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Getting Healthy Pre-baby

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You Live, You Learn

Member since 5/05

31871 total posts


Getting Healthy Pre-baby

I am a terrible (and i do not asy this lightly) TERRIBLE eater...
Skittles and potatoe chips are often my lunch...

But the DH is on my case now to start eating better.

The problem is...I HATE HEALTHY FOOD! I kid you not. I hate 99% of veggies and fruits..

So now i am kinda worried...
i have been on the prenatals

But DH INSISTS on me taking extra one a days.

What do you think i should do...suc*ck it up and start eating healthy?

Or should i look into more vitamines

Posted 7/18/06 5:38 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

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Re: Getting Healthy Pre-baby

I dont think you have to completly overhaul your diet. I would try to add some of the majors in...more protein for sure...More chicken, or eggs....and try and find some fruits and veggies? You can do amazing things to a salad to make it yummy these days. Or Strawberries, etc....

Adding just a few should be a lot better for you.

BUT...My BF eats like you, snacks all day long, lives on Chips Ahoy and lemonade practically and she has 3 healthy happy kids, had perfect Pg's. So I dont think the "panic to eat right" proves a darn thing.

Also Prenatels have a lot of EXTRA vitamins. I wouldnt take another multi vitamin on top of it, you are getting more then enough in a pre natal and too much of certain vitamins can make you sick and not be good for ya.

Posted 7/18/06 5:43 PM

You Live, You Learn

Member since 5/05

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Re: Getting Healthy Pre-baby

thanks DonnaChat Icon

Posted 7/18/06 5:55 PM

My miracles!

Member since 12/05

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Re: Getting Healthy Pre-baby

I am doing all of the vitamin stuff - prenatals and Folic Acid. I am not ready to give up my caffeine fix in the morning until I have to. I hate vegetables and I am a starch addict. With diabetes in my family and in DH's, I suppose I should really watch that. So I guess small steps. Dieting is hard when I am not TTC but perhaps knowing that a living being is depending on my health for its own, will be enough to force me to make better choices.

Posted 7/18/06 6:11 PM

I need a nap!

Member since 5/05

22141 total posts


Re: Getting Healthy Pre-baby

I'm with ya!!! I am a vegetarian but a bad one at that. I love my sweets, my cup of coffee in the a.m. and I can't swallow pills to boot!!! So, I'm drinking lots of water, cutting down on junk food, eating more fruit, having more veggies in my salad, making smoothies, etc. I don't eat fast food like McD's or Wendy's. Just a fry fix once a month, if that. We don't do TGIF or Applebee's. We eat Japanese a lot. I'm taking children's chewables Chat Icon because I feel something is better than nothing. When the time comes, I'll continue with that and add more folic acid.

My point is this...women who are drug addicts can have healthy babies, women in poverty can have healthy babies, women who never knew they were pregnant till 7 months can have healthy babies. There is only so much that one can do...a lot is left up to chance. I think taking healthier precautions is better than not, but what did women do back in the day? They just kept doing what they were doing.

Posted 7/18/06 6:42 PM

You Live, You Learn

Member since 5/05

31871 total posts


Re: Getting Healthy Pre-baby

Posted by MissJones

I'm with ya!!! I am a vegetarian but a bad one at that. I love my sweets, my cup of coffee in the a.m. and I can't swallow pills to boot!!! So, I'm drinking lots of water, cutting down on junk food, eating more fruit, having more veggies in my salad, making smoothies, etc. I don't eat fast food like McD's or Wendy's. Just a fry fix once a month, if that. We don't do TGIF or Applebee's. We eat Japanese a lot. I'm taking children's chewables Chat Icon because I feel something is better than nothing. When the time comes, I'll continue with that and add more folic acid.

OMGChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/18/06 6:49 PM


Member since 5/05

14279 total posts


Re: Getting Healthy Pre-baby

I would try building in small diet changes. I don't now if an extra vitamin would help, if you are already taking a pre-natal. I think your body will just flush out any excess vitamin.

I would, though, add a calcium supplement unless you drink enough milk.

Posted 7/18/06 7:11 PM

You Live, You Learn

Member since 5/05

31871 total posts


Re: Getting Healthy Pre-baby

Posted by MrsProfessor

I would try building in small diet changes. I don't now if an extra vitamin would help, if you are already taking a pre-natal. I think your body will just flush out any excess vitamin.

I would, though, add a calcium supplement unless you drink enough milk.

nope no milk for me...i hate it unless you count the milk i add to my coffee

maybe i will look into this

Posted 7/18/06 7:25 PM

Love my little man

Member since 8/05

16290 total posts


Re: Getting Healthy Pre-baby

maybe you should try meeting with a nutrionist. You may need to learn more about eating a balanced diet in general and some things that are *healthy*, you may actually like!

Healthy is not all about raw veggies and steamed chicken.

Posted 7/18/06 7:29 PM

Just chillin'!!

Member since 1/06

9690 total posts


Re: Getting Healthy Pre-baby

be careful - too many vitamins can be a bad thing!! there are certain minerals and vitamins that are harmful in large doses!!

Posted 7/18/06 7:41 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 3/06

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Re: Getting Healthy Pre-baby

Posted by MissJones

I'm with ya!!! I am a vegetarian but a bad one at that. I love my sweets, my cup of coffee in the a.m. and I can't swallow pills to boot!!! So, I'm drinking lots of water, cutting down on junk food, eating more fruit, having more veggies in my salad, making smoothies, etc. I don't eat fast food like McD's or Wendy's. Just a fry fix once a month, if that. We don't do TGIF or Applebee's. We eat Japanese a lot. I'm taking children's chewables Chat Icon because I feel something is better than nothing. When the time comes, I'll continue with that and add more folic acid.

My point is this...women who are drug addicts can have healthy babies, women in poverty can have healthy babies, women who never knew they were pregnant till 7 months can have healthy babies. There is only so much that one can do...a lot is left up to chance. I think taking healthier precautions is better than not, but what did women do back in the day? They just kept doing what they were doing.

I take PreCare Prenatal Chewable vitamins. I cant swallow pills either. And these are orange flavored and taste great.Chat Icon

Posted 7/18/06 7:53 PM

I need a nap!

Member since 5/05

22141 total posts


Re: Getting Healthy Pre-baby

Posted by mrsdstowe

Posted by MissJones

I take PreCare Prenatal Chewable vitamins. I cant swallow pills either. And these are orange flavored and taste great.Chat Icon

Interesting...where do you get them and how many do you take?

Posted 7/18/06 8:07 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Getting Healthy Pre-baby

I wouldn't take an extra vitamin...your prenatals should be enough.

I know it's very hard to do, but, try to change your eating habits a little bit. I was just like healthy foods really...and lived on junk food,'s not only healthier for a baby to be in a nutritional's better for YOU too.

I am by far a healthy eater now...but, I really limit my sweets and salty snacky more sugar in my coffee...LOTS and LOTS of water...some vegetables, cooked and raw...

You can do it...Chat Icon

Posted 7/19/06 12:41 AM

Love my sailor

Member since 6/05

5793 total posts


Re: Getting Healthy Pre-baby

Can you do a few changes and not become a totally 'clean' eater? I think we can all eat better and make adjustments, nothing too extreme.

Posted 7/19/06 12:46 AM

Love my family

Member since 6/06

4546 total posts


Re: Getting Healthy Pre-baby

i have been taking pre natal vitamins also eating healthier.

For breakfast I usually have cereal, fruit

For lunch soup, sandwich

For dinner, salad, soup or sandwich ( i get home to late to cook)

On the weekends i cook heatlhy food making sure i add some greens, corn whatever have u

I have always been slightly conscious of what i eat anyway.

Just do some exercise and dont eat Mcdonalds or fast food, or too much junk food

I try to stay away from cookies, icecream and all those things

I have been doing this for awhile now but its never to late to start.

Posted 7/19/06 9:26 AM

Love my family

Member since 6/06

4546 total posts


Re: Getting Healthy Pre-baby

Posted by MissJones

I'm with ya!!! I am a vegetarian but a bad one at that. I love my sweets, my cup of coffee in the a.m. and I can't swallow pills to boot!!! So, I'm drinking lots of water, cutting down on junk food, eating more fruit, having more veggies in my salad, making smoothies, etc. I don't eat fast food like McD's or Wendy's. Just a fry fix once a month, if that. We don't do TGIF or Applebee's. We eat Japanese a lot. I'm taking children's chewables Chat Icon because I feel something is better than nothing. When the time comes, I'll continue with that and add more folic acid.

My point is this...women who are drug addicts can have healthy babies, women in poverty can have healthy babies, women who never knew they were pregnant till 7 months can have healthy babies. There is only so much that one can do...a lot is left up to chance. I think taking healthier precautions is better than not, but what did women do back in the day? They just kept doing what they were doing.

U know what u are absolutley right. Women on drugs have babies and so do alcholics so i mean if u dont have any major diseases or drug problems then consider yourself healthy anyway. Everyone needs a sweet fix at times.

Posted 7/19/06 9:29 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Getting Healthy Pre-baby

Processed foods make your body work harder to digest. When your body works harder to do one thing, it is short-changing another (so to speak) I think the more processed or *junk foods* you eliminate the better off you are. Having said that, if it is going to make you go through withdrawals and be moody or irritable, then try to do as much as you can & gradually eliminate another thing.

Posted 7/19/06 1:52 PM


Member since 5/05

12810 total posts


Re: Getting Healthy Pre-baby

Honestly, I feel like I eat like a college kid too. I think its probably best to getting used to eating better now while you are TTC instead of preggo/breast feeding.

Posted 7/19/06 3:46 PM

You Live, You Learn

Member since 5/05

31871 total posts


Re: Getting Healthy Pre-baby

thanks everyone for the responses

Posted 7/19/06 6:46 PM

J'taime Paris!

Member since 3/06

32345 total posts


Re: Getting Healthy Pre-baby

I think eating healthier will only help you in the longrun.

skittles and potato chips for lunch?! Chat Icon Chat Icon get some protein in you!!

Posted 7/19/06 7:12 PM

You Live, You Learn

Member since 5/05

31871 total posts


Re: Getting Healthy Pre-baby

Posted by SweetestOfPeas

I think eating healthier will only help you in the longrun.

skittles and potato chips for lunch?! Chat Icon Chat Icon get some protein in you!!

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

i know i know

Posted 7/19/06 8:39 PM

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