Fomula to milk...making the switch
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LIF Adult

Member since 7/05 4189 total posts
Name: Doreen
Fomula to milk...making the switch
Jack is just three weeks away from his first birthday and we are on our last cans of formula. How did you change from one to the other? How much regular milk should he be drinking once he is off formula?
Posted 9/25/05 12:48 PM |
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Member since 5/05 1229 total posts
Name: Debbie
Re: Fomula to milk...making the switch
I just went through this last month. I called the dr. They said Emily should have about 16 oz a day of milk. I give her a 8 oz before her morning nap and 8oz before bed. Her other dairy comes from yogurt and cheese. I first started giving her the milk for her afternoon bottle. I switched to a sippy cup. Then I used up my last can of formula and she was on milk. Good luck .
Posted 9/25/05 3:23 PM |
Re: Fomula to milk...making the switch
I too started replacing one bottle with milk, then introducing the sippy cup (if you haven't already).. my son knew a sippy cup and how to use it when we started giving him water and juices... He also was put onto milk before his 1st b-day, because of his size, but thats a whole other Try weaning your little one onto the cup with milk, it will make it much easier.. I also color coded it-- Red cup always had milk, green had juice, blue water.. etc.. Good luck!
Posted 9/25/05 3:49 PM |
LIF Toddler
Member since 5/05 393 total posts
Re: Fomula to milk...making the switch
I did it gradually - started with 2 oz milk, the rest formula and then just kept upping the amount of milk every few days. It was easy - Nick loves the milk. My dr. told me 20-24 oz per day though...he drinks all 24! Oh, and I started doing the transation at 11 months, so by the time he turned 1 he was on all milk. Still wont take it in a sippy cup though...
Posted 9/26/05 7:38 AM |
My 3 Miracles!

Member since 5/05 5777 total posts
Name: Melissa
Re: Fomula to milk...making the switch
When we switched we first introduced it mixed in with the formula. We started out with 2 oz of reg. milk and every couple of days we added 2 oz more. He was completely on whole a couple of weeks before his 1 year bday.
Posted 9/26/05 8:56 AM |
5 weeks till I'm a big sister

Member since 5/05 2642 total posts
Name: Jennifer
Re: Fomula to milk...making the switch
I was told to do half and half for a while and then one day I was out longer then expected and just gave her regular milk I had a dr. appointment and I told him what I did and he said well since she took it well then jsut switch it was before she was a year old. Its so much cheaper and you don't jhave to lug alot around anymore good luck
Posted 9/26/05 10:05 AM |
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