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BTDT mom - Need suggestions for gates

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Member since 5/05

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BTDT mom - Need suggestions for gates

Now that Nate's crawling and always trying to pull himself up to stand, we think it's time to put gates on the stairways.

Any suggestions? What's working for you?


Posted 1/6/06 3:58 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

19403 total posts


Re: BTDT mom - Need suggestions for gates

We have the Evenflo top of stair gates. We have one in her doorway (it's supposed to be safer than on the stairs themselves) and then one at the bottom of the stairs that lead into the den, where we spend most of the day. I don't have any on the main level with the kitchen and dining room, the way our stairs are set up I can't figure out how to do it. I might get one of those fence systems for there.

External Image

Posted 1/6/06 4:04 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

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Re: BTDT mom - Need suggestions for gates

We just installed 2 gates last night. Thank God! We live in a 3 story townhouse so we needed them badly. We got wooden gates since our banisters are wood. They look great and blend in and most importantly they are sturdy. I have attached a link, they are darker in person.

Wooden Gates

Posted 1/6/06 4:05 PM

My girls

Member since 7/05

4303 total posts


Re: BTDT mom - Need suggestions for gates

My only suggestion is to use sdomething that mounts into the wall, not a tension gate (that could get pushed over).

Posted 1/6/06 4:05 PM

I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05

11357 total posts


Re: BTDT mom - Need suggestions for gates

I read on Consumers Reports that its better to get a gate that you can attach to a wall/staircase - one that hinges - for the top of the stairs.

The other kind, that can be wedged between the 2 walls for other parts of your house are OK.

I havent picked mine out yet, but just wanted to pass along what I read.

Posted 1/6/06 4:17 PM


Member since 5/05

23599 total posts


Re: BTDT mom - Need suggestions for gates

I haven't BTDT, but I saw a very nice gate that attaches to the wall and you can see through it, it has a plastic window.

Posted 1/6/06 5:28 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

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Re: BTDT mom - Need suggestions for gates

I had the tension mounted gates but we would have DH try to push them over to make sure they were in tight. Every so often (about once a week), I would try to push it over to see if Joseph had enough strength to do it.

If he becomes a climber (Joseph was not), at that point you should rethink the gate. Teaching him how to go up & down stairs is more important at that point. If he can scale the gate (and they can), falling from the top of a gate, down the stairs is much worse than just falling down the stairs.

Also I would suggest putting the one on the bottom up a few stairs so he can practice going up & down stairs.

Posted 1/6/06 5:30 PM

Best Friends

Member since 6/05

10228 total posts


Re: BTDT mom - Need suggestions for gates

Posted by sarahsmommy

We have the Evenflo top of stair gates. We have one in her doorway (it's supposed to be safer than on the stairs themselves) and then one at the bottom of the stairs that lead into the den, where we spend most of the day. I don't have any on the main level with the kitchen and dining room, the way our stairs are set up I can't figure out how to do it. I might get one of those fence systems for there.


this is the one I have at the top of my stairs and love it.

Posted 1/6/06 6:59 PM

LIF Infant

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Mom of 2

Re: BTDT mom - Need suggestions for gates

Posted by rose825

Posted by sarahsmommy

We have the Evenflo top of stair gates. We have one in her doorway (it's supposed to be safer than on the stairs themselves) and then one at the bottom of the stairs that lead into the den, where we spend most of the day. I don't have any on the main level with the kitchen and dining room, the way our stairs are set up I can't figure out how to do it. I might get one of those fence systems for there.


this is the one I have at the top of my stairs and love it.

We have this one too at the top of our stairs and its great.

We also have a tension one we mount at the bottom of the stairs if he's roaming around. The tensions are the ones I use in my kitchen to block him off from the rest of the house when needed. I didnt want to fasten gates to everywhere in my house because my floor plan is very open.

External Image
I got them at BRU.

Message edited 1/6/2006 10:11:23 PM.

Posted 1/6/06 10:10 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

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Re: BTDT mom - Need suggestions for gates

I have two first years gates, that you press w/ your foot and it swings open. Myself and DH like them a lot.

Posted 1/8/06 7:20 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 11/05

671 total posts


Re: BTDT mom - Need suggestions for gates

I would think that only one that is mounted into the wall would bet the safest for stairs. We have the regular kind for between the rooms, not stairs and they easily can be knocked over if you put pressure on it.

Posted 1/8/06 7:21 PM

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