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How can you get a baby's body to relax

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I love my DS!!!

Member since 5/05

9340 total posts


How can you get a baby's body to relax

DS is constantly moving his arms and legs. It makes it difficult for me to tell when he is tired. The only thing he does is yawn but he always does that. His body is still in active mode.

When he falls asleep for his catnap his body will finally relax but it takes a while and then it will seem like he is sleeping soundly but then he starts twitching and moving and being restless. I don't think that he is getting restful sleep and I don't know what else to do. At his feedings he is now becoming restless too and you can see he is tired cuz he starts falling asleep at the bottle but then you take the bottle away and he is up again. He'll get cranky but he won't settle down.

Last night was a horror...He got up at 1/2 am and was restless and turning and turning and then at 3 I had to give him a bottle...after that he would not go back to sleep until 4 but again the whole two hours that he slept after that was spent tossing and turning.

Do you think being in bed with us may have something to do with it??? We've tried a nap in his crib a few times but again they last very short. We don't know what else to do because now the nights aren't as good as the day. The ony time he sleeps well is when he goes to bed for like the first 3 or 4 hours after that it's tossing and turning. I dont' know what else to do...

Posted 9/4/06 10:08 AM
Long Island Weddings
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me and baby #3!

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Re: How can you get a baby's body to relax

how does he respond to swaddling?

at 3-4 months of age being able to move their arms and legs is newfound excitement and they are learning to control it. It'll take some time.

I'm not sure why babies are so restless....DD is 8 months old and squirms all over her crib in her sleep. She usually ends up sleeping agains one end of the crib curled up into a ball!

Posted 9/4/06 10:11 AM

Chase is one!

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Re: How can you get a baby's body to relax

Ava tosses and turns in her sleep A LOT. I've gotten used to it, JT has not. He was up from 4:30am this morning because she was tossign and turning in her sleep and he was afraid she was going to wake up, so he couldn't sleep. She is in her crib next to our bed, so I guess it's easier for me to ignore it than if she were sleeping in my bed, but as long as his eyes are closed, I'd just let him be. Babies can be fussy in their sleep. It's pretty common.

Posted 9/4/06 10:12 AM

I love my DS!!!

Member since 5/05

9340 total posts


Re: How can you get a baby's body to relax

Does it ever get better?

Should I even call the doctor?

Posted 9/4/06 10:14 AM

Chase is one!

Member since 5/05

27530 total posts


Re: How can you get a baby's body to relax

I'm confused, why would you call the doctor?

Posted 9/4/06 10:16 AM

I love my DS!!!

Member since 5/05

9340 total posts


Re: How can you get a baby's body to relax

Posted by prncssrachel

I'm confused, why would you call the doctor?

Maybe there is a medical problem as to why he can't sleep well? I don't know...

Right now I can't get him down for a nap...

Posted 9/4/06 10:45 AM


Member since 6/05

15144 total posts


Re: How can you get a baby's body to relax

DS moves around his entire crib. I also noticed when we switched him from his bassinet to his crib he slept alot better. Maybe he is not comfortable sleeping in your bed anymore. I would try to switch him to his crib for a few nights to see what happens. My DS isn't the greatest napper durning the day but I dont mind because he does sleep through the night. One thing that does bother my DH but I learned to ingore is that when DS is about to fall asleep or is already asleep sometimes, he lifts both legs all the way up in the air and then slams them down. He shakes the crib and DH is worried he will get hurt but doing this I think is his way of putting him to sleep.

ETA: Up until DS was 3 months old he would twich in his sleep, he wouldnt wake up but again that changed once he was in the crib.

Message edited 9/5/2006 8:29:52 AM.

Posted 9/5/06 8:28 AM


Member since 5/05

2423 total posts


Re: How can you get a baby's body to relax

At his feedings he is now becoming restless too and you can see he is tired cuz he starts falling asleep at the bottle but then you take the bottle away and he is up again. He'll get cranky but he won't settle down.

hannah was doing this and we changed her nipple on her bottle to a faster flow. now she drinks much faster and much more. the poor thing was trying so hard to s uck that she would fall asleep without drinking alot. she was very fussy at feedings too.

as for sleep..i would try the swaddle. we bought the miracle blanket from BBB and it helped alot. unfortunately with hannah's reflux we now have her sleeping upright in her bouncer chair, so we cant use the swaddle. good luck!Chat Icon

Posted 9/5/06 11:44 AM

where's winter?

Member since 11/05

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Re: How can you get a baby's body to relax

Message edited 2/8/2007 3:09:07 PM.

Posted 9/5/06 11:55 AM


Member since 5/05

11165 total posts


Re: How can you get a baby's body to relax

Posted by Seles81

I also noticed when we switched him from his bassinet to his crib he slept alot better. My DS isn't the greatest napper durning the day but I dont mind because he does sleep through the night. One thing that does bother my DH but I learned to ingore is that when DS is about to fall asleep or is already asleep sometimes, he lifts both legs all the way up in the air and then slams them down.

My DD does the same exact thing. DD is a squirmy worm, and I even sometimes moans and cries in her sleep. We NEVEr go to her unless her eyes are open, that's how we know she's really up and upset.

Posted 9/5/06 12:06 PM

I love my DS!!!

Member since 5/05

9340 total posts


Re: How can you get a baby's body to relax

Posted by anon

DD behaves like this as well. she has her good and bad days/nights and with time is becomes less and less.

last night she was up at 12:00, 3:00, 5:00 twitching uncontrollably. she had gas and was uncomfortable (as soon as i picked her up she let them rip). i have noticed when this happens if i place her on her side or tummy it sometimes helps. if it doesn't i just hold her a bit until it passes...

i'm heading to the dr.'s today for a weight check and will ask if placing her on side or tummy like this for night sleeping is okay. i do it for naps all the time, but up until this point have been reluctant to do it at night. we just introduced formula as well and i am wondering if the milk-based is given her more problems than the soy-based.

you are not alone...

I wonder if it's gas too...cuz he rips them as well. But he is not complaining about being in any kind of pain.

We tried the crib and he screamed his head off and DH said he would listen to him screaming his head off...

Posted 9/5/06 8:13 PM

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