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need apartment dwellers advice re: dog problem

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Member since 5/05

10278 total posts


need apartment dwellers advice re: dog problem

My building has a no dog policy.

A family on my floor got a pit bull puppy about a year ago. This dog is uncontrollable and undisicplined. He yanks the leash, jumps on people, roams the halls and sh@ts all over the place. If I have food, he'll jump at me. He doesn't obey the owner (not that there is much effort to control the dog), and starts fights with other dogs in the neighborhood.

About a month ago, they got ANOTHER dog. I think it's a malamute. Anyway, this new one HOWLS all hours of the day. Thursday evening, it sounded like more than just howling, it sounded like the pit bull and the new dog were fighting. I haven't seen either dog since last week- so I couldn't tell you if either one was injured.

The rental company says they get calls all the time about these dogs. They say they need lots of letters to even start the eviction process. So I'll be writing letters.

What else can I do? Is there a government agency I can complain to? Am I supposed to call the police for barking complaints?

Thanks for your help!

Posted 6/27/05 10:23 AM
Long Island Weddings
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1 year already!!

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Re: need apartment dwellers advice re: dog problem

I would call 311, they can let you know who else to contact

Posted 6/27/05 10:32 AM


Member since 5/05

19403 total posts


Re: need apartment dwellers advice re: dog problem

In Nassau County, you can call in a noise complaint when a dog is barking for an hour straight. But if they stop for even a minute, the hour starts all over again. Not sure about in NYC or Suffolk.

One of my mom's neighbors was trying to get my mom's dog taken away because she used to bark at their cat, who would sit right outside the fence and tease my mom's dog. Fortunately the cops saw the cat there and were really nice and told my mom to bring her back in after 55 mins and we couldn't get in trouble.

Posted 6/27/05 10:33 AM

C & J are 10!

Member since 6/05

5914 total posts


Re: need apartment dwellers advice re: dog problem

If a dog has been living in plain sight (they are obviously not hiding the dog) for more then 3 months then the landlord can't do much about it until the dog bites somebody.

Posted 6/27/05 10:40 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/05

297 total posts


Re: need apartment dwellers advice re: dog problem

Sorry, I just don't understand why people are allowed to have two dogs in a no dog apartment building? Is there anything in the contract that mentions this, perhaps it would be considered breach of contract? Can't the landlord get in trouble somehow if something happens with this dog when it's supposed to be no dog residence to begin with? Why is he even bothering to say it's a no dog policy when it's not being enforced and is blatantly ignored by the residents? Sorry so many questions, that just seems so crazy!!

ETA - maybe you can try calling animal control and explaining the situation - if it's a no-dog policy, then they might be able to do something like take the dogs away too.... not sure

Message edited 6/27/2005 12:21:28 PM.

Posted 6/27/05 12:20 PM


Member since 5/05

10278 total posts


Re: need apartment dwellers advice re: dog problem

Thanks for your help guys!

Called 311, who transferred me to the Department of Environmental Protection. They were willing to investigate my complaint, but I would have to leave my name, address and phone #. They said my info is confidential, but I am skeptical, so I declined to file a complaint.

I called the ASPCA, who does not answer their phone.

I called my local police precinct, who said they would be happy to help me. I would have to call them at the time of the barking/howling, and they would have to come and hear it themselves. The problem with this is that I lose my anonymity. I do not feel safe with my identity exposed- these people strike me as shady. (They are the next apartment over, but we do not share any walls.)

Bluegirl, when someone moves in, they sign a no dog agreement. But according to Administrative Code of the City of New York Section 27-2009.1, if the dog is in the open (no effort to hide it) for three months, the no dog contract is void. In this situation, the owners got away with the pit bull b/c the building either couldn't or didn't get them evicted before the 3 months was up. Since they got a new dog, the Pet Law is renewed and the building has 3 months to take action. The second dog hasn't been here more than a month or so, so I am going to fax a copy of the Pet Law to the rent office and hope that they take advantage of the 3 months.

I don't know if the landlord or the owners would be more resonsible for damages is someone is bitten. I would hope it would be both.

I wonder if a petition supporting the eviction of the dog owners is the way to go. I am concerned that the other tenants would not sign it- and risk being 'outed'.

Posted 6/27/05 1:51 PM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Re: need apartment dwellers advice re: dog problem

try local animal control, animal welfare agencies if you think the animals are neglected or being mistreated, calling the police in the middle of the night if the dogs are howling

Posted 6/27/05 2:04 PM

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