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i have my first sono in less than a week and i have....

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I'm a big sister!!!

Member since 5/05

6707 total posts


i have my first sono in less than a week and i have....

such mixed emotions. One minute i am having fantasies about seeing the babys heartbeat and seeing the look on my dh's face and everything and then the next minute i am thinking wait what if it happenes a THIRD time. what if there is no hearbeat.?
They think they found the problem it was a blood clotting issue which i am on baby asprin for and my underactive thyrpoid seems to be under control so there is not much else i can do but hope and pray.

I have slight sore boobs more than it has ever been with the other two but still not a ton. also i am sooo naseous when i take my prenatal snd folic acid pills weather i eat or not of course its worse if i dont eat but i am always queasy after the vitamins.

I know this is all good signs and i hate to make this a poor me post but i am really loosing it now what if it happens again? How am going to deal with it AGIN?What if they tell me I cant have kids? I know i am jumpoing the gun here but i figured you girls would understand.

BTW I will be 6weeks and 3 days on Monday when i go for my sono they shoud see sometign rtight?

thanks for reading if your still with me.Chat Icon

Message edited 1/10/2006 5:23:19 PM.

Posted 1/10/06 5:19 PM
Long Island Weddings
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I love my Katie Bug

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Re: i have my first sono in less than a weekand i have....

Oooh I wont even tell yuo to try not to worry because I know its impossible. But try to have faith...the doctors diagnosed the problem and you are dealing with it...all good things!! take it day by day and I'll say a Chat Icon for you and your DH and baby that everything will be perfect when you have your sonogram!

Posted 1/10/06 5:22 PM

Grace is growing up too fast!

Member since 10/05

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Re: i have my first sono in less than a weekand i have....

First, many Chat Icon's to you and your DH and congrats! Chat Icon Chat Icon .

They should see a heartbeat at 6 weeks, we did. You and your little one are on my prayer list tonight. Think positively. I know it's hard to do with so much uncertainty before you see the Dr., and what happened in the past but try not to get too stressed out. Stress is not good for the little one or for you.
BTW: I don't think this is a "poor me" post, I believe you just want support through a difficult time. We are here for you. Chat Icon

Posted 1/10/06 5:26 PM

I'm a big sister!!!

Member since 5/05

6707 total posts


Re: i have my first sono in less than a week and i have....

Thanks girlsChat Icon

Posted 1/10/06 5:28 PM


Member since 5/05

11165 total posts


Re: i have my first sono in less than a week and i have....

Noel, it's so hard not to worry, I can totally understand. Try to take it day by day. At 6 weeks and change it might be possible to see a heartbeat, I saw my little one's heartbeat for the 1st time 6w6d.

We are here for you, and I am keeping all fingers/toes and everything I can for you. 3rd time is a charmChat Icon

You know you can FM at anytime! I'm here for you all the way!

Posted 1/10/06 5:29 PM

I'm a big sister!!!

Member since 5/05

6707 total posts


Re: i have my first sono in less than a week and i have....

Posted by sweetness

Noel, it's so hard not to worry, I can totally understand. Try to take it day by day. At 6 weeks and change it might be possible to see a heartbeat, I saw my little one's heartbeat for the 1st time 6w6d.

We are here for you, and I am keeping all fingers/toes and everything I can for you. 3rd time is a charmChat Icon

You know you can FM at anytime! I'm here for you all the way!

Chat Icon

Posted 1/10/06 6:54 PM


Member since 5/05

4317 total posts


Re: i have my first sono in less than a week and i have....

Sending you lots of Chat Icon

Posted 1/10/06 7:01 PM

New Year!

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Re: i have my first sono in less than a week and i have....

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Posted 1/10/06 9:55 PM

Family of 5!

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<3 Mommy <3

Re: i have my first sono in less than a week and i have....

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Its soo hard not to worry... I didnt go through what you went through....and I still worried each and everytime I went to the Dr. that we'd go, and hear nothing.... That fear didnt go away until I felt the baby moving everyday....

Id cry before every apt. and be an animal in the DR.'s office, because Id be so anxious about the apt.

I cant imagine how you feel...if I felt like this...and did not experience your loss...

All I can say is...each visit gets a little easier...and I HIGHLY recommend the doppler after 10 weeks, to ease your worries... I got mine @ 12 weeks...and kept it until I was almost 8 months...It was a god send....

DOnt feel bad for feeling this way...its completly normal...

Lots of {{{{{STICKY VIBES}}}}} and good luck...try and relax!

Posted 1/10/06 10:30 PM


Member since 5/05

3415 total posts


Re: i have my first sono in less than a week and i have....

Lots of Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

We saw our baby's heartbeat at exactly 6w1d

Posted 1/11/06 10:14 AM

I love my DS!!!

Member since 5/05

9340 total posts


Re: i have my first sono in less than a week and i have....

First of all never think that your post is a "poor me post" We are all here to support one another...Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

It's easy to say not to worry when you will anyway. Believe me I went through a scare recently myself when they told me that my AFP levels were high and that I was considered a high risk for Downs Syndrome baby. I had to have an amnio done and thank god things turned out normal but let me tell you it was soooooo stressful waiting for the results and no matter how many times people told me not to worry I still did anyways.

All we have is our faith at times like these. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers that your little one is ok. I think there is a reason that you got PG for a third time. It just feels like this baby is meant to be. That you and your DH were meant to be blessed with a baby.

Lots of Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 1/11/06 10:43 AM

She's 7!!!

Member since 8/05

14624 total posts


Re: i have my first sono in less than a week and i have....

I had those same fears, and I didn't go through what you did. Its totally normal. We are here to support one another durign this wonderful and terrifying time.

All you can do is have faith and do whatever you need to do to calm down. The stress is not good for the baby. I have faith that it will all be oK.! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon You are in my prayers! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 1/11/06 11:00 AM

Two in Blue

Member since 5/05

20223 total posts


Re: i have my first sono in less than a week and i have....

Also keep in ind if your bb's are still sore that is a good sign-not to say if you don't have it or it comes and goes thats bad, but you should feel some reassurance about that. Keep positive and hope for the best. I feel sure everythings fine and you will feel so muych better when you see the HB! Good luck

Posted 1/11/06 2:06 PM

so outrageous

Member since 7/05

3853 total posts


Re: i have my first sono in less than a week and i have....

good luck and best wishes, for a beating little bean!!! Chat Icon

Posted 1/11/06 2:58 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 9/05

754 total posts


Re: i have my first sono in less than a week and i have....

good luck and I will be Chat Icon Chat Icon for you.

Posted 1/11/06 3:03 PM

I'm a big sister!!!

Member since 5/05

6707 total posts


Re: i have my first sono in less than a week and i have....

Thank you everyone you girls are awesome!!!!!
Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 1/11/06 5:13 PM

New Year!

Member since 5/05

13729 total posts


Re: i have my first sono in less than a week and i have....

I have a good feeling about this!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 1/12/06 8:00 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 6/05

213 total posts


Re: i have my first sono in less than a week and i have....

How did everything go???

Posted 1/12/06 8:08 PM

I'm a big sister!!!

Member since 5/05

6707 total posts


Re: i have my first sono in less than a week and i have....

Posted by baby101

How did everything go???

its monday the 16th ...i will post the results asap

Posted 1/12/06 8:34 PM


Member since 5/05

34581 total posts


Re: i have my first sono in less than a week and i have....

Wishing you tons of luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Even Faith may be hard to find, but try. It will help. Believe that this time its RIGHT and perfect and it can be! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 1/12/06 8:47 PM

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