Help need advice about going back to work
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LIF Zygote

Member since 5/05 33 total posts
Name: Mindy
Help need advice about going back to work
Anyone have or had major anxiety about going back to work? I had an unexpected longer time to be home with my daughter. Was only planning on taking my 12 weeks until she was premature and then decided to stay this whole school year with her. I am sure it has made it harder to think about going back. I have thought of just about everything possible to try and stay home with her another year, but we probably can't afford it. The thought of September coming along makes me cry every time. I would love to find something to do from home but haven't been able to. I even thought of taking in a child to watch, but don't really know anyone who needs that right now. They called from the personnel office today and I didn't answer the phone because I am not ready to say "yes, I am coming back", even though I know it is inevitable. How did you do it? Anyone have any advice for me? I don't think I can continue to cry about it for the next three months (or should I say DH can't continue listening to me). She also requires different type of care than a full term child. She has therapy three times a week, sees many doctors and after 7 months I am still exclusively pumping breast milk. She is 7 months old and is almost tipping the scale at 8 pounds. Was also thinking about trying to collect disability because she requires different type of care. Anyone know anything about that either?
Posted 5/17/05 11:30 AM |
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Member since 5/05 2642 total posts
Name: Jennifer
Re: Help need advice about going back to work
I took the 12 weeks off and when I was ready to go back to work it was so hard to leave her home. I had called like every 1/2 hour if not more and thats no lie it got easier as time went on
Posted 5/17/05 12:52 PM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 5/05 538 total posts
Name: CarrieAnn
Re: Help need advice about going back to work
Im not sure what grade you teach, but is lining up tutoring gigs a possibility? I toyed with the idea of returning at the end of this school year, but when a collegue figured out what my daily take home was, it turned out I could make that in just a few i am now tutoring 3 days a week and bringing home close to what I would have if I was working full days.
i would chat with your union people about disability/not returning before you chat with central office...and ck. that your district will honor the idea of disability b/c not all districts subscribe to it...for example, I was given a drs. note after the initial 6 weeks and he told me to go on disability, my district doesnt do short term disability, so i had to use up my sick days instead...
I'll keep thinking for you :) ~CarrieAnn
Posted 5/17/05 9:07 PM |
Life is berry good!

Member since 5/05 1229 total posts
Name: Debbie
Re: Help need advice about going back to work
I teach also and I took a half a year off with my daughter. I went back to work on January 31st. It was so hard, my daughter was five and a half months old. I cried the entire month of January because I didn't want to go back. It was rough in the beginning, but now it really isn't bad. We have a routine and my daughter is doing wonderful. I am very fortunate to have my mother watching her. Honestly, and I can't believe I am admitting this, but being at work is easier than being home all day. It is a nice, healthy break. When I get home I love spending time with her. The vacations are extra special. I am handling work better than I expected. I too thought about watching another child or tutoring, but it wouldn't of worked. I have better benefits than my dh. Hang in there and enjoy the time you have now with your daughter.
Posted 5/17/05 9:59 PM |
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