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i know this has been asked a 100 times, but what do i pack in my hospital bag?

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I'm a big sister!!!

Member since 5/05

6707 total posts


i know this has been asked a 100 times, but what do i pack in my hospital bag?

I wanted to start getting it ready so what shoud i pack. I was thinking..

2 nightshirts
flip flops for shower
coming home outfit for me and baby
snacks for dh
what else????

Posted 8/10/06 8:36 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: i know this has been asked a 100 times, but what do i pack in my hospital bag?

extra pads

Posted 8/10/06 9:05 AM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

15652 total posts


Re: i know this has been asked a 100 times, but what do i pack in my hospital bag?

I also brought:

*baby book (they put the footprints in it when she was born)
*my womanly art of breastfeeding book
*camera (film if it's not digital, battery charger if it's digital)
*thank you cards to fill out in the wee hours of the morning or whenever I had a free moment.
*address book with #s of people to call
*any styling products you use on your hair
* bathrobe

Posted 8/10/06 9:11 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

7967 total posts


Re: i know this has been asked a 100 times, but what do i pack in my hospital bag?

Make up
S.T's - The ones I got in the hostpital were awful - didnt stick to my underwear so I know for the next time to bring my own.
Face cloth - for when you are in labor - nice to have someone wet it and put it on back of your neck etc.
If your hair is long - hair ties
Boppy pillow if you are going to BF.
Calling card for making calls.
Cell phne - although you are not supposed to use it, I used it for texts.
Any paperwork required by the hospital.

Posted 8/10/06 9:26 AM


Member since 5/05

11165 total posts


Re: i know this has been asked a 100 times, but what do i pack in my hospital bag?


Change of clothes, pjs and Toiletries for DH if he plans on staying over

Travel size items for both of you
Pillow-hospital ones are small and flimsy
Hair bands
Hard candy to suck on during labor
Nursing book if plan on doing so
PHone numbers to call
Name, Number of Peditrician

Personally, I overpacked and didn't use my own pj's, underwear, pads, flip flops. I didn't want to ruin them. I was astonished at the amount of blood after i gave birth and for th 2 days after, I didn't want to ruin my things.

I showered in my socks then threw them out.

Posted 8/10/06 9:34 AM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

57538 total posts


Re: i know this has been asked a 100 times, but what do i pack in my hospital bag?

Sorry to lazy to type iit all. I'd rather just post links of old threads.

Message edited 8/10/2006 9:42:24 AM.

Posted 8/10/06 9:41 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/06

1389 total posts


Re: i know this has been asked a 100 times, but what do i pack in my hospital bag?

this helps you customize your own.

customize your own hospital bag

Posted 8/10/06 9:53 AM

Baby #5 on the way!

Member since 9/05

7919 total posts


Re: i know this has been asked a 100 times, but what do i pack in my hospital bag?

Bring perfume or body spray. I ended up having a c/x and couldnt get into the shower the next day Chat Icon

Posted 8/10/06 7:58 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 8/06

614 total posts


Re: i know this has been asked a 100 times, but what do i pack in my hospital bag?

Pack old panties that you don't mind just throwing away. This is not the time for the pretty ones.Chat Icon

Posted 8/12/06 12:17 AM

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