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moms of toddlers...

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LIF Adolescent

Member since 4/06

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moms of toddlers...

What time do your kids nap and how long? (It seems like it really cuts my day in half when I'm out and have to get home for the nap.)

Also... Are you having any luck with brushing their teeth? Can you share any tips? (DD is still biting and playing with the toothbrush.)

Thanks!Chat Icon

Posted 5/16/06 10:47 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Mom of 2 Boys

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Re: moms of toddlers...

Kevin is 15 months and he pretty much just started on one nap and typically it is in the 12-2 range - anywhere from an hour to two hours. It really depends what time he decides to wake up and how much he wokeup during the night. He has been waking up 7:30ish and goes to bed at 9ish. If we are out and about then he may take more than one nap but they usually don't total more than 1.5-2.5 in a day.

AS far as brushing teeth, it is still a new concept for him since he didn't get a tooth until he was 13.5 months old. He still only has the front 4 - he lets me brush then very quickly before he takes over whichi s mostly biting and sucking on the brush. I have been singing a silly song to him and brush my teeth at the same time and he tries to imitate but I know he isn't doing a great job - but figured better than not brushing.

Posted 5/16/06 10:53 AM

I'm getting old

Member since 5/05

8688 total posts


Re: moms of toddlers...

Emma stopped napping at about 20 months. Jeremy still takes 1 nap a day ususally around 3 and its usually for 2-3 hours. It does break up the day but I in no way schedule what I have to do around it...

When Iw as teaching Emma how to brush her teeth I would brush hers THEN let her try it herself.

Posted 5/16/06 10:54 AM


Member since 5/05

1889 total posts


Re: moms of toddlers...

Jenna still takes 2 naps a day (she's almost 21 months)-she really is a good sleeper. She takes a morning nap from 11-1 and an afternoon nap from 4-6 and she goes to be at 8:30! But I don't schedule my day by these naps-if we have something to do she can miss one or the other and still be fine.

As far as toothbrushing-someone suggested I "pretend" to look for stuff in her mouth so I can brush her teeth. So I pretend that Elmo is in the back of her mouth and we sing "Elmo's World" and she lets me brush them.

Message edited 5/16/2006 11:37:15 AM.

Posted 5/16/06 11:36 AM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

57538 total posts


Re: moms of toddlers...

Maddie (from aged 2-3yrs old) takes 1 nap after lunch. From 1-2yrs old, she took at 10am & a 1pm nap.

I suggested awhile back about looking for characters in their mouth. THings like "Barney is making cavities in your teeth...or who is hiding behind your incisor, etc. I'll try to find the post about tips I posted.

etd. IrishTracy also suggested on the post to get an electric toothbrush (I bought that too). I think that helped as well.

Message edited 5/16/2006 11:43:04 AM.

Posted 5/16/06 11:40 AM

My Loves

Member since 5/05

4852 total posts


Re: moms of toddlers...

Jake is 18 months old and he still takes 2 naps a day (usually). One is from 10:00-12:00 and then if we are home he willn ap again from 3:00-4:00. If we are out, he will skip this nap.

As far as brushing his 6 teeth, I try, but he fights me on it and just wants to play with the tooth brushChat Icon

Posted 5/16/06 11:41 AM


Member since 5/05

1889 total posts


Re: moms of toddlers...

Posted by nrthshgrl

Maddie (from aged 2-3yrs old) takes 1 nap after lunch. From 1-2yrs old, she took at 10am & a 1pm nap.

I suggested awhile back about looking for characters in their mouth. THings like "Barney is making cavities in your teeth...or who is hiding behind your incisor, etc. I'll try to find the post about tips I posted.

etd. IrishTracy also suggested on the post to get an electric toothbrush (I bought that too). I think that helped as well.

I knew I got it from someone here-thanks for the tip Barb!

Posted 5/16/06 11:47 AM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

57538 total posts


Re: moms of toddlers...

Posted by DaniRN

Posted by nrthshgrl

Maddie (from aged 2-3yrs old) takes 1 nap after lunch. From 1-2yrs old, she took at 10am & a 1pm nap.

I suggested awhile back about looking for characters in their mouth. THings like "Barney is making cavities in your teeth...or who is hiding behind your incisor, etc. I'll try to find the post about tips I posted.

etd. IrishTracy also suggested on the post to get an electric toothbrush (I bought that too). I think that helped as well.

I knew I got it from someone here-thanks for the tip Barb!

I didn't see your post..Chat Icon.. Glad it's working!

Posted 5/16/06 12:00 PM

Straight up nasty

Member since 5/05

7740 total posts


Re: moms of toddlers...

Amber sleeps from about 1:00 to 3:00 depending on the day - if it's a real busy day, she won't nap at all but crash real early - 8:00 or so (because I work late, she typically doesn't go to bed until 10:30 because she wants to see MommyChat Icon ).

The toothbrush thing is getting frustrating. She wants to s u c k off the toothpaste. I have tried to have her watch me brush and then let her brush her own and have tried the games but nothing budging. I'm so afaid her teeth will be in poor shapeChat Icon

Posted 5/16/06 12:05 PM

5 weeks till I'm a big sister

Member since 5/05

2642 total posts


Re: moms of toddlers...

Marissa will nap for 1 to 2 hours depends on what time she gets up in the morning and how active her day is. she will take a nap later in the day as well for an hour if we are out and about she will fall asleep in the car so I usually take my umbrella stroller with me so I can still do things if she is napping.

As far as the brushing of the teeth I will put some toothpast on the toothbrush and tell her to open she does and she will let me brush them but she does play while I do it she bites on the toothbrush and all but I do get it done takes me a while but it does get done.

Message edited 5/16/2006 1:45:50 PM.

Posted 5/16/06 1:41 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 4/06

606 total posts


Re: moms of toddlers...

Thanks everyone, that was helpful.Chat Icon

Posted 5/16/06 1:44 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

4189 total posts


Re: moms of toddlers...

Jack still takes 2 naps...9:30-11:30 and then about 2-3:30. I've got a good tooth brusher on my hands. He asks to brush his teeth! But I know that he is not doing the best job, so while he is in the tub we usually wipe his teeth with the facecloth and then follow up with brushing. The Little Bear toothpaste also helps!

Posted 5/16/06 2:17 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

906 total posts


Re: moms of toddlers...

Gabriella was down to one 2-4 hour nap by 11-12 months.

By 24 months, she gave up naps unless she gets up early. Early in this house is 8AM.

I'm back to two naps with Gianni though.Chat Icon I hate two naps a day and always loved once we got down to one.

Posted 5/16/06 2:47 PM


Member since 5/05

2314 total posts


Re: moms of toddlers...

Claire is 17 months old and now takes one nap around 12:30 for 1.5-3 hours. She is not an easy sleeper, so I do try to plan the day around her nap BUT sometimes we just wing it and she sleeps in the car or just goes to bed earlier that night.

As for brushing her teeth, she just plays with the toothbrush and does not want me to help. I did get her a big bird electric one and that has her more interested. After reading the responses Im going to try looking for Elmo in there! LOL

Posted 5/16/06 3:41 PM

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