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Ideas for 40th Bday Party

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Loving Mommyhood!

Member since 5/05

2391 total posts


Ideas for 40th Bday Party

I'm having 50 people (adults and children of all ages) at my house this Sunday for my sister's Surprise 40th Bday Party. This might sound cheesy, (it's the teacher in me re-surfacing), but does anyone know of any games or things that we can do that will entertain everyone? I have no kids, so no games in my house...should I have some type of structure or just let everyone run amok and mingle? Opinions please! I'm such a nervous ninny. I was not planning on a crowd this big. My BIL (sister's hubby) sent the invites. I hardly know some of these people. Thanks!

Posted 5/16/06 9:29 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Love my little man

Member since 8/05

16290 total posts


Re: Ideas for 40th Bday Party

What I did for my dad's 60th was to have people bring gifts in multiples of 60-- and he opened them in front of everyone.. It was entertaining and interesting to see how creative people got..

60 min massage
a Mets Jersey with the # 60 on it
60 golf balls
60 scratch offs, etc.

Posted 5/16/06 9:32 PM

Loving Mommyhood!

Member since 5/05

2391 total posts


Re: Ideas for 40th Bday Party

Posted by randella

What I did for my dad's 60th was to have people bring gifts in multiples of 60-- and he opened them in front of everyone.. It was entertaining and interesting to see how creative people got..

60 min massage
a Mets Jersey with the # 60 on it
60 golf balls
60 scratch offs, etc.

That's really cute but this party is in a few days and I'm not calling all 50 people to have them do this. They probably already (hopefully) bought their gifts too. Chat Icon

Posted 5/16/06 9:33 PM

Love my little man

Member since 8/05

16290 total posts


Re: Ideas for 40th Bday Party

sorry-- what about a name that tune kind of thing? Like something 80s music related-- when they were all teenagers/in college?

I mean-- I don't think you need a game per se... how long are people going to be there?

Posted 5/16/06 9:35 PM

Love my little man

Member since 8/05

16290 total posts


Re: Ideas for 40th Bday Party

Posted by randella

sorry-- what about a name that tune kind of thing? Like something 80s music related-- when they were all teenagers/in college?

I mean-- I don't think you need a game per se... how long are people going to be there?

ETA-- I just re read your post-- I think you are good without a game.. people will just hang out.

Posted 5/16/06 9:36 PM

Loving Mommyhood!

Member since 5/05

2391 total posts


Re: Ideas for 40th Bday Party

Posted by randella

sorry-- what about a name that tune kind of thing? Like something 80s music related-- when they were all teenagers/in college?

I mean-- I don't think you need a game per se... how long are people going to be there?

lol, i know -- i'm such a dork with my game idea. I think I just started thinking that bc a friend of mine at work was saying how she did karaoke at the surprise party she planned and it was a blast. it's totally not needed but i'm just crazy with no structure. i like the name that tune idea. Chat Icon i'll probably be so busy i won't even have time for a game. i don't know when people will leave. it starts at 2 and it's on a sunday. i guess it depends on how fun it is. Chat Icon

Posted 5/16/06 9:37 PM

Love my little man

Member since 8/05

16290 total posts


Re: Ideas for 40th Bday Party

you can rent a karaoke machine-- but unless you have a lot of people- and a lot of booze-- people may not really do it..

You can always pick up Trivial Pursuit Pop Culture DVD edition and throw that on..

Posted 5/16/06 9:41 PM

Loving Mommyhood!

Member since 5/05

2391 total posts


Re: Ideas for 40th Bday Party

Yeah, I guess I could. I think I'm thinking too much about this. No? Probably so considering it's just the two of us on this thread! Chat Icon Chat Icon Thanks so much for all of your great ideas.

Posted 5/16/06 9:43 PM

Love my little man

Member since 8/05

16290 total posts


Re: Ideas for 40th Bday Party

yeah-- don't overthink it..

Chat Icon

Posted 5/16/06 9:47 PM

can hardly wait

Member since 5/05

2650 total posts


Re: Ideas for 40th Bday Party

I would just make sure that you have good music playing, and that you have multiple "mini bar" areas and munchies, it always helps conversation along. like beer in the fridge, but also an tub with ice and some beers in another room, or outside for the smokers, a bottle of red wine and glasses in a spill friendly place....and then a bottle of while in an ice bucket somewhere else with some glasses....
I usually do this for family parties, that way it's easy to get a drink, and people are spread out chit chatting...

Posted 5/16/06 9:50 PM

Proud SAHM

Member since 5/05

1955 total posts


Re: Ideas for 40th Bday Party

I think you'll be fine without any games..
Just have lots of food..some soft music playing.. some wine.. decorate nice and I think it will be a great party

Posted 5/16/06 9:51 PM

Loving Mommyhood!

Member since 5/05

2391 total posts


Re: Ideas for 40th Bday Party

Posted by IslandGrl

I think you'll be fine without any games..
Just have lots of food..some soft music playing.. some wine.. decorate nice and I think it will be a great party

I think I just needed to "hear" that. Seriously. What the hell happened to me? I want my college stress-free partying days back. Now I'm hyperventilating thinking about games to play when people arrive. LOL. Thanks again!

Posted 5/16/06 9:52 PM

Proud SAHM

Member since 5/05

1955 total posts


Re: Ideas for 40th Bday Party

Posted by Susan

Posted by IslandGrl

I think you'll be fine without any games..
Just have lots of food..some soft music playing.. some wine.. decorate nice and I think it will be a great party

I think I just needed to "hear" that. Seriously. What the hell happened to me? I want my college stress-free partying days back. Now I'm hyperventilating thinking about games to play when people arrive. LOL. Thanks again!

lol.. I would be over-thinking it too but in all honesty.. it seeems ppl enjoy eating more then anything else...

Posted 5/16/06 9:54 PM

Loving Mommyhood!

Member since 5/05

2391 total posts


Re: Ideas for 40th Bday Party

I think I'm stressing bc I'm relying on my BIL to bring the food and everything...and I feel like I should be planning but I'm just sitting here in my empty house....

Posted 5/16/06 10:05 PM


Member since 5/05

6265 total posts


Re: Ideas for 40th Bday Party

I agree...I don't think you need to plan any type of games...people will just mingle and have a good time. As long as they have food and drink they should be fine! Play music...that's all you need.

Posted 5/17/06 6:58 AM

Another on the way!

Member since 3/06

1267 total posts


Re: Ideas for 40th Bday Party

I don't think you need a game. Its hard getting that many people organized. I would just let them mingle

Posted 5/17/06 7:00 AM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

57538 total posts


Re: Ideas for 40th Bday Party

I agree with everyone else that games aren't necessary.

For my sister's we did one low-key games for anyone that wanted to play. For my sister's 40th, we handed out sheets for anyone who wanted to participate in a married version of the newlywed game. They filled out their answers separately - and then we compared them. I think the wives were grateful to answers to questions like "What do you admire most about your significant other?", etc. Then we gave out a prize for the couple that got the most right & the least right.

If you're having kids, I would buy few balls for them to play with or maybe Rocket Balloons. The older kids will be exhausted blowing them up & the younger kids will be exhausted chasing them around. Only issue is you'll have balloon flying everywhere, which may annoy older guests.

Posted 5/17/06 9:33 AM

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