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Waking in the night...needing advice

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Member since 8/05

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Waking in the night...needing advice

So something is going on with this kid, I don't know if something is waking him up or if its teething, but Noah is waking up in the night and he is up, ready to play for an hour, or two, or THREE. Last night he woke up at 2.00 and was up until almost 3.30...The thing that I don't understand is that he used to sleep all night, everynight. I can't settle him, its like he has to play it I either come downstairs and watch television or sit on the floor in his room letting him crawl. Last night I had to give him a dose of Medised (baby sedative) to get him back to sleep...

anyway, if anyone has any advice at all that would be great, I am finding myself dragging in the daytime and would like to get him to sleep all night!!!

Posted 8/27/06 6:22 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

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Re: Waking in the night...needing advice

Is he crying when he wakes up at 2am?

What's his nap schedule during the day - has anything changed recently?

Posted 8/27/06 8:08 AM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

57538 total posts


Re: Waking in the night...needing advice

By turning on the TV & you staying awake, you're giving him the go ahead that it is play time. I would keep the lights off, whisper to him, calm him down & try to initiate the regular bedtime routine to put him back to sleep.

If they're at a major developmental stage - crawling, cruising, walking, talking - it will create sleep disturbances. I remember just after Joseph's first birthday, he'd wake up in the middle of the night and practice words "Kat, Kat, Aunt Kat, Kat, Aunt, Aunt Kat". When Maddie learned to walk, she would wake up with her legs moving (as if she were walking).

Posted 8/27/06 9:03 AM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

15652 total posts


Re: Waking in the night...needing advice

I also have seen her sleep pattern change with major milestones like crawling and standing up. It's like she realized she can get out and do all kindsa fun stuff so she was determined to do so!

I would agree wth trying to keep things as MELLOW as possible. It is boring for you and requires more of your direct attention when you'd love to be snoozing on the couch with the TV on .... but if you want to nip this in the bud I'd say that keeping things as mellow as possible is the best way to go.

For us we sit in her rocking chair in her bedroom and rock her back and forth, with the lights on pretty low, and look at a few books with her if we need to.

I do admit there have been times we did the TV thing...but usually when she's sick and we just feel so bad for her.

Posted 8/27/06 9:07 AM

She's 7!!!

Member since 8/05

14624 total posts


Re: Waking in the night...needing advice

Jordana has been doing the SAME THING!! She is a lot younger than Noah (4 months). I let her play in her crib. If she is really crying, I feed her in the dark (but I put onTV), and then put her back in the crib. She plays int eh crib in the dark adn then eventually falls asleep.

Posted 8/27/06 9:30 AM

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