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White spot on gums?

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LIF Adult

Member since 8/06

1494 total posts


White spot on gums?

I just noticed a white spot on my son's gums....he's 4 months, so I don't think it's a tooth, although he does seem to be teething. Any ideas what it could be? I figured I would call the ped. tomorrow but wanted to see if anyone else's baby ever had this.

The spot is little, round white dot, like a little pimple almost.....

ETA: Forget it!! I did a search on the boards and found out that it is probably a tooth...I just can't believe it's happening this early.

Message edited 9/11/2006 7:39:23 PM.

Posted 9/11/06 7:01 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: White spot on gums?

My sister's daughter had a white dot on her gums at 4 months and took her to the doctor because she was convinced it was a tooth -- and the doctor said that it was a blemish on her gums. My sister says that the doctor said that if it was a tooth it would show up as a line across and not just one bump.

2 months later her daughter has no teeth.

Emily had a dot though before her tooth came in --- 1-2 days before there was a dot, and then we saw the tooth.

Let us know!

Posted 9/11/06 9:04 PM


Member since 5/05

4457 total posts


Re: White spot on gums?

sounds like thrush, try to wipe it off with a damp towel, if it does ot come off it could need an antibiotic

Posted 9/11/06 9:09 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 8/06

1494 total posts


Re: White spot on gums?

Posted by emilain

sounds like thrush, try to wipe it off with a damp towel, if it does ot come off it could need an antibiotic

I thought only breastfed babies got thrush, is that right?? Just asking b/c my son takes formula..

Posted 9/11/06 9:49 PM


Member since 5/05

4457 total posts


Re: White spot on gums?

Posted by MatteosMom

Posted by emilain

sounds like thrush, try to wipe it off with a damp towel, if it does ot come off it could need an antibiotic

I thought only breastfed babies got thrush, is that right?? Just asking b/c my son takes formula..

never heard that before, anyone can get it. It is just an overabundance of flora in the mouth and gut and since babies keep their mouths closed it becomes a breeding ground. It is very common and nothing serious unless it gets blistered

Posted 9/11/06 9:52 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 8/06

1494 total posts


Re: White spot on gums?

Posted by emilain

Posted by MatteosMom

Posted by emilain

sounds like thrush, try to wipe it off with a damp towel, if it does ot come off it could need an antibiotic

I thought only breastfed babies got thrush, is that right?? Just asking b/c my son takes formula..

never heard that before, anyone can get it. It is just an overabundance of flora in the mouth and gut and since babies keep their mouths closed it becomes a breeding ground. It is very common and nothing serious unless it gets blistered

I'm new to all the baby ailments...I guess I associated it with breastfeeding b/c my sister had said her baby girl had it and she breastfeeds! How do you know if it is blistered? Does it get red and big? I guess I will call the ped. tomorrow to be safe.

Posted 9/11/06 9:56 PM

Mom of Three

Member since 9/05

7900 total posts


Re: White spot on gums?

Actually it could be neither a tooth or thrush. Babys have a thing called pearls sometimes where they have white spots on their gums. Its similar to the white bumps or pimples they have on their face and go away in time. Completely harmless. My son had them and I too thought it might be thrush but my pediatrician assured me it was just the pearls.

Posted 9/11/06 10:08 PM

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Member since 7/05

57538 total posts


Re: White spot on gums?

Epstein Pearls. Completely harmless.

Here's some info:
Alternative names

Gingival cysts of the newborn
Definition Return to top

Epstein pearls are whitish-yellow protein-containing cysts on the gums and hard palate of a newborn baby.

See also milia.

Causes, incidence, and risk factors Return to top

Epstein pearls occur only in the newborn and are very common, seen in approximately 80% of newborns. On the gums, they sometimes resemble emerging teeth. The condition is harmless although it sometimes worries new mothers.

Symptoms Return to top

Whitish-yellow nodules appearing on the gums or the roof of the mouth in a newborn
Signs and tests Return to top

Examination of the infant confirms that these are Epstein pearls and not teeth present at birth (natal teeth).

Treatment Return to top

No treatment is necessary.

Expectations (prognosis) Return to top

Epstein pearls disappear within 1 to 2 weeks of birth.

Complications Return to top

There are often no complications.

Posted 9/11/06 10:22 PM

my 4 boys!

Member since 6/06

7396 total posts


Re: White spot on gums?

it might be thrush. try to scrape it off with a q tip. if it doesn't come off it's probably thrush or a tooth.

Posted 9/11/06 10:35 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 8/06

1494 total posts


Re: White spot on gums?

Thanks for the info nrthshrgrl! I am wondering if it is the Epstein pearls b/c I was reading what you posted and it said they normally go away soon after birth.... I'm going to wait it out a little now and see how it goes, if he seems like it is bothering him or gets worse.

JTK--Thanks, if it seems like it is more than just that one spot I'm going to call his ped.

Thanks everyone!

Posted 9/12/06 9:02 AM


Member since 5/05

1889 total posts


Re: White spot on gums?

I think I remember Jenna getting something like that once around the same age too. I thought it was a tooth also but it wasn't-I think it just went away after awhile.

Posted 9/12/06 9:10 AM

Family is everything!!!

Member since 5/05

1989 total posts


Re: White spot on gums?

Could be thrush or a tooth...Take him to the dr. Most likely a tooth making it's way down!

Posted 9/12/06 10:55 AM

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