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Member since 5/05 5754 total posts
Name: Laura
1st sonogram
next week is my first sonogram, i'll be 8 weeks along. Dr. said it will be a vaginal sonogram, do you get to take home pictures or anything? when is my next one after that?
Posted 7/17/06 11:04 AM |
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Member since 11/05 3932 total posts
Re: 1st sonogram
I got to take a picture home. You go to Dr. Hanauer, right? She doesn't do many in her office but if you are going to go for the Nuchal tranlucency test you get to get another one before 13 weeks.
Posted 7/17/06 11:06 AM |
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Member since 6/05 1980 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: 1st sonogram
We got pictures at each of our sonograms. If they don't offer, just ask- it just takes the push of a button on the machine. OBs may do sonograms at different times depending on your particular medical condition & your insurance coverage. We had quite a few in the beginning. You will have a big sonogram where they do measurements around week 20 but perhaps none after that until the very end.
It's so exciting seeing the little bean! The best is later when you can see them moving around! Enjoy this exciting time!
Posted 7/17/06 11:07 AM |
My guys

Member since 5/06 2173 total posts
Name: Alli
Re: 1st sonogram
You'll definitely take home pictures of your little bean. Then the next sono you'll probably have is at around 12 weeks or so if you choose to do the NT screening which is a blood test and a sono. Feel good and Congratulations!
Posted 7/17/06 11:07 AM |
Life is good...

Member since 9/05 18504 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: 1st sonogram
Yes, you should get to take one home. Every doctor is different, so I don't know how many you will get. I get one at every visit.
Posted 7/17/06 11:08 AM |
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Member since 5/05 9731 total posts
Name: Dina
Re: 1st sonogram
I had one at 8 weeks, one at 12 weeks for the NT test and then one at 20 weeks. My doctor uses the doppler for my regular visits.
Posted 7/17/06 12:18 PM |
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