Weissbluth Moms....(long, sorry)
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me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05 12013 total posts
Name: Shana
Weissbluth Moms....(long, sorry)
If you used Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child....what methods worked for you and WHAT was your sleep problem (naps, too late bedtime, not staying asleep at night?)
Our issues are all of the above....at home she naps good and on a schedule...work kills it! She is still fighting at bedtime, and I'm letting her cry (check and console) but she is not crying more than a total of 10 min before she's out.
We are still bringing her into our bed in the middle of the night until she wakes up for the day (with one night feeding 4-6:30am).
BUT.....I've noticed her awake time is about 1 hr 15 min before she starts that grunt that means either I'm tired, I'm hungry, or I'm dirty (all the same grunt).
I put her down at 9:45am for her nap (she woke at 8:30am) and she went down WITHOUT CRYING!!!!
Did you use Extinction (letting them cry till the go to sleep), Graduated extinction (sort of CIO with intervals) or No Cry.
And if you are a weissbluth mom and it worked.....do you use the same wake time in the morning and then AM nap around the same time? How does that work?
Message edited 6/13/2006 10:36:56 AM.
Posted 6/13/06 10:34 AM |
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