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when baby can go out for first time

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Cold go away

Member since 10/05

1265 total posts


when baby can go out for first time

Does anyone know at what week you can bring a baby out of the house? Someone told me 1 week while others tell me no. I will be having the baby around Dec 17th and alittle scared because it will be cold and I don't want the baby to get sick from anyone.

Posted 6/11/06 7:47 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: when baby can go out for first time

Well my doctor said I can go out as soon as I want. Just for walks outside. But I am due in June. Then she said until they get their first shots to really go in public to a restaurant and stuff.

Posted 6/11/06 7:52 PM

Love my boys...

Member since 5/05

2412 total posts


Re: when baby can go out for first time

Posted by cantbelieveit

Well my doctor said I can go out as soon as I want. Just for walks outside. But I am due in June. Then she said until they get their first shots to really go in public to a restaurant and stuff.

Mine said the exact same thing.

Posted 6/11/06 7:53 PM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

15652 total posts


Re: when baby can go out for first time

We took her out for walks almost immediately and went to stores at around 3 weeks for the first time.

Posted 6/11/06 7:59 PM


Member since 5/05

4729 total posts


Re: when baby can go out for first time

Sara was born in Februaury so going out was not happening for me. My doctor said 8 weeks

Posted 6/11/06 9:48 PM

Mommy to 2 boys!

Member since 5/05

4565 total posts


Re: when baby can go out for first time

I had my son in November. The pediatrician told me I could take him outside if I wanted for a walk and to my in laws house (just not to let many people handle him). He told me NO malls or other enclosed areas with a lot of people for at least 8 weeks (more than 8 weeks was better though since it was flu season)

Message edited 6/11/2006 10:22:16 PM.

Posted 6/11/06 10:21 PM

We love summer!

Member since 5/05

1063 total posts


Re: when baby can go out for first time

Posted by cantbelieveit

Well my doctor said I can go out as soon as I want. Just for walks outside. But I am due in June. Then she said until they get their first shots to really go in public to a restaurant and stuff.

dittoChat Icon

Posted 6/12/06 6:41 AM

wow, pic is already 1 yr old!!

Member since 1/06

6689 total posts


Re: when baby can go out for first time

when do they get their first shots? 8 weeks??

Posted 6/12/06 6:59 AM


Member since 5/05

11165 total posts


Re: when baby can go out for first time

I would ask your PED, you will find different views on this.

I took gianna outside for walks immediately, and to stores and restaurants when she was a week and half old.

I am/was very protective of her, I wouldn't let anyone go near her that early though.

Gianna will get her shots on July 5th,(SHE WILL BE 8 WEEKS) theres NO way i could wait to take her out!

Message edited 6/12/2006 10:21:53 AM.

Posted 6/12/06 10:19 AM


Member since 5/05

12578 total posts


Re: when baby can go out for first time

I'm due late November and was hoping to be able to spend Christmas with my family (pretty big crowd) - I guess notChat Icon

Posted 6/12/06 10:51 AM

I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05

11357 total posts


Re: when baby can go out for first time

Posted by cantbelieveit

Well my doctor said I can go out as soon as I want. Just for walks outside.

This is what my ped told me too. I was taking Katie out for walks at the park and around the neighborhood at 2 wks old. She goes to stores with me now too (she is 6 wks...been taking her since about 3 wks) but I dont let anyone touch her - and really we only go out once in a while to Target or the grocery store. I started bringing her to our friends houses at about 3 wks old too but I always make sure they wash their hands before they touch her and if they have children, I dont let the kids touch the baby.

Posted 6/12/06 12:07 PM

Bella Bambini

Member since 5/05

9300 total posts


Re: when baby can go out for first time

Posted by Charly

I'm due late November and was hoping to be able to spend Christmas with my family (pretty big crowd) - I guess notChat Icon

My nephew was born 2 weeks prior to X-mas and we have a HUGE family and he was fine.
She was cautious not to let evreyone hold him.

Chat Icon

Posted 6/12/06 12:24 PM

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