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Does anyone have any of these breed of dogs?

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LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

3353 total posts


Does anyone have any of these breed of dogs?

I want a puppy, I would like to get a
DH wants a lab or pitbull any input would be great

Posted 4/15/06 10:27 PM
Long Island Weddings
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is not the girl you knew

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Re: Does anyone have any of these breed of dogs?

Posted by Pumpkin

I want a puppy, I would like to get a
DH wants a lab or pitbull any input would be great

pugs= i dont know too much about, but have only seen/heard good thigns
"puggle"= designer breed aka mutt, total fad, do not recomend..... unless you rescue one
beagle= dont knwo too much, bnut they are howlers, so be prepared!
bulldog= do you want american, english or french???

as per your Dh: i have a lab/pitbull mix. he is AWESOME. we adopted him from NSAL. if you want one of them you should DEF try NSAL they are FILLED with them.
great family pets. i plan to adopt a pitbull form a shelter when we have the space.

good luck!

Posted 4/16/06 12:09 AM

I need a nap!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Does anyone have any of these breed of dogs?

Pugs can also have breathing problems, which is one reason why they snort Chat Icon which can be adorable or annoying.
Beagles are very vocalChat Icon
There is an abundance of pitbull mixes in the shelters. Don't let the name fool you!

Posted 4/16/06 8:15 AM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Does anyone have any of these breed of dogs?

I rescued a puggle (aka pug-beagle mix) and he's turned into a wonderful dog. I found him on He has traits of both the pugs and beagles which is great at times and frustrating at others

Posted 4/16/06 8:38 AM

Hope is Contagious....catch it

Member since 5/05

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Re: Does anyone have any of these breed of dogs?

what a about a Bull Terrier, we have one, and he is a GREAT family dog, and so sweetChat Icon

Posted 4/16/06 8:40 AM

I love my boys!!

Member since 5/05

8044 total posts


Re: Does anyone have any of these breed of dogs?

When you are ready try doing a search on . Please rescue a dog. If that doesn't work, go to a reputable breeder only. Not a Backyard breeder or pet shop.

Good luck

Posted 4/16/06 9:19 AM

My Heart and Soul

Member since 5/05

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Re: Does anyone have any of these breed of dogs?

I have a pug also belong to a pug rescue group PPRA precious pug rescue and adoption


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Posted 4/17/06 9:17 AM


Member since 1/06

9758 total posts


Re: Does anyone have any of these breed of dogs?

This is a very good site for a breed overview:


I had a pug and that describes her exactly. Especially the part about having a "multitude of health problems" Chat Icon

ETA: Try this link too.

Message edited 4/17/2006 9:19:55 AM.

Posted 4/17/06 9:18 AM

Our Family is Complete

Member since 5/05

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Re: Does anyone have any of these breed of dogs?

we have 2 puggles and we love everything about them they make us smile, laugh EVERYDAY!!!! they are very smart easy to train. no health issues at all..... great mixed breed.

they have gotten a little overpriced these days but their are some on to adopt but if you want one as a puppy i can get you in incontact with the woman i got our 2 from, a little bit of a drive (VT) but soooooo worth it!!!

Posted 4/17/06 11:18 AM

Hope is Contagious....catch it

Member since 5/05

30683 total posts


Re: Does anyone have any of these breed of dogs?

Posted by dita

This is a very good site for a breed overview:


I had a pug and that describes her exactly. Especially the part about having a "multitude of health problems" Chat Icon

ETA: Try this link too.

I have 2 friends who have pugs, yes they are cute, but they both had the same health problemsChat Icon

Posted 4/17/06 12:17 PM


Member since 5/05

4646 total posts


Re: Does anyone have any of these breed of dogs?

I love love love my pug!

Posted 4/17/06 2:15 PM

can hardly wait

Member since 5/05

2650 total posts


Re: Does anyone have any of these breed of dogs?

I don't know much about pugs/puggles/beagles (except Snoopy Chat Icon ), or pitbulls...but I have a labrador, he's the second one of ever owned, and may I say, it's a wonderful breed. they are really smart, almost too smart--they can be tricksters, and goofballs, but they are extremely loyal and loving...I know there's an organization on long island, long island labrador rescue...they adopt labs out to people, or you can foster a dog-that might be nice if your not sure what kind of dog you're looking for....

Posted 4/17/06 2:31 PM


Member since 5/05

4646 total posts


Re: Does anyone have any of these breed of dogs?

Posted by Diane

Posted by dita

This is a very good site for a breed overview:


I had a pug and that describes her exactly. Especially the part about having a "multitude of health problems" Chat Icon

ETA: Try this link too.

I have 2 friends who have pugs, yes they are cute, but they both had the same health problemsChat Icon

Chat Icon

Posted 4/17/06 2:43 PM

Love my sailor

Member since 6/05

5793 total posts


Re: Does anyone have any of these breed of dogs?

i have heard english bulldogs are prone to depression if they are seprated too long. They are also very mich indoor dogs like a lot of smaller breeds. If you're into hiking than a bulldog may not be hardy enough, they overheat easily.

Posted 4/17/06 8:09 PM

You Live, You Learn

Member since 5/05

31871 total posts


Re: Does anyone have any of these breed of dogs?

Posted by Pumpkin

I want a puppy, I would like to get a
DH wants a lab or pitbull any input would be great

i LOVE the Pug is just soooooo adorable...

And as some have mentioned about some issues...i think all dogs come with their issues...

A lab is a great dog as well

Pitbull....well i just can't stand them

Posted 4/17/06 8:11 PM

True love

Member since 6/05

12653 total posts


Re: Does anyone have any of these breed of dogs?

I don't know if you would consider other breeds than those you mentioned, but if you want a small dog, I would highly recommend a Havanese. Our 2 are amazing. They are small (10-15 pounds), hypoallergenic, and non shedding. They are just the sweetest, cutest, kindest dogs and are very smart.

Good luck on your searchChat Icon

Posted 4/18/06 5:39 PM

He's here!!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Does anyone have any of these breed of dogs?

we have a black lab and he is great (almost!) he's very smart and wants to please us soo bad, but he is very stubborn at the same time. it took a while to housetrain him and he 'steals' alot! i tell him a 1000 times a day to not take a sneaker, or hat or anything he can get his little paws on and he just keeps doing it, i think it's a game b/c he runs into whatever room i'm in to show me he got it. but he doesn't chew it up or anything so thats good.

Posted 4/18/06 6:26 PM

Such a Big Boy!

Member since 1/06

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Re: Does anyone have any of these breed of dogs?

I have 2 pitbulls. I've owned German Shepards, mix breeds and a Shiba Inu before them. I can say they are the best dogs I've ever had. They are smart, broke easy and are so loving. My little girl is all tongue. They are protective of the house, but great with everyone I bring into it. they take good training, you have to be diligent with them, but they are worth it. I will probably always own Pits or in the same family from now on. Good luck. And don't buy into the hype about how bad and terrorizing these dogs can be. I thought the same thing until I broke down and got one for my BF. We've never been happier.

Message edited 4/18/2006 6:53:15 PM.

Posted 4/18/06 6:52 PM

5 weeks till I'm a big sister

Member since 5/05

2642 total posts


Re: Does anyone have any of these breed of dogs?

I had a beagle and he was great but let me tell you he didn't bark he howled and boy did it get to you after a while he would howl at any little thing

My cousin has a pug and she is really cute and great just she snorts alot but they all do that and they even have the dog trained to use a litter box they put wee wee pads in it so at nite when my cousin is home alone she doesn't have to worry about leaving her kids in the house alone to go walk the dog.

ETS now my friend has an american Bulldog and he is big and very very hyper I have read up on english bulldogs cuz thats what I want and they are alot calmer

Message edited 4/21/2006 4:13:40 PM.

Posted 4/21/06 4:11 PM

#2 on the way!

Member since 5/05

1723 total posts


Re: Does anyone have any of these breed of dogs?

I have a beagle.. Molly really doesn't howl that much.. I mean sure on occassion.. but my mothers Weimeraner is much, much more vocal than her. My grandmother had one too and hers wasnt eitherChat Icon
Don't get me wrong she can be such a HANDFUL but the vocal thing isn't her worst trait. It would be the fact that she is a garbage disposalChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 4/22/06 10:08 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 5/05

380 total posts


Re: Does anyone have any of these breed of dogs?

I have an english Bulldog. I love him- but he is very high maintenance! FM me if you hve questions.

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Posted 4/23/06 12:18 PM

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