BTDT Mom - When did you have your Shower?
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Member since 8/05 3116 total posts
BTDT Mom - When did you have your Shower?
My family keeps haggling me about dates. I really, really don't want a shower after 30 weeks as I am sure i will be huge and uncomfortable and it will be during the summer. Just wondering when mom's who are having twins had their showers.
Posted 3/20/06 8:40 AM |
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05 6297 total posts
Name: Tracey - brideinapril
Re: BTDT Mom - When did you have your Shower?
Mine was a surprise, and it was on August 27th - my due date was October 24th = so I guess it was almost 2 months before. The babies did come a little early though, at 37 weeks. I was big, but really through my whole pregnancy I was not huge - no one could believe I had 2 in there! I still can't believe it!
Posted 3/20/06 10:08 AM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 8/05 741 total posts
Name: Danielle
Re: BTDT Mom - When did you have your Shower?
I had mine at 29 weeks. I ended up being in the hospital a week later and delivered 2 weeks after that. I missed one of my showers because of bed rest. I would do as you were thinking and push for before 30 weeks. You want to be able to settle in with your new gifts and be able to attend should bed rest be in your future. Good luck!!
Posted 3/21/06 7:30 AM |
My Little Yankee Fans

Member since 1/06 4018 total posts
Re: BTDT Mom - When did you have your Shower?
I was due 9/28 and my shower was in the beginning of July. I wanted it early so that we could finish the room, and not be rushed, and also I was worried I would be on bed rest in August and not able to go to my shower, or not able to finish the room. I could have had it in August though, since I worked up until a week before I gave birth.
Posted 3/21/06 1:33 PM |
Twin Moms Do Everything Twice

Member since 5/05 9612 total posts
Re: BTDT Mom - When did you have your Shower?
i am going to have 2 - one here and one out of state. they will be at 26 weeks (out of state, dont want to travel too much) and 28 weeks.
Posted 3/21/06 5:43 PM |
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