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Member since 5/05 8369 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Yet another breast milk question....
I am just pumping and bottle feeding- I am pumping way more than she eats. I feel like I am freezing more then I could ever possibly use!
How do you freeze yours- how many ounces in each bag? Some people I ask say they put only enough for a bottle in each bag so it is easier when they defrost it, but I think she will probably be eating more by then.
Any tips? What do you do?
Posted 12/9/05 6:46 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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My Everything

Member since 5/05 20541 total posts
Re: Yet another breast milk question....
I don't get enough milk to freeze but I would think you could fill up a bag, how big are they? 8oz? I mean she'll eat more than 8oz in a day when you go back to work.
Posted 12/9/05 6:50 PM |
The man of my dreams...

Member since 5/05 1706 total posts
Name: Danielle
Re: Yet another breast milk question....
Actually I think they say to freeze in smaller quantites because once you thaw it that's it - I've made 6oz bottles and he's only taken 3 or 4oz of it and the rest is wasted. Now when I pump I usually only make a 3 or 4 oz bottle (or bag)
Posted 12/9/05 7:05 PM |
My Everything

Member since 5/05 20541 total posts
Re: Yet another breast milk question....
Posted by jcndd
Actually I think they say to freeze in smaller quantites because once you thaw it that's it - I've made 6oz bottles and he's only taken 3 or 4oz of it and the rest is wasted. Now when I pump I usually only make a 3 or 4 oz bottle (or bag)
You can't thaw and refrigerate at all? Not even for a day if you thaw it in the fridge?
Posted 12/9/05 7:06 PM |
Member since 5/05 4457 total posts
Name: Mama
Re: Yet another breast milk question....
no, you can thaw it then refrigerate it, but you have to use it within 8 hrs. I store mine in 3 oz bags.
if yu put 6 oz in a bottle and ge only eats 2 then the rest of what is in the bottle is contaminated and you can't save it, that is why we use 3 oz at a time, its liquid gold, no time for waste over here!
Message edited 12/9/2005 8:11:08 PM.
Posted 12/9/05 7:48 PM |
My boys

Member since 5/05 4380 total posts
Name: Beth
Re: Yet another breast milk question....
Posted by monkeybride
Posted by jcndd
Actually I think they say to freeze in smaller quantites because once you thaw it that's it - I've made 6oz bottles and he's only taken 3 or 4oz of it and the rest is wasted. Now when I pump I usually only make a 3 or 4 oz bottle (or bag)
You can't thaw and refrigerate at all? Not even for a day if you thaw it in the fridge?
One of my many BFing pamphlet/books say you can freeze it, thaw it in the fridge and it should be used within 24 hours. I've done this and everything was fine .
Posted 12/9/05 8:09 PM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 5/05 538 total posts
Name: CarrieAnn
Re: Yet another breast milk question....
I would freeze in 3 or 4 oz portions...
don't will all get used!! I had a stock pile for a while, which was great b/c I could go out, leave the baby with daddy and I never felt rushed b/c there was always food in the freezer if need be...
Posted 12/9/05 8:16 PM |
It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05 57538 total posts
Re: Yet another breast milk question....
One tip (other than the smaller quantities in a bag) is to get yourself a container for the freezer - and lay it as flat as possible. In the beginning I wasn't filling the bags as much & they froze in odd shapes making it harder to freeze long term.
Also - keep in mind that the BM you're producing now has the exact nutrients she needs at this stage of her development - not necessarily 3 months down the line.
I'm also assuming you know that you can mix different bags to make a full bottle...
The worse was learning that a daycare I had Joseph in when he was a baby would feed him an ounce or two thinking he was hungry & let him fall asleep - they'd toss the other 6 ounces because they didn't want to keep him awake to finish! You understand the expression "crying over spilt milk" more than ever once you've pumped.
Posted 12/9/05 9:47 PM |
Mommy to 2 boys!
Member since 5/05 4565 total posts
Re: Yet another breast milk question....
I would freeze 3-4 oz.
That's so awesome that you are gettting so much from pumping. Good for you!
Posted 12/9/05 9:58 PM |