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Help me Teach MY MOM Not to talk to Strangers!

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boys will be boys =)

Member since 9/05

7205 total posts


Help me Teach MY MOM Not to talk to Strangers!

My parents are as sincere and giving as children.
They open their hearts (and their doors Chat Icon) to anyone Chat Icon

My parents moved from our childhood home about 3yrs ago. They live near my sister now. They love the area, but they dont know as many people obviously.

Last year some time, my mom was walking home from my sisters, and she bumped into another ITalian lady, close to the same age, so they started chatting in Italian "hey, come si va ?" where ya from, etc. SO they both were yapping for a bit and kinda said "yeah, we'll get together for coffee one day, we're paesans!"
So next part of the conversation, the lady goes "hey listen, do you need shoes for yourself or your husband?" and my mom was caught offguard, huh ? SHe goes "we really need money, my husband works at a shoe store, so if you can lend me $100, I will give you a pair of shoes or 2. I will pay you back, I live in the 3rd house on that block".
My mom just felt this was extremely awkward and said "no thanks, no thanks" and kinda cut the conversation short and went on her merry way...
Gosh, and just when you think you made a little coffee buddy Chat Icon

So thats over and done with. Now about a year later, FFWD to today.
My mom was just standing on her porch, catching a fresh breeze, theyre renovating their entire kitchen, so she's in and out of the house.
This lady comes walking by, she totally forgot about that other episode last year, and as her usual friendly warm self, she starts chatting, and the ladys like "buon giorno, come stai ? " Etc, whats your name, you live here long? ETc. and they chat for a bit and once again my mom goes "Well you know where I live, stop by for coffee any time!" Chat Icon
Well not 15 minutes later, my mom sees someone standing at her door Chat Icon
it was HER.
My mom walks over, HI, EVERYTHING OK ? COME ON IN ! Chat Icon (its not that bad, dont panic Chat Icon)
so she goes (theyre speaking Italian, so even more reason for my mom to feel comfortable with someone... or so we think! "oh yes, please, Id love to come in, thank you, IM sorry to bother you.....(huffing and puffing). You'll never beleive what just happened. I went down the block to pay my phone bill, I had $140 in my hand, cash, and these guys threw me on the floor, took my money, and Im too scared to tell my husband, if he found out, he will kill me! HE's VERY controlling and strict with me.... if you happen to have money you can lend me...I will pay you back, I live in the 3rd house...."
My mom started panicking (She panicks easily, gets tongue tied and nervous easily)...
she nicely told her "no, sorry...." and the lady soon left, no harsh words at all or hard feelings, but my poorr mom is totally freaked out, and now she's going to alert my dad since he's more trusting and giving than her.....

Chat Icon Chat Icon they move to a really nice area for their safety, and Thank God it wsnt anything worse, but what id this world coming to ? Chat Icon

Posted 8/24/06 11:25 AM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

Mommy to 2 boys!

Member since 5/05

4565 total posts


Re: Help me Teach MY MOM Not to talk to Strangers!

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon I feel so bad for your mom. What a horrible position to be put in.Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/24/06 11:34 AM

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