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OMG! I'm so SICK! please help!

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She's my dancing queen!

Member since 5/05

1752 total posts


OMG! I'm so SICK! please help!

I have been so sick with morning sickness for the past week! (I am now 8 weeks) I am fine in the morning until about 1:00 and from then on, whatever I eat comes right back up! I am not neasueaus though before. I am eating many small meals throughout the day and night. I am eating very plain and light food too! this continues even through the night until about 4am! Even water can't seem to stay down! Anyone expierence it this bad? I have already lost 5 lbs in the past 3 days! I know loosing weight is normal for this time, but that much so soon? I am starting to get very worried and tired of this!


Posted 7/18/05 8:33 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: OMG! I'm so SICK! please help!

I went through 24 hours of morning sickness. So, I know what you are going through. Drink little sips of ginger ale/gatorade every ten minutes. Give it time to attempt to stay down. That way you remain hydrated. As for food the only thing that was helping me was fruit(cantelope & grapes esp.) or salads. Thats pretty much all I could eat. I had lost a total of 30lbs. One weigh in was 2 weeks after the last time & I lost 10lbs. The doctor was fine with it.
If the nausea gets REALLY bad call your doctor they will subscribe a b vitamin (I think) that helps with that. Or if it gets as bad as mine was they will reccomend a different pill.

Posted 7/18/05 8:56 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: OMG! I'm so SICK! please help!

Hang in there! It's totally normal to get morning sickness all day or at weird times of the day... whomever named it "morning sickness" has a REALLY sick sense of humor! Plenty of women have very healthy babies and are sick and throwing up 24/7, and even lose significant weight, but you should call your doctor because they can prescribe medication that will ease the nauseau. I wasn't throwing up a whole lot, but I had the most debilitating nauseau 24 hours a day for about 12 weeks, to the point where I just couldn't function, which was a problem because I'm a trial attorney. So my Dr. prescribed Zofran - it's an anti-nauseau pill that they use on chemo patients and have started prescribing for pregnant women. I didn't take it too often, only on days that were really bad, but let me tell you, it was a lifesaver! It's a pill that dissolves on your tongue and it works within seconds.

Posted 7/18/05 9:32 AM

She's my dancing queen!

Member since 5/05

1752 total posts


Re: OMG! I'm so SICK! please help!

I am on zofran and still can't keep anything down! Like you said, it is so dibilitating! I can't do anything! I am in bed almost 24/7. I am getting SO sick of this and getting very depressed! I am even starting to get afraid of leaving the house. I'm lucky that I"m a teacher and off for the summer. I don't know how I'd make it to work and keep 25 kindergarteners entertained! I am starting to think that this will be our one and only child. I feel like I'm not strong enough to go through this. I am just at such a loss! I cry every night to my DH - and I mean full blown sobbing fits!

I do take into comfort that it is normal, but when I think about that I have 4 weeks left to make it to the 12 week mark, I feel like I can't do this for much longer!

Sorry for rambling and venting! I will try the gatoraide. I have tried fruit and I had a salad last night, both came up. I am running out of things to eat!

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Posted 7/18/05 9:56 AM


Member since 5/05

16438 total posts


Re: OMG! I'm so SICK! please help!

Posted by kelly4

I am on zofran and still can't keep anything down! Like you said, it is so dibilitating! I can't do anything! I am in bed almost 24/7. I am getting SO sick of this and getting very depressed! I am even starting to get afraid of leaving the house. I'm lucky that I"m a teacher and off for the summer. I don't know how I'd make it to work and keep 25 kindergarteners entertained! I am starting to think that this will be our one and only child. I feel like I'm not strong enough to go through this. I am just at such a loss! I cry every night to my DH - and I mean full blown sobbing fits!

I do take into comfort that it is normal, but when I think about that I have 4 weeks left to make it to the 12 week mark, I feel like I can't do this for much longer!

Sorry for rambling and venting! I will try the gatoraide. I have tried fruit and I had a salad last night, both came up. I am running out of things to eat!

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Ohhhh, I'm so sorry, I had no idea it was that bad! You're VERY lucky you're on summer break! I know it won't give you much comfort now, but seriously, you'll be amazed at how you completely forget how awful it is. I remember laying on the couch after work just crying and crying and crying, and waking up every night 2-3 times a night, sicker than I've ever been, throwing up, and crying myself to sleep. It was awful, it really was, but it WILL get better, and honestly, now, although I remember it was awful, I really can't remember how it felt. There are a few tricks I tried - water with lemon, or lemon sucking candies - for some reason the acid in the lemon helped a little. Also, anything ginger helped - I bought little ginger candies that I would constantly pop in my mouth. Also peppermint candies. Water made me sick as a dog, especially cold water, so try luke warm drinks. Try to keep your blood sugar constant throughout the day because that plays a role in the nauseau as well, so as hard as it may be, try to eat something small every couple of hours... and stay cool! The heat exacerbates the symptoms!

Posted 7/18/05 10:15 AM

Straight up nasty

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Re: OMG! I'm so SICK! please help!

Posted by kelly4

I am on zofran and still can't keep anything down! Like you said, it is so dibilitating! I can't do anything! I am in bed almost 24/7. I am getting SO sick of this and getting very depressed! I am even starting to get afraid of leaving the house. I'm lucky that I"m a teacher and off for the summer. I don't know how I'd make it to work and keep 25 kindergarteners entertained! I am starting to think that this will be our one and only child. I feel like I'm not strong enough to go through this. I am just at such a loss! I cry every night to my DH - and I mean full blown sobbing fits!

I do take into comfort that it is normal, but when I think about that I have 4 weeks left to make it to the 12 week mark, I feel like I can't do this for much longer!

Sorry for rambling and venting! I will try the gatoraide. I have tried fruit and I had a salad last night, both came up. I am running out of things to eat!

I'm so sorry you're having a hard time with thisChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon I had M/S from week 5 to about 20 and it was an all day experience. Like you, it was becoming unbearable and I spent more time on the ladies room couch here at work than at my desk. I didn't want to eat out because I was afraid I would get sick (and I did get sick a few times - sorry Friendly's Chat Icon ). After this passes though, you will feel AWESOME, like you can take on the world. I felt the best in my 2nd and 3rd tri. The first 20 weeks though, I just wanted to die.

Try to stay away from a ton of roughage right now. I found I couldn't digest salads at all...literally the only thing I survived on was BK Chicken Sandwiches (very plain) for the first tri. A very bland diet is best for now. As hard as it seems right now, it will get better and the end result is a price worth payingChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/18/05 12:21 PM

She's my dancing queen!

Member since 5/05

1752 total posts


Re: OMG! I'm so SICK! please help!

Thanks! I just got off the phone with the Dr. office and the nurse wants me to come in today to make sure I'm not dehydrating! She mentioned possibly going to the hospital for IV Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon which I really hope it won't come down to that! I am so scared! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/18/05 12:28 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: OMG! I'm so SICK! please help!

I had to go to the hospital to get hydrated. It's just the waiting that's a pain. but you pretty much lie there waiting for the bag to empty. Nothing major. They might even do a sonogram just to make sure the baby is fine.

Posted 7/18/05 4:32 PM


Member since 5/05

4457 total posts


Re: OMG! I'm so SICK! please help!

Oh I remember those days, and espeically in this heat makes is 100x worse. Hang in there, lots of water with lemon in it and sip on apricot nectar (it really works, if you can get it down, it coats your stomach, it's an old remedy from Trinidad that my best friend told me about (her family is from Trinidad)

Posted 7/18/05 7:28 PM

Best "THINGS" in my life.

Member since 5/05

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Re: OMG! I'm so SICK! please help!

I'm sorry to hear that your having such a hard time. I had it too and I found that lemon and drinks flavored with it helped some.
Hope you feel better soon.Chat Icon

Posted 7/18/05 7:53 PM

She's my dancing queen!

Member since 5/05

1752 total posts


Re: OMG! I'm so SICK! please help!

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thanks! My Dr. told me to stop taking my prenatals to see if it's them that's making me so sick! Hopefully tomorrow will be MUCH better!

On the pos. side, at the Dr's, they did another sono and I got to see him/her again! WOW did it grow! The heart beat was so clear today!

thanks again for everything!

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Posted 7/18/05 8:19 PM

My Loves

Member since 5/05

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Re: OMG! I'm so SICK! please help!

you may also want to get the sea bands. They may help you out a little. I hope you start feeling better soon. Chat Icon

Posted 7/18/05 8:39 PM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

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Re: OMG! I'm so SICK! please help!

I'm so sorry you're so sick kelly!!! I have had no morning sickness aside from some really minor nausea (sorry!)

my best friend suggested jelly beans to me, they helped her (something about the sugar rush).

I happen to find that wintergreen flavored anything makes me feel better (the green bag of lifesavers).

I do drink ginger ale when I feel sick and I drink Propel fitness water on a regular basis. I'm so sick of water.

I hope you feel better!!! The 12 week mark is almost here!! I hope it all goes away soon!!

Posted 7/18/05 9:21 PM

Best Friends

Member since 6/05

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Re: OMG! I'm so SICK! please help!

I never tried them but have heard they really work

Preggie Pops

Posted 7/18/05 10:03 PM

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