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We spent the night in the ER - UPDATE on bottom

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Yay Spring!

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We spent the night in the ER - UPDATE on bottom

We came home from a Christmas party last night and DS seemed fine. Before going to bed at 12:30AM, DH checked him and said he felt warm. Turns out his temp was 103.5 so we called the pediatrician and she said give him some tylenol. Well, he threw that up so the pediatrician said go to the ER. We were there from 1AM to 7:30 this morning. They did a chest x-ray, blood work and gave him IV fluids. Chat Icon Just when they were going to send us home at 6AM, they checked his temp and it was 104.9 Chat Icon !!! That's why we stayed until 7:30. His temp was 103.7 when they sent us home.

This is his first fever and I am so worried. I feel so bad - I just want him to feel better. I am so exhausted since I've been up for about 28 hours straight. We have to go see the pediatrician later today.

How long do fevers usually last?

Message edited 12/14/2005 8:01:14 PM.

Posted 12/14/05 10:58 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: We spent the night in the ER

Chat Icon Chat Icon Hope he is feeling better.

Posted 12/14/05 11:00 AM

My 3 Miracles!

Member since 5/05

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Re: We spent the night in the ER

We've spent the night in the hospital when my son had RSV. It was horrible!!!

Whenever my son gets a fever it's never low. It's alway 103 something. It's even been 104 +. We would keep putting cold wash cloths on him because he was so hot. We've even had to give him a cool bath.

The one thing I recommend, but I am not sure how old they have to be, but Tylenol DOES NOT work for fevers. We always use Motrin. It's works like a charm. I think I used Tylenol once, but that did absolutely nothing so we went right to Motrin. It's the best stuff for fevers! If you use the Motrin, the fever is usually gone within the hour. Fevers in general last a few days or so. It depends.

I would definitely check to see if you can use Motrin because it will work. Good luck!

Posted 12/14/05 11:14 AM

5 weeks till I'm a big sister

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Re: We spent the night in the ER

I totally agree with CaidensMommy Motrin is great Tylenol never helped marissa either when she had a fever. My pediatrician told us to get the infant motrin and told us how much to give since marissa was like 3 or 4 months when she got her first fever. When you go to your doc. ask about the motrin it does w ork like a c harm

Posted 12/14/05 11:37 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: We spent the night in the ER

How old is your little one? My kids get really high feveers too, but they are lots biger than your little one, we go to about 104.9 on average, it is scary. Motrin can be given after 6 months, befire that is too hard on the liver. Hope your aving a better day than you did nigh.Chat Icon Chat Icon

Message edited 12/14/2005 1:05:16 PM.

Posted 12/14/05 1:04 PM

My Everything

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Re: We spent the night in the ER

Hope he feels better really soon.

Posted 12/14/05 1:15 PM

Dad you finally did it!!!

Member since 10/05

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Re: We spent the night in the ER

Hope he feels better soon!!!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon to him and to you!!

Posted 12/14/05 1:34 PM


Member since 5/05

15167 total posts


Re: We spent the night in the ER

I hope he feels better!!!!!!!

Posted 12/14/05 3:24 PM

LIF Adult

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Re: We spent the night in the ER

Hope he feels better!

Posted 12/14/05 3:53 PM


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Tracey - brideinapril

Re: We spent the night in the ER

I hope he is feeling better! Chat Icon

Posted 12/14/05 5:26 PM

Yay Spring!

Member since 5/05

5133 total posts


Re: We spent the night in the ER....UPDATE

Thanks everyone! The motrin seems to be helping but he's sick - he has pneumonia. The doctor doesn't know if it's viral or bacterial and says we will never know. This has been a very difficult day for all of us. Jesse's a trouper though. We start antibiotics (zithromax) tomorrow. Chat Icon

Posted 12/14/05 7:55 PM


Member since 5/05

4457 total posts


Re: We spent the night in the ER - UPDATE on bottom

Chat Icon oh my goodness! Pneumonia? How scary, glad he is feeling better, just a tid bit of info, Zithromax doesn't always work, it never works for anyone I know. they actually stopped prescrbing it in the ER at the hosptal I work at, so if you don't see an improvemet in your son, it just may be that he needs a different antibiotic, hopefully it will wipe the virus right out of him though! hang in there, this is the toughest part of being a Mommy Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 12/14/05 9:24 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: We spent the night in the ER - UPDATE on bottom

the poor lil' guy! I hope he feels better real soon!!Chat Icon

Posted 12/14/05 10:29 PM

Our life is complete

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Re: We spent the night in the ER - UPDATE on bottom

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Hope is he better soon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 12/14/05 10:52 PM

3 babies for me :)

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Re: We spent the night in the ER - UPDATE on bottom

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Hope he feels better soon. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 12/15/05 8:00 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 8/05

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Re: We spent the night in the ER - UPDATE on bottom

Oh goodness! What a scary day you had! I hope you and baby get some rest and feel better real soon!

Posted 12/15/05 8:37 AM

Making big changes

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Re: We spent the night in the ER - UPDATE on bottom

Oh my god. Poor baby! I hope he feels better soon! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 12/15/05 8:44 AM

Life is good!

Member since 5/05

8369 total posts


Re: We spent the night in the ER - UPDATE on bottom

I hope he feels better soon! (and you, too!)Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 12/15/05 8:57 AM

Dad you finally did it!!!

Member since 10/05

1714 total posts


Re: We spent the night in the ER - UPDATE on bottom

Oh my I hope he feels better soon!!! Lots of Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon to all of you!!!

Posted 12/15/05 8:58 AM

Yay Spring!

Member since 5/05

5133 total posts


Re: We spent the night in the ER - UPDATE on bottom

Thanks again everyone. He is doing better but does not like taking his medicine. I will keep an eye on him to make sure the antibiotics work (thanks emilain). His fever has gone down so that's a plus, but he still has a cough and is not himself.

Posted 12/15/05 8:16 PM

We made it to 8 years

Member since 5/05

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Re: We spent the night in the ER - UPDATE on bottom

I hope he is feeling better.. you can try some vicks bay rub on his chest to help with the cough. Also I cool mist humidifier will help some of the congestion.. Jillian had a cold/couugh for 4 it does get better...

and BTW.. i am a Zithromax used.. I am allergic to penicillian and and it help me and mt DD

hope you get some sleep

Posted 12/16/05 11:04 AM

Straight up nasty

Member since 5/05

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Re: We spent the night in the ER - UPDATE on bottom

I hope your little guy is feeling betterChat Icon

Posted 12/16/05 8:30 PM

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