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Am I crazy for buying formula off of ebay?

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Chase is one!

Member since 5/05

27530 total posts


Am I crazy for buying formula off of ebay?

We're really struggling to pay for the Neocate, and I am still battling the insurance comany until I see my new ped. next week. I won ten cans of it on ebay for less than 150 bucks, now I'm thinking maybe I shouldn't have bought them. I'm just going crazy over here trying to figure out how to afford to feed my childChat Icon

Posted 8/16/06 7:34 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Spring Baby06
My two loves

Member since 5/05

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Re: Am I crazy for buying formula off of ebay?

I don't think so at all. As long as the cans are sealed and expiration date os okay, it's fine!Chat Icon

Posted 8/16/06 7:48 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 4/06

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Re: Am I crazy for buying formula off of ebay?

I long as everything is sealed you should be fine!

Posted 8/16/06 7:49 PM


Member since 5/05

6079 total posts


Re: Am I crazy for buying formula off of ebay?

Posted by Spring Baby06

I don't think so at all. As long as the cans are sealed and expiration date os okay, it's fine!Chat Icon

I agree! Chat Icon

Posted 8/16/06 8:17 PM


Member since 5/05

24989 total posts


Re: Am I crazy for buying formula off of ebay?

That is the only place I usually buy my formula. Unless I am in BRU. I get some great deals.

Posted 8/16/06 8:19 PM


Member since 5/05

3753 total posts


Re: Am I crazy for buying formula off of ebay?

When they told us that Jack may have to use the Neocate we looked on Ebay also - you do what you have to!!!!

Our insurance would not cover it - we fought, my ped fought and so did the gastro. The only thing we could do was have it written as a prescription and then get it through the pharmacy at a discounted rate. It may not be much but every little bit would help.

Another option is to talk to your gastro (if you brought Ava to one). Plead your case and say you really can't afford it and maybe they'll give you some samples (that is how I got the cans) and depending on how bad they feel they could possibly contact the Neocate rep and get you some. It can't hurt to ask.

I still have those 2 cans for you - they're yours. If you come to the walk tomorrow night I'll bring them with me.

Posted 8/16/06 8:26 PM

Chase is one!

Member since 5/05

27530 total posts


Re: Am I crazy for buying formula off of ebay?

Lori, thank you so much! I'm hoping to go to the walk tomorrow night. I just have to make sure JT will be home from work in time.

And thank you everyone for reassuring me. I paid less than 15 dollars a can for the Neocate on Ebay, so I'm totally excited. That should last us until we figure something outChat Icon
I'm going to a new pediatrician next week, and hopefully he'll send us to the gastro. I would really like her to be seen. My other ped. mentioned it, then never followed up on it. Chat Icon

Posted 8/16/06 8:47 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 8/06

614 total posts


Re: Am I crazy for buying formula off of ebay?

I think its fine too.

Posted 8/16/06 9:05 PM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

15652 total posts


Re: Am I crazy for buying formula off of ebay?

I also was going to recommend that you ask your gastro or pediatrician for some samples. My SIL and I were talking about this on Sunday and she said that after one terrible dr's visit when the baby cried for 3 hours and they weren't able to do some tests that they were trying for the doctor's office ended up giving them 8 cases that had 8 cans in each of the Nutramigen --- so it's worth asking!! I wouldn't worry about being humble in this situation.

Posted 8/16/06 9:21 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

57538 total posts


Re: Am I crazy for buying formula off of ebay?

No. I know someone else that bought sealed formula off of ebay. Also try craigslist.

Posted 8/16/06 9:23 PM

My Little Yankee Fans

Member since 1/06

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Re: Am I crazy for buying formula off of ebay?

You don't need them to tell you to see a gastro, call them and get the referral and call them on your own. If you need a name of a gastro, I really liked mine, but she was at Schneider's, but was great.

Good Luck!

Are you giving Ava the Alimentium or Neocate?

Posted 8/17/06 10:06 AM

My boys

Member since 5/05

4380 total posts


Re: Am I crazy for buying formula off of ebay?

I've purchased formula form ebay.....some great deals!

Posted 8/17/06 10:09 AM


Member since 6/06

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Valerie...aka...Do Me A Favor?

Re: Am I crazy for buying formula off of ebay?

My son was on Alimentum for 10 months and it was very expensive. Insurance wouldn't cover the expense. So yes, we bought from ebay as well. Make sure the cans are sealed and check the expiration. Never ever had a problem. Bought a can from Ekkerd's, brought it home, and the can had been opened and some of the powder had been removed. I tell ya, sellers on ebay care more about their products than retailers do!

Message edited 8/17/2006 10:40:58 AM.

Posted 8/17/06 10:40 AM

Life is good!

Member since 2/06

1450 total posts


Re: Am I crazy for buying formula off of ebay?

Abby was on special formula too. I bought it off e-bay and in 9 months saved well over 500.00 dollars. It is expensive and as long as everything is sealed and you can see the expiration dates you are fine.

Start bidding!!Chat Icon

Posted 8/17/06 12:36 PM

it's me

Member since 5/05

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Re: Am I crazy for buying formula off of ebay?

Nope, I've done itChat Icon

Posted 8/17/06 12:52 PM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

20541 total posts


Re: Am I crazy for buying formula off of ebay?

Not at all. When we thought Miranda was going to have to stay on Neocate I considered ebay as well. The cans are sealed so I wouldn't worry at all. That's a great price!!

Posted 8/17/06 12:53 PM

LIF Zygote

Member since 3/07

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Re: Am I crazy for buying formula off of ebay?

Definitely ask your doctor for coupons or samples and don't be shy!Chat Icon

Posted 3/13/07 5:42 PM

Complete Happiness :)

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LOVE being a Mommy!

Re: Am I crazy for buying formula off of ebay?

Posted by jjbaby

Definitely ask your doctor for coupons or samples and don't be shy!Chat Icon

Wow - this is an old post

Posted 3/13/07 5:50 PM

Chase is one!

Member since 5/05

27530 total posts


Re: Am I crazy for buying formula off of ebay?

Yeah, reallyChat Icon I was wondering if someone hacked into my account and posted the questionChat Icon

Posted 3/13/07 6:53 PM

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