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Breastfeeding and glass of wine...

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LIF Infant

Member since 11/05

289 total posts


Breastfeeding and glass of wine...

OK - so my sister-in-law said I can have a glass of wine (one) but I'm afraid to do that - she actually said (she's a bit nuts!)...." you can actually drink and go out - and have a bunch of drinks as long as you pump and dump" - I think she's out of her mind - I could not and would not go out to get tipsy and drunk and pump and dump as she says!

but can you have one alcoholic beverage if you feed her a pumped bottle after - or can you just have one glass even if you don't use a bottle after?

Signed -
Clueless new mother Chat Icon

Posted 5/13/06 6:01 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Mom of 2 + 1

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Re: Breastfeeding and glass of wine...

I have read in several different places that it is safe to have a glass of wine (or 1 drink) and still breastfeed (or pump and use that milk. Some moms feel more comfortable with the "pump and dump" method. I would not think it is okay to go out and have several drinks though, as you don't really know how long that alcohol will remain in your system. 1 drink however is okay.

Posted 5/13/06 6:15 PM

My Boys

Member since 6/05

1019 total posts


Re: Breastfeeding and glass of wine...

I will be honest, I have many times had 1 glass of wine (any kind) and still nursed my baby afterwards. I wouldn't go over that though, if so...would def recommend pump & dump a few times post drinking. I have also at times had 1 Margarita and nursed my DS afterwards. I have never seen any side effects on my DS.

Posted 5/13/06 6:27 PM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

15652 total posts


Re: Breastfeeding and glass of wine...

My pediatrician told us about brewer's yeast which is in beer to increase my milk suppy and honestly sometimes i'd just have one beer instead because the yeast stuff was nasty --- and one beer is supposed to be OK. I'd imagine that one glass of wine would be alright also.

Posted 5/13/06 6:47 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

3372 total posts


Re: Breastfeeding and glass of wine...

I don't think anything is worth pouring BM down the drain..unless you medically have to.
One glass is fine...I would not rec'd doing more than that though.

Posted 5/13/06 10:33 PM


Member since 5/05

2314 total posts


Re: Breastfeeding and glass of wine...

I have occassionaly had 1 drink and still nursed my daughter afterwards. I noticed no effects on her whatsoever.

Posted 5/13/06 10:52 PM

My girls

Member since 7/05

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Re: Breastfeeding and glass of wine...


Posted 5/14/06 9:41 AM

Chase is one!

Member since 5/05

27530 total posts


Re: Breastfeeding and glass of wine...

Posted by Calla


That was a very informative site. THank you for posting this. I have been wondering about it myself for when the time comes. I know we have a wedding to go to in July, and I'm REALLY looking forward to a glass of wine or two!

Posted 5/14/06 10:57 AM

Momma's Little Beans

Member since 1/06

3923 total posts


Re: Breastfeeding and glass of wine...

enjoy your wine, it's perfectly fine. no need to pump and dump either unless you had more than 3 glasses which it doesn't sound like itChat Icon enjoy it!

Posted 5/14/06 11:38 AM


Member since 5/05

4457 total posts


Re: Breastfeeding and glass of wine...

ok, i EBF my kids for the entire 1st year and I drink every weekend, sometimes 1 or 2 beers, or 1 or 2 sometimes 3 glasses of wine, last week I went to town with margheritas, I just wait about 1 hr after I drink (if I am tipsy) to bf. There is such a small amount of alcohol that passes to the baby, and as your BAC goes down so does the amount in your BM. Plus... a few beers equals a better sleeper both of us Chat Icon .

p.s- I would NEVER dump my liquid gold

Message edited 5/14/2006 12:30:14 PM.

Posted 5/14/06 12:29 PM

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