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Repost from NWR, mom and daughter relationships

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I'm a big sister!!!

Member since 5/05

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Repost from NWR, mom and daughter relationships

I have been noticing a lot in my family and people I know that i see a lot of times that mothers and daughter have a lot of problems getting along. Thankfully i get along very well with my mom and knwo plenty of peoipe who do as well but i have been seeing it so much lately that i worry if i find out I am having a girl ( which i find out in about two hours ) how do you make sure you dont have that bad relationship? And when i say bad relationship its mostly things like if the parents are diovorced the daughter blaming the mother, the daughter thinking that the mother treats the other sibling differently, and the other sibling is not nedcessarily a brother i know a famly of thregirls whe teh oldest feel her mom tras her different form teh other two.
I know you can have problems with boys two but in all honesty i dont really knwo to many guys that have these attitudes towards their moms and the girls i know do.
Not really looking for advice for me although ill take it if you have it but more opinions and your expereince

Posted 4/17/06 7:57 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Repost from NWR, mom and daughter relationships

That is a great question. I would love the answer!

I have a great relationship with my mother too but there was a while when I didn't, mostly when I was a teenager. The thought of dd as a teenager scares me to death!
I don't know how to make sure we have a good relationship, but I am finding that being a mother is all trial and error and a ton of hoping that I am doing the right thing.

Posted 4/17/06 8:18 AM

and Dylan too!

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Re: Repost from NWR, mom and daughter relationships

I have a wonderful relationship with me mother. I don't know what I'd do without her. I can only hope that my kids like me half as much as I do my momChat Icon

Posted 4/17/06 10:23 AM

2 Girls For Me!

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Re: Repost from NWR, mom and daughter relationships

You made a great point - I am now a mother of a 7 week old baby girl and I know that it is very important to maintain a healthy relationship with your children and it starts from birth - I want to be there for my daughter always and i want to keep her feelings in mind as she grows up and remember how I was and felt at her age, I think its healthy to not only be a mother to your daughter but a friend - and often times i think problems arise (at least some) because mothers don't always speak to their children on a one - to - one level they often speak down to them - Don't get me wrong - discipline is needed but there comes a point when a daughter needs a friend in her mother and i think thats important too.

Posted 4/17/06 10:44 AM

My children are a blessing!

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Re: Repost from NWR, mom and daughter relationships

Posted by Scotty-CassidysMom

I have a wonderful relationship with me mother. I don't know what I'd do without her. I can only hope that my kids like me half as much as I do my momChat Icon

That's so nice.

I feel the same way about my mom!

Posted 4/17/06 10:45 AM

Straight up nasty

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Re: Repost from NWR, mom and daughter relationships

My mom is my best friend, so I'm hoping that my daughter and I have the same relationship.

Posted 4/17/06 10:50 AM

Life is berry good!

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Re: Repost from NWR, mom and daughter relationships

My mom and I are two peas in a pod. We have a great relationship. I am so thankful to have a daughter so that I too can have that relationship with her one day. I just assume that I'll have a good relationship with my dd because I had a great mom and learned so much from her.

Posted 4/17/06 11:31 AM

5 weeks till I'm a big sister

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Re: Repost from NWR, mom and daughter relationships

You know I am 1 of 4 kids and I am the only girl and the oldest so growing up I hadto fight for attention and I will tell you there were times I hated my mom cuz I felt she gave my brothers all the attention I went through phases that I hated her and I wanted nothing to do with her but you know what I love my mom to death she is my best friend and I don't know what I would of done without her. Every child is going to go through some phases like this but they always love you and always will.

Posted 4/17/06 12:07 PM

I'm a big sister!!!

Member since 5/05

6707 total posts


Re: Repost from NWR, mom and daughter relationships

thanks everyone for sharing

Posted 4/17/06 9:38 PM

Mom of Three

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Re: Repost from NWR, mom and daughter relationships

Message edited 4/18/2006 12:03:39 AM.

Posted 4/17/06 9:52 PM

My Everything

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Re: Repost from NWR, mom and daughter relationships

I guess I'm in the minority. I have a fairly strained relationship with my mother. We get along right now but we aren't what I would call close.
I want to do everything I can to make sure I have a good relationship with my daughter and that she feels comfortable to come to me with anything. I don't have that with my mother. I find her to be judgemental even though she would tell you she isn't. Sometimes its all in her looks...she doesn't even have to say a word.
Oh well I'm doing my best to keep things as good as i can with her so that my daughter can see us having a good relationship and not fighting all the time.

Posted 4/17/06 9:55 PM

Life is good...

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Re: Repost from NWR, mom and daughter relationships

hmmm...that is a good quesiton. I have an OK relationship with my mom. It definately got much better as I got older. As a teenager, we used to fight to no end! Our personalities clashed and neither of us were willing to compramise.

Posted 4/17/06 10:13 PM

Life is good...

Member since 9/05

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Re: Repost from NWR, mom and daughter relationships

Posted by monkeybride
I find her to be judgemental even though she would tell you she isn't. Sometimes its all in her looks...she doesn't even have to say a word.

Unfortunately, I have the same problem. As a teenager she would say "you can come to me with any problems" but then if I went to her, she would judge me and throw it back in my face. I learned what I can and can't talk to her about. On the other hand, she and my sister can talk about ANYTHING.

Posted 4/17/06 10:15 PM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

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Re: Repost from NWR, mom and daughter relationships

My mom and I have had a rocky relationship at times --especially through junior high, high school and college. Now that I'm older and a mom myself I think I appreciate her more. I think not living with her helps too. She is annoying at times but she is such a good woman and sometimes I do have to remind myself of that.

I sometimes get worried that my daughter will find me annoying the way my mom was to me and my sisters and I always thought that would never happen but my 17 year old sister says that I am JUST like my mom so most likely Emily will hate me for a few years. Hopefully she and I will have more open communication then my mom and I did so that it wn't get as bad and we won't just blow up at eachother.

Posted 4/17/06 10:17 PM

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