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Miranda spent her 1 week birthday in the ER

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My Everything

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Miranda spent her 1 week birthday in the ER

What a scary day yesterday was. I wouldn't wish it on any new mother. I will try to make this the short version.

After I fed her on one side I burped her and she spit up a little and I noticed a brown spec but didn't think anything of it, figured it was a scab of my nipple. We moved onto the next breast, fed, then burped. Well she burped and it was full of blood. I freaked out, called the doctor and we were rushing to get over there. Well there were 2 more blood vomiting episodes.
At the doctor her exam was fine and he sent us to the Children's Hospital ER in Denver. Well over the next 8 hours my poor child was poked, prodded and xrayed. I also couldn't feed her all day so she was starving and crying. I was in tears all day. I finally had to leave the room when they were trying to get an IV in her. DH stayed with her. They had no idea what was wrong. Her stomach xrays were fine and so the doctor starts talking about the blood work and asking if we have hemophelia in our family. Well we don't but that still freaked me out and I was a mess.
So while we were waiting for her blood work to come back they gave her a dose a Zantac and let us feed her some Pedialyte. In the meantime my DH's mother had called her friend who is a pediatric nurse and told her what was going on. The first thing she asked was if I was breastfeeding and then asked some questions about my breastfeeding habits and said that where she works if a baby's initial exam is fine the first thing they look at is how the mom is breastfeeding. Well I was feeding 30 minutes on each side every couple of hours, I had no idea I just let her **** as long as she wanted no one told me otherwise. I told the doctors how I was feeding and that my nipples were really scabbed but I never actually saw blood. I even offered to show them but they never looked they just started all these outrageous tests on my poor daughter.
Anyway after talking to his mom my DH came in, told me the info and we talked to the nurse and told her we wanted to at least pump to see if the blood was coming from me. Well this nurse was really compassionate and said she was going to find a lactation nurse and send her in. The lactation nurse came in and said she could almost guarantee that the blood was from the breastfeeding because I was feeding too long and that she was probably breaking my capillaries and swallowing blood. She worked with me a little on feeding and different positons. She also set me up with some nipple shields for air drying my poor nipples.
So of course during all this her blood work came back totally normal, thank god.
I am going to see a lactation consultant today and hopefully in time will master breastfeeding and never see blood again. That was so scary and I have to say I feel guilty that it's my fault she went through all that. Chat Icon
So I hope that maybe this will help any mom's who are new or having trouble with breast feeding to ask for help or see a lactation consultant.

Posted 10/4/05 12:51 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Miranda spent her 1 week birthday in the ER

I'm so sorry you went through such a scary time. I will say that I had a similar episode with Andrew when I was BF and it was that he was taking in blood from my breast and he ended up being fine. But I can relate to how horrifying it is to see your baby spitting up blood. Hang in there and glad Miranda is fine. I'm sure the lactation specialist will be a great help!

Posted 10/4/05 12:57 PM

Happy New Year

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Re: Miranda spent her 1 week birthday in the ER

Omg how scary!!! I'm sorry you had to go through this but thank goodness everything is fine! I would never have known that a baby could take in blood from the breast!

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 10/4/05 1:08 PM

5 weeks till I'm a big sister

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Re: Miranda spent her 1 week birthday in the ER

Wow thats a horrible experience for you to go through I am glad Miranda is fine I would of never thought that a baby can get blood through breastfeeding

Posted 10/4/05 1:21 PM

I ♥ my boys!

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Re: Miranda spent her 1 week birthday in the ER

OMG, I am so glad that everything is fine.Chat Icon
I never heard that this could happen. Thanks for posting about it, this way we will all be more careful. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 10/4/05 1:25 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Miranda spent her 1 week birthday in the ER

OMG, I am so happy that everything is ok with your little girl. I cant even imagine how scary that must have been for you.... It is so hard in the beginning to know what to do and not to do, in the end the important thing is that she is ok!....Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 10/4/05 1:45 PM

I hate hypocrites!!!!!

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Re: Miranda spent her 1 week birthday in the ER

Wow I cannot imagine how scary that must have been for you Chat Icon But shame on that doctor for not asking more questions before putting poor Miranda through all that poking and proding! Thankfully she is OK! Hope you have smooth sailing from here are in.

Chat Icon

Posted 10/4/05 1:49 PM

3 babies for me :)

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Re: Miranda spent her 1 week birthday in the ER

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon OMG what a scary experience, thank you for sharing I have never heard of this issue before and it is good to know. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 10/4/05 2:17 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

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Re: Miranda spent her 1 week birthday in the ER

omg How scary, glad she is okay now. That must have been horrible to go thru.

Posted 10/4/05 2:22 PM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

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Re: Miranda spent her 1 week birthday in the ER

What a scary experience! I wish your daughter didn't have to go through all the poking and proding but it's better to be safe! I'm so glad you are going to be working with a lactation consultant now. I grew up in a breastfeeding family -- my mom was all for it...she was a LLL leader for my whole life and I know how important it is to get the support, no matter where it comes from! I hope everything works out and that things get easier!

Posted 10/4/05 2:36 PM

Straight up nasty

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Re: Miranda spent her 1 week birthday in the ER

How scary!Chat Icon I'm so sorry!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 10/4/05 2:55 PM

Live in the Present

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Re: Miranda spent her 1 week birthday in the ER

I'm so sorry that you had to go through all this. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

I know how scary it is to see your baby in the hospital....God Bless

Posted 10/4/05 3:08 PM

boy mamma

Member since 5/05

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Re: Miranda spent her 1 week birthday in the ER

omg! the same thing had been happening to me- I am fming you

Posted 10/4/05 4:07 PM

2 Girls For Me!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Miranda spent her 1 week birthday in the ER

I'm sorry you and your little baby had to go through this - but im happy Miranda is doing just fine and you know know the cause of this.

I've never heard of such a thing happening before, and thank you for sharing your story.

Posted 10/4/05 4:31 PM


Member since 5/05

4457 total posts


Re: Miranda spent her 1 week birthday in the ER

ER visits absolutely suc*!!! so happy everyone is ok, your poor nipples, you and your daughter are quite a pair of troopers, Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon to baby Miranda

Posted 10/4/05 5:02 PM

Love her so much <3

Member since 5/05

15567 total posts


Re: Miranda spent her 1 week birthday in the ER

i'm so sorry that happen hope you and the baby are doing well now Chat Icon

Posted 10/4/05 5:21 PM

Yay Spring!

Member since 5/05

5133 total posts


Re: Miranda spent her 1 week birthday in the ER

Glad she's ok

The LC is a good idea. She should be able to help you.

Posted 10/4/05 5:22 PM


Member since 5/05

15167 total posts


Re: Miranda spent her 1 week birthday in the ER

So sorry you had to go through this!! I have never heard that before!!! Glad to hear Miranda is fine! Chat Icon

Posted 10/4/05 5:47 PM

Ready for the sun!

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Properly perfect™

Re: Miranda spent her 1 week birthday in the ER

I am so happy Miranda is alright Chat Icon

Posted 10/4/05 6:12 PM


Member since 5/05

5632 total posts


Re: Miranda spent her 1 week birthday in the ER

how scary! glad to hear Miranda is fine and hope you are too!!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 10/4/05 6:56 PM

Making big changes

Member since 5/05

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Re: Miranda spent her 1 week birthday in the ER

Oh my god! I'm so sorry that you went through all that! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 10/4/05 8:47 PM

so outrageous

Member since 7/05

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Re: Miranda spent her 1 week birthday in the ER

Im sorry you had to go through that!! I am glad she is ok!Chat Icon

Posted 10/4/05 10:14 PM

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