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bumps in mouth?

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I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

15652 total posts


bumps in mouth?

Emily looks like she has a few little white bumps on her tongue. I tried wiping them off because she always has formula tongue but they aren't coming off. She hasn't had any breast milk in about a week and even then I was pumping, and I only noticed them today. Also I changed her formula from regular Enfamil to Enfamil Gentle Ease 2 days ago.

What could this be?

Posted 11/9/05 3:39 PM
Long Island Weddings
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My Everything

Member since 5/05

20541 total posts


Re: bumps in mouth?

Miranda has a white bump on the roof of her mouth. i have no idea what it is.

Posted 11/9/05 3:59 PM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

15652 total posts


Re: bumps in mouth?

I just read in What to Expect the First year that babies can get little white bumps in thier mouths and commonly on the roof of thier mouth and that it's normal and goes away.

Emily has like 3 on the tip of her tongue and one on her bottom lip. I'm stumped.

Posted 11/9/05 4:09 PM


Member since 5/05

2536 total posts


Re: bumps in mouth?

thrush? could the warmed milk be too hot?

Posted 11/9/05 4:11 PM

I'm getting old

Member since 5/05

8688 total posts


Re: bumps in mouth?

i would say probably thrush. Take her to your ped to check it out and get medsChat Icon

Posted 11/9/05 4:20 PM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

15652 total posts


Re: bumps in mouth?

Can you get thrush from formula though? The first thing I was thinking was thrush but I haven't pumped in about a week, so she's been getting formula only.

Posted 11/9/05 4:21 PM

I'm getting old

Member since 5/05

8688 total posts


Re: bumps in mouth?

thrush is a yeast. Its common in all mouths so its possible to have an "overload"

Posted 11/9/05 4:23 PM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

15652 total posts


Re: bumps in mouth?

I guess I'll be calling the pediatritian and taking her in tomorrow. I'm averaging taking her in once a week -- between her baby acne, and her poop problems -- they probably think I'm crazy.

Anyone know what the treatment is?

Posted 11/9/05 6:51 PM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

20541 total posts


Re: bumps in mouth?

Posted by Melbernai

I guess I'll be calling the pediatritian and taking her in tomorrow. I'm averaging taking her in once a week -- between her baby acne, and her poop problems -- they probably think I'm crazy.

Anyone know what the treatment is?

If its thrush they can give you Nystatin Suspension to put in her cheeks. Its an antifungal medication that comes with a little dropper to squeeze it in.

Posted 11/9/05 6:56 PM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

15652 total posts


Re: bumps in mouth?

She had a diaper rash that they treated with nystatin too. does this mean i'm a carrier for the fungus? i didn't even think it was possible to pass anything on to her if i'm not even breastfeeding but maybe she got it a few weeks back when we were still trying and it just got bad enough to notice now? i feel so horrible. i guess i should get checked too by my obgyn?

Posted 11/9/05 7:58 PM


Member since 5/05

4457 total posts


Re: bumps in mouth?

I think we;re going to the doc tomorrow for this too! My doc saif try acidophlis drops, but where do ou find them in droplet form, I have only seen them in tablets.

Posted 11/9/05 11:14 PM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

15652 total posts


Re: bumps in mouth?

Well, we went to the doctor and it is indeed thrush. She tried to scrape some of it off Emily's tongue and it wouldn't come off -- plus the doc was able to open her mouth wide and put a light in there and she has a little bit on the top of her mouth too.

I asked how she got it since I'm not BFing and haven't even been pumping a lot -- I pumped yesterday for the first time in about a week! And she said that it's not from me at all. She said that bottlefed babies get thrush just the same as breastfed babies do. I asked if I'm not cleaning bottles correctly, or if I should be sanitizing her pacifiers like crazy -- and she said none of that will really make a difference, just to do what we normally do.

She prescribed nystatin suspension and I have to put two drops in Emily's mouth on the sides every 4 hours.

I feel like my little girl has gotten everything! Bad diaper rash, poop problems, clogged tear ducts, horrible baby acne, not to mention her respitory problems and jaundice at birth!!! When will it all get easier??? Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 11/10/05 1:56 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

57538 total posts


Re: bumps in mouth?

I would say she's gotten her quota of stuff to deal with - and I truly hope this is the worst you have to deal with Chat Icon

I'm glad it was just thrush. Didn't know that about the bottlefed babies, will have to tell my friend about that one.

Posted 11/10/05 2:29 PM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

20541 total posts


Re: bumps in mouth?

I'm sorry it's thrush Chat Icon
The Nystatin should work well though and she'll be as good as new in no time. Chat Icon

Posted 11/10/05 2:46 PM

my princess

Member since 10/05

2936 total posts


Re: bumps in mouth?

Melbernai- if you don't mind me asking what are her poop problems?Chat Icon I think my pumpkin might have poop problems, I don't know anymore. One day his diapers can barely hold all his poop and the next day he is pushing and pushing and all thatcomes out is a little hershey kiss! Sorry for the topic..

Posted 11/10/05 6:16 PM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

15652 total posts


Re: bumps in mouth?

lol, it's okay. it's funny how after motherhood you don't mind talking about poop problems at all.

with emily she had a few BMs a day, usually 2-4 poopie diapers, but every time she pooped or farted she acted like she wasi n severe pain. if she was sleeping it would wake her up and she'd cry hysterically and if she was awake she'd also cry hysterically as if it was very painful for her.

we switched her to enfamil gentle ease as per recommendation of the doctor and it's been much better although her BMs are more frequent now -- although I don't mind that! as long as she's not in pain all the time.

also the dr recommended that if she does get constipated i can give her 1-2 oz of water in a bottle per day to help give her more water and help with the constipation but only if she's constipated and only 1-2 oz per day.

Posted 11/10/05 6:19 PM

my princess

Member since 10/05

2936 total posts


Re: bumps in mouth?

silly question for you again....
what qualifies as constipated nothing all day or just a little hershey kiss? My husb and I discuss his poop when he calls me from work!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted 11/10/05 6:25 PM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

15652 total posts


Re: bumps in mouth?

the doctor said you shouldn't be concerned unless the baby goes more then 2 days without pooping.

but she said if it's like hard balls and it's been more then 2 dyas it's constipation.

she said to try the thermometer with vaseline in the butt first ...

and i know warm baths help too so we give emily a warm bath nightly.

and theni f all else fails then the water.

have you called your ped. about this?

Posted 11/10/05 6:32 PM

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