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what was your take on a sleep positioner???

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wow, pic is already 1 yr old!!

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what was your take on a sleep positioner???

I have a friend who swore by hers but dh and I don't have a clue...we have heard its great and also that its a complete waste of $$$....any opinions or help would be great!

Posted 9/2/06 6:00 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: what was your take on a sleep positioner???

dangerous waste of money

Posted 9/2/06 6:03 PM

Happy Days!

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Re: what was your take on a sleep positioner???

Wouldn't bother. You could use a rolled up blanket if you really wanted to.

Posted 9/2/06 6:07 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: what was your take on a sleep positioner???

Posted by KPtoys

dangerous waste of money

It was actually more dangerous if we didn't get them. Andrew has reflux and the sleep positioner kept him slightly elevated and on his back so he stayed elevated. It helped out soo much. For us it was not a waste of money.

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Message edited 9/2/2006 6:11:49 PM.

Posted 9/2/06 6:10 PM

Chase is one!

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Re: what was your take on a sleep positioner???

For us, it wasn't worth it because she wiggled out of it, anyway. But you need to try it and then see how it works for your baby.

Posted 9/2/06 6:33 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: what was your take on a sleep positioner???

I used one for both my kids until they were about 3 months old. They were side sleepers and it helped me keep them on the side at night.

ETA: I used it in the bassinet, not the crib. Once they went to the crib, they moved too much and it wasn't a good idea anymore.

Message edited 9/2/2006 6:52:13 PM.

Posted 9/2/06 6:51 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: what was your take on a sleep positioner???

Sara wigled out of it . She did nt like that or her bassinet.

Posted 9/2/06 6:52 PM

LIF Infant

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Re: what was your take on a sleep positioner???

Posted by prncssrachel

For us, it wasn't worth it because she wiggled out of it, anyway. But you need to try it and then see how it works for your baby.

We had Hanna wedged and positioned at 30 degree angel because of the reflux.........
Not good enough.

The poor little thing is now sleeping in he papison chair in the crib and is @ 45 degrees.

After a feeding if she falls asleep and she has been upright long enough I sometimes put her in her chair and then prop the top of the chair onto the crib raising it even higher.

Helps with her sleeping

Oh could use blankets.


Posted 9/2/06 11:31 PM

My Boys

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Re: what was your take on a sleep positioner???

We loved ours and used it till DS was 5 months old. I would recommend it.

Posted 9/2/06 11:46 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: what was your take on a sleep positioner???

I used mine for a very long time.. i would say till like 6 months old. My son wasnt a side sleeper and although he rolled over at 3 months he never rolled over at night. I would reccommend it.

Posted 9/2/06 11:55 PM

Mommy to 2 boys!

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Re: what was your take on a sleep positioner???

My son used it twice. I took it out when I woke up one morning and saw that he had wiggled down and his face was smushed up against the sidesChat Icon

Message edited 9/3/2006 12:25:37 AM.

Posted 9/3/06 12:25 AM

Blessed x 3

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Re: what was your take on a sleep positioner???

Loved it...

Posted 9/3/06 9:25 AM


Member since 10/05

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Re: what was your take on a sleep positioner???

Neither one of my wiggly boys liked it. Nor did I, quite frankly.

Posted 9/3/06 9:26 AM

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Re: what was your take on a sleep positioner???

DD wiggles down so it is dangerous.

Posted 9/3/06 4:22 PM

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Re: what was your take on a sleep positioner???

Posted by pnm1654

My son used it twice. I took it out when I woke up one morning and saw that he had wiggled down and his face was smushed up against the sidesChat Icon

Same here, I wouldn't use one again!

Posted 9/3/06 4:29 PM

I am a lucky Momma!

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Re: what was your take on a sleep positioner???

We used ours until she was about 4-5 months old also. She didn't sleep as well without it. She'd wake up in the middle of the night on the nights we took it out -- I think because she didn't feel as "snuggled" as when she had it. However once she really started moving around a lot in the crib we took it out.

Posted 9/3/06 4:29 PM


Member since 8/05

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Re: what was your take on a sleep positioner???

I got one, but then I read an article about how it was made with some kind of toxic chemicals I got rid of it right away. Chat Icon link The one that has toxic chemicals is the Air Flow Sleep Positioner. I also read about them being a SIDS risk because the baby can slide down and have their face pressed against it like some others have posted. And for reflux, can't you put a wedge under the mattress so that there's nothing dangerous inside the crib? I'd say they're a waste and wouldn't bother getting it.

Posted 9/3/06 10:27 PM

Life is good!

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Re: what was your take on a sleep positioner???

We used a positioner to get her to sleep on her side.

It helped for her reflux.

Posted 9/4/06 7:47 AM

All good things in 2016!!

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Re: what was your take on a sleep positioner???

We used the Inclined to sleep one for 3 mos. I like many moms found her head smushed into it one day and freaked out and took it out.

Posted 9/4/06 8:01 AM

Mom of 2 Boys

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Re: what was your take on a sleep positioner???

100% worth it for us. I had the inclined to sleep. More for the incline than anything else. Since he spent time in the NICU he got use to being raised plus he had reflux and the raise helped. Now DS uses it as a pillow (he s 19 months) without the wings.

Posted 9/4/06 8:24 AM

My boys

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Re: what was your take on a sleep positioner???

We used it for a few months.

Posted 9/4/06 10:37 AM


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Mrs. Honeybee

Re: what was your take on a sleep positioner???

Posted by aliasPook

Loved it...

me too.Chat Icon

Posted 9/4/06 10:46 AM

Spring Baby06
My two loves

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Re: what was your take on a sleep positioner???

I hated it up until about 3 months. She always slid down it. But once she started trying to roll over(from back to tummy) I got nervous that she would get stuck on her belly. I still use it only at night. I plan on stop using in in a couple of weeks, she's starting to slide down again.

Posted 9/4/06 11:18 AM

My girls

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Re: what was your take on a sleep positioner???

Don't buy it unless you need it for a medical condition and doctor tells you to.

Posted 9/4/06 1:15 PM

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