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Tell me I'm not alone and help me shed some light on this BAD habit

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Tell me I'm not alone and help me shed some light on this BAD habit

Does anyone pick at their face?

I don't pick zits....just black/whiteheads and I always cover my fingers in tissue, but I'm not the facialist and I shouldn't do it. I don't have any scars from doing it from what I can see; I guess I'd already know. Ugh. I'm SO undiagnosed OCD!

Posted 8/22/06 4:18 PM
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Re: Tell me I'm not alone and help me shed some light on this BAD habit

Okay, you are not alone.

Me and my two sisters are like this. You should have seen my house when we were all teenagers---we were constantly doing it to eachother Chat Icon

Now I just attack my DH since my face is actually pretty clear and I don't often have anything to pick at. One of the perks to being married to me I guess ... he hates it but puts up with it.

Posted 8/22/06 4:33 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Tell me I'm not alone and help me shed some light on this BAD habit

yes and Its BAD, I cant stop and I pick at anything. Its a nervous disorder I think...LOL

eta- if I get like a little scratch I will pick at it for days and I have some scars from it Chat Icon

Message edited 8/22/2006 4:35:05 PM.

Posted 8/22/06 4:34 PM


Member since 6/05

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Grammie says "Lora Gina"

Re: Tell me I'm not alone and help me shed some light on this BAD habit

Nope...I used to do this, but once I was put on Accutane and my face cleared up I refuse to's sooo bad. (Blackheads or whiteheads...)

Posted 8/22/06 4:35 PM


Member since 5/05

20997 total posts


Re: Tell me I'm not alone and help me shed some light on this BAD habit

Oooooooooo, ask DH how bad I am!

If its not the face, its my shoulder or
chest...anywhere a zit my appear.
The I attack DH!!!

So bad and I cant help it!!

I need help! AA- acne anonymous!

Posted 8/22/06 4:38 PM


Member since 11/05

9202 total posts


Re: Tell me I'm not alone and help me shed some light on this BAD habit


I always cover my finger in tissue. But I need to stop. I must do it once a week. No scarring that I can see. My skin is clear and I get right up in the mirror and remove anything I can find. That's the curse of large pores.

Posted 8/22/06 4:39 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Tell me I'm not alone and help me shed some light on this BAD habit

I pick my face, pick my cuticles

its disgusting

my nails have a gel wrap on them so they are not as sharp, per se, so it cut down on my picking..but i still do it

Posted 8/22/06 4:41 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Tell me I'm not alone and help me shed some light on this BAD habit

I pick too!! I pick my fingernails also... you're def not alone! Chat Icon

Posted 8/22/06 4:43 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

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Re: Tell me I'm not alone and help me shed some light on this BAD habit

On occasion, I've operated on myself.Chat Icon

In terms of scarring, I am MUCH more careful about picking after 35. There is not a doubt in my mind that I no longer heal as quickly as I once did - which would definitely lead to scars.

Posted 8/22/06 4:44 PM

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Re: Tell me I'm not alone and help me shed some light on this BAD habit

Posted by lorich

Nope...I used to do this, but once I was put on Accutane and my face cleared up I refuse to's sooo bad. (Blackheads or whiteheads...)

I was on Accutane a few years ago and it helped sooo much. But now that I am not on BCP anymore - my face is a mess again! I pick too - I know I shouldn't, but I can't stand blackheads & whiteheads!

Posted 8/22/06 4:46 PM

My Loves!

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Re: Tell me I'm not alone and help me shed some light on this BAD habit

No, you are not alone. Ive been doing it forever.

Posted 8/22/06 4:48 PM

my loves...

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Re: Tell me I'm not alone and help me shed some light on this BAD habit

Posted by nrthshgrl

On occasion, I've operated on myself.Chat Icon

Chat Icon Me too...

I am a picker - at least you wrap your finger in tissue. I was actually just picking at my chin when I clicked on this post. Chat Icon I cna't stop - I spend at least 15 minutes a night all up in my mirror with my blackhead/whitehead/pimple-popping tool. It is almost like I'm addicted...

Posted 8/22/06 5:16 PM

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Re: Tell me I'm not alone and help me shed some light on this BAD habit

Posted by Smileyd17

Oooooooooo, ask DH how bad I am!

If its not the face, its my shoulder or
chest...anywhere a zit my appear.
The I attack DH!!!

So bad and I cant help it!!

I need help! AA- acne anonymous!

You sound like me . . . .Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/22/06 5:20 PM

Love my girls :)

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Re: Tell me I'm not alone and help me shed some light on this BAD habit

anytime I feel the slightest bump I pick away!

Posted 8/22/06 5:35 PM


Member since 1/06

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Re: Tell me I'm not alone and help me shed some light on this BAD habit

I do this also! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon DH yells at me and points out the scars I am causing... Chat Icon

Posted 8/22/06 5:47 PM

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Re: Tell me I'm not alone and help me shed some light on this BAD habit

Posted by preshy7

I pick my face, pick my cuticles

its disgusting

my nails have a gel wrap on them so they are not as sharp, per se, so it cut down on my picking..but i still do it

I agree - I am THE WORST! I went back to my acrylics because I just had to put an end to it!

Posted 8/22/06 5:49 PM


Member since 3/06

18677 total posts


Re: Tell me I'm not alone and help me shed some light on this BAD habit

omg lana....i don't do this once a week, i do it every night!!!!!!!!!! i can't stand blackheads and I MUST remove them. So far no scarring, but I have definitely gotten broken capillaries on my face from doing it. UGH! Can't stop Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/22/06 5:49 PM


Member since 1/06

1554 total posts


Re: Tell me I'm not alone and help me shed some light on this BAD habit

I do this to myself, but I also do it to DH. He gets so mad but I cant help myself. I cant sit there calmly knowing that there is "surgery" that I need to be performing on his face. He'll be talking to me and then finally he says things like "Fine, just do what you need to do. I can see your not even listening to me."

Posted 8/22/06 6:00 PM


Member since 5/05

30390 total posts


Re: Tell me I'm not alone and help me shed some light on this BAD habit

Posted by nrthshgrl

On occasion, I've operated on myself.Chat Icon

ditto - a couple years ago, I pulled a stitch out of my knee....a 20 YEAR OLD STITCH- I had stitches in that spot when I was 2. Growing up, I always had a weird bump in my knee, but everyone always told me it was a vein or something. WHen I was 21, I had enough of the bump and went in with a sterilized pin and tweezers....and sure enough, retrieved a longggg stitch. Guess the Dr. missed it. Chat Icon

ETA: I try to stay away from my face though

Message edited 8/22/2006 6:11:52 PM.

Posted 8/22/06 6:05 PM

I'm a mommy :)

Member since 1/06

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Re: Tell me I'm not alone and help me shed some light on this BAD habit

I pick my face daily
Anthony picks my zits all the time.: Chat Icon
He calls it love. I call it pain

Posted 8/22/06 6:47 PM

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