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So I just got back from the Gyn... (longish)

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Love my little man

Member since 8/05

16290 total posts


So I just got back from the Gyn... (longish)

We are not starting TTC for probably another 1 to 2 years... but I mentioned to her that we were thinking about it.

Anyway-- she was so laissez-faire about it. Now, English is not her first language so maybe that was the reason-- she is like, go off BCP, wait three months, then baby comes. I mean, she is not illiterate-- so, COME ON!

Her bedside manner rubbed me the wrong way when it came to this topic-- what was everyone else's experience? Now that I also live in Hoboken and she is on the UES, I should probably find a NJ doc anyway-- since I cannot imagine going into labor and trying to get to the UES during labor from here!

Also (TMI warning), because I have been having a lot of spotting, and other side effects from the pill, and because I really like my pill (I have had bad experiences and have been on this pill for like 4+ years)-- she suggested going off for a month to recalibrate my body, then start taking again-- I am not going to be like extra fertile for the next month right?? We are not ready for any *surprises*.


Message edited 9/11/2006 6:18:17 PM.

Posted 9/11/06 6:17 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Eva Luna
Be's hard!

Member since 8/05

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God, bless & heal my DH, JenG's DH Rob & DebG

Re: So I just got back from the Gyn... (longish)

First, yes, find another doctor. Not saying there's something wrong with her, but you don't want someone so lax. What if there are problems, God forbid? She's assuming you're healthy and all is 100% OK which is great...but get another doctor.

Second, yes, I keep reading that you are indeed super fertile as soon as you get off the pill. So definitely use back up methods.

Third, why are you on a pill that gives you problems? I hate to preach, but my DH's aunt almost died because of a blood clot caused by her pill. They are so insanely common than when I told my OBGYN that I wanted off the pill because of the risk of blood clots he said "completely understand, it happens a lot"...hmmm, thanks for never telling me! Chat Icon

It takes your body a lot longer than a month to "recalibrate" my case it was 6 months, some have been almost a year. She rubs me the wrong way.

Posted 9/11/06 6:46 PM

Love my little man

Member since 8/05

16290 total posts


Re: So I just got back from the Gyn... (longish)

thanks for responding-- my pill has been great-- but over the last couple of months I have been having a lot of spotting, and there has been breast tenderness and crampy feelings-- all things that happen when you are not on the pill- except for the spotting.

My body is soooo sensitive to estrogen- and even on the low-dose pills, my 34D's get HUUUUUGE and they hurt a lot. slight difference- hence I pay $50 per month so I can feel normal. I get bloated and iritable (more than I already am Chat Icon) and this is the only pill that I feel like *me* on. Even when the pharmacist gives me the generic version of my pil this happens-- and there is only a.

From talking to other people-- sometimes you are on a certain pill too long and you need to take a break from it. So, I figure I will try for a month or two without, then if it persists, seek other options. If we were looking to TTC earlier-- I would just stay off.

She also said even if I WANTEDT to get prego- to use condoms for 3 months after the pill before starting to actively try-- never heard that before

Posted 9/11/06 6:54 PM

You Live, You Learn

Member since 5/05

31871 total posts


Re: So I just got back from the Gyn... (longish)

Posted by randella

We are not starting TTC for probably another 1 to 2 years... but I mentioned to her that we were thinking about it.

Anyway-- she was so laissez-faire about it. Now, English is not her first language so maybe that was the reason-- she is like, go off BCP, wait three months, then baby comes. I mean, she is not illiterate-- so, COME ON!

Her bedside manner rubbed me the wrong way when it came to this topic-- what was everyone else's experience? Now that I also live in Hoboken and she is on the UES, I should probably find a NJ doc anyway-- since I cannot imagine going into labor and trying to get to the UES during labor from here!

Also (TMI warning), because I have been having a lot of spotting, and other side effects from the pill, and because I really like my pill (I have had bad experiences and have been on this pill for like 4+ years)-- she suggested going off for a month to recalibrate my body, then start taking again-- I am not going to be like extra fertile for the next month right?? We are not ready for any *surprises*.


i would definitely get a new Gyno..

not sure about the comming off od the pill thing

Posted 9/11/06 6:56 PM

Eva Luna
Be's hard!

Member since 8/05

4750 total posts

God, bless & heal my DH, JenG's DH Rob & DebG

Re: So I just got back from the Gyn... (longish)

Have you considered Depo Provera? It has no's the only method I'm considering after done TTC because the risk of blood clots is minimal since there's no estrogen.

ETA: Never ever heard about using condoms for 3 months after getting off the pill.

Message edited 9/11/2006 7:10:51 PM.

Posted 9/11/06 7:10 PM

Love my little man

Member since 8/05

16290 total posts


Re: So I just got back from the Gyn... (longish)

Posted by sasha

Have you considered Depo Provera? It has no's the only method I'm considering after done TTC because the risk of blood clots is minimal since there's no estrogen.

I am afraid of the shots because if I am mis on it-- I am stuck for 3 months feeling awful. Maybe I will look into it after my two month hiatus is over. Thanks.

Posted 9/11/06 7:11 PM

Eva Luna
Be's hard!

Member since 8/05

4750 total posts

God, bless & heal my DH, JenG's DH Rob & DebG

Re: So I just got back from the Gyn... (longish)

Posted by randella

Posted by sasha

Have you considered Depo Provera? It has no's the only method I'm considering after done TTC because the risk of blood clots is minimal since there's no estrogen.

I am afraid of the shots because if I am mis on it-- I am stuck for 3 months feeling awful. Maybe I will look into it after my two month hiatus is over. Thanks.

I know...I'm afraid of spotting! Chat Icon

But I only trust that and an IUD, and I don't want to do IUD because of the blighted ovum risk.

Posted 9/11/06 7:14 PM

LIF Zygote

Member since 8/06

33 total posts


Re: So I just got back from the Gyn... (longish)

I went to my doctor over the summer and mentioned that DH and I want to start to try. As soon as I said that, he got a huge smile on his face and told me we'd chat after the exam. He was so nice about everything and it made me feel soooo good about using him as a doctor.

I'd definitely switch doctors! You want someone that makes you feel happy!Chat Icon

Posted 9/11/06 7:17 PM

Love my little man

Member since 8/05

16290 total posts


Re: So I just got back from the Gyn... (longish)

Posted by Curious

I went to my doctor over the summer and mentioned that DH and I want to start to try. As soon as I said that, he got a huge smile on his face and told me we'd chat after the exam. He was so nice about everything and it made me feel soooo good about using him as a doctor.

I'd definitely switch doctors! You want someone that makes you feel happy!Chat Icon

I just told DH what happened and one-- he couldn't believe the actual convo, "... then baby come". Then he is like, well, people getting prego is her everyday-- and I said, but not to a first time mom! You want a good relationship- and someone that you can call and trust and make you feel comfortable.

Posted 9/11/06 7:20 PM

My love.

Member since 5/05

6247 total posts


Re: So I just got back from the Gyn... (longish)

YES - you are more fertile when you first go off the pill - so be REALLY careful!

Posted 9/12/06 8:58 PM


Member since 11/05

9202 total posts


Re: So I just got back from the Gyn... (longish)

Posted by MrsR

YES - you are more fertile when you first go off the pill - so be REALLY careful!

Is it bad to get preg when you are first off the pill? Why? I'm sorry; I am just wondering!

Message edited 9/13/2006 11:56:40 AM.

Posted 9/13/06 11:56 AM

Eva Luna
Be's hard!

Member since 8/05

4750 total posts

God, bless & heal my DH, JenG's DH Rob & DebG

Re: So I just got back from the Gyn... (longish)

Posted by LRusso

Posted by MrsR

YES - you are more fertile when you first go off the pill - so be REALLY careful!

Is it bad to get preg when you are first off the pill? Why? I'm sorry; I am just wondering!

There's nothing to prove that it has adverse effects on the baby.

Posted 9/13/06 12:10 PM

Is it summer yet?

Member since 8/06

7392 total posts


Re: So I just got back from the Gyn... (longish)

My doctor said almost the same exact thing to me and I had to push her by asking questions like "should I change my eating/exercise habits, do I need to start taking prenatals", etc. and she just said "no, not until you're pregnant", which really threw me off because I have always loved her as my obgyn. Then I went home and thought maybe people just make too much to ttc and she would be different after I got pregnant. I don't know. It's so hard to find one that you like and to go looking at this point in your life seems like a lot of work. I don't know. I'm going to give my doctor one more chance and if she is ambivalent then I will go find someone else.

Posted 9/14/06 4:20 PM

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