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Another stroller question

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LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

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Another stroller question

My son is still in the infant seat with and I use a snap and go for it. I just recently purchased the Peg Perego Pliko 3. After reading a lot of the posts lately, I am wondering if this was the right way to go. Is this a stroller that I am going to use for long walks as well as in the mall. Lately I have been noticing a lot of people with the Maclaren. Does anyone know the differences between the two? I have not opened the box for the Peg Perego yet. Does anyone have the Peg? Can you tell me your thoughts on it. Also, should I be getting another stroller for the times we go on long walks. Thanks a million.

Posted 3/21/06 11:50 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Another stroller question

We have the Peg and we love it. It's great for outdoors or in. It folds easily and it's lightweight too. The hood is also great because it will totally cover your child (if sitting upright) which is great when it's windy. One of the best things is that it has no weight limit so as long as your child wants to use it, it will accomodate him. We looked at the Maclarens but didn't like them as much.

Posted 3/21/06 12:42 PM

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Member since 12/05

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Re: Another stroller question

I have the Pliko 3 and we just started putting Bella in it without the infant seat and she is loving it. I love that it gives her xtra support and it is so lightweight and easy to use.

I also have the Maclaren stroller for when she gets older and is more mobile (maybe next winter)

I just love the Pliko and will use it until I can't anymore...

ETA: we took a long walk with Bella on the beach last weekend and it was great!

Message edited 3/21/2006 1:10:08 PM.

Posted 3/21/06 1:09 PM

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