly option. In the end, I didn't like pumping one bit, so I barely used it.

A couple of friends recommended to me to hold off on the pump until you know what your situation will be, so that should work out well for you. Also, I'm not sure how much of a break pumping will be since when you're not feeding, you're pumping! At least in the beginning!! Chat Icon

Posted 1/4/06 4:33 PM

3 babies for me :)

Member since 5/05

6683 total posts


Re: Who BF without a pump??

I was going to recommend the Isis, I really liked mine. I used it while we lived in Ireland because of the voltage difference I didn't want to spend money on an electric one for 2 months. It works great, and its is handy for pumping once a day or even twice a day.

Message edited 1/4/2006 4:43:18 PM.

Posted 1/4/06 4:43 PM

Happy Birthday baby girl!!

Member since 5/05

1663 total posts


Re: Who BF without a pump??

I never pumped...I also gave her about 2 bottles formula.

Posted 1/4/06 4:44 PM

My girls

Member since 7/05

4303 total posts


Re: Who BF without a pump??

I'm on month 9 of exclusive breastfeeding. I got a pump free from our medical insurance (an option to look into) but my daughter never would take a bottle so I haven't used it. There is plenty DH can help with besides feeding!!!

Posted 1/4/06 4:49 PM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Re: Who BF without a pump??

I've heard the hand pumps hurt or are a pain in the butt....

is this true?

Posted 1/4/06 4:50 PM

My munchkins

Member since 5/05

5010 total posts


Re: Who BF without a pump??

ive read that the hand pump is the closest to the actual baby since you control the pumping. I cant say if it hurts as I havent done it yet but based upon what I read i havent heard it hurts. only heard the first two weeks can be hard expecially if the baby doesnt latch properly and then you have to worry about being swollen that would make sense to why pumping would hurt but you can condition the nipple before you give birth by putting on the nursing cream once a day. BBB had a whole bunch of samples Ive been using so we will see if it works.

Posted 1/4/06 4:55 PM

Dad you finally did it!!!

Member since 10/05

1714 total posts


Re: Who BF without a pump??

It really isn't that bad with the hand pump! I Bf my daughter and yes of course until your b**b* are used to it even nursing can be sore but I used a cheap hand pump and it was ok. It took a little getting used to but I got the hang of it. It came with little plastic containers like bottles to store the bm in. I think if you only wanted to do it hear and there maybe like once a day you would be fine. Possibly even get into the habit of having dh give a bottle at nighttime and while he's feeding you pump for the next night. Then he gets his chance to feed as well. Hope this helps. Any questions I'm always here!!

Message edited 1/4/2006 5:12:30 PM.

Posted 1/4/06 5:11 PM

3 babies for me :)

Member since 5/05

6683 total posts


Re: Who BF without a pump??

Posted by btrflygrl

I've heard the hand pumps hurt or are a pain in the butt....

is this true?

The only time I experienced discomfort was if I was really engorged, otherwise it wasn't painful.

Posted 1/4/06 5:30 PM

Two in Blue

Member since 5/05

20223 total posts


Re: Who BF without a pump??

Why don't you register for one then maybe you'll get it anyway

Posted 1/4/06 5:46 PM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

20541 total posts


Re: Who BF without a pump??

Posted by melijane

Why don't you register for one then maybe you'll get it anyway

Today is her due date so that won't work.

I think you'll be fine without a pump as long as you are willing to do the feedings which I think in the beginning you will be. I know I was totally into doing everything for my daughter in the beginning so even though I was exhausted I didn't mind the wake ups.

Down the road though you might want to at least look into the Medeal single electric pump. This is what all of my friend who have good milk supplies use. They just pump when they need to and it works fine. I unfortumately am still having to rent a hospital grade pump.

Posted 1/4/06 6:52 PM

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