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Started prenatals today....

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Member since 3/06

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Started prenatals today....

Getting a little nervous about TTC. I have a week left on my pills and that's it. Dh almost threw up......I walked out of the Dr. with the sample Preconceive and started shaking a little.

Dr. was telling me I may have trouble b/c I always have cysts on my ovaries (at least a few times a year), so it may take a while.

Does anyone really want a baby, but think about all the things that it comes with it, and get really freaked out?

Oh, God......

Posted 8/21/06 2:10 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 7/06

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Mama :)

Re: Started prenatals today....

yes.. I completely know how you feel. I am off the pill for about a week now, and I couldn't be happier, just something off my shoulders, been taking prenatals since then. DH and I are financially stable and own a house..although we are not officially TTCing, just at the "let's see what happens" phase.. DH is still a little freaked out about the fact that I am off the pill and the truth is I am a little scared as well.
We might never will be COMPLETELY ready, but we know when the time comes, we will step up and be just fine.

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Posted 8/21/06 2:37 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Started prenatals today....

I started the "freak out" about TTC about a year ago but by now I am ready. Come what may! I am still nervous about a C section and the glucose test (b/c I am hypoglycemic) but its all worth it.

Posted 8/21/06 2:37 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 8/06

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Re: Started prenatals today....

I just got off the pill this weekend. I do get nervous, mostly about money but I think in the end it is all worth it. When I start to think about labor I get sick to my stomach. I do not handle pain well at all.

Posted 8/21/06 4:43 PM

<3 <3 <3 <3

Member since 1/06

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Re: Started prenatals today....

I'm the biggest wuss there is when it comes to anything medical, and I mean ANYTHING!

I'm so ready to be a mom, and next week is my last week on BC, but I'm scared shytless about the whole thing. I just keep thinking that this time next year, I could be getting ready to deliver a baby it really freaks me out!

Posted 8/21/06 4:49 PM

Partners in crime

Member since 10/05

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Re: Started prenatals today....

I am definitely scared about becoming a mother. I see these beautiful babies and I can't wait to have one. Then the fear sets in about all of the changes that will take place. I am so scared to have the life of a child in my hands and to give up the life that DH and I currently have. However, then I begin to think about seeing my baby and I know that while I'll never be 100% ready, each day I move a little closer to it.

Posted 8/21/06 8:36 PM


Member since 8/06

2818 total posts


Re: Started prenatals today....

Posted by hmpena

I am definitely scared about becoming a mother. I see these beautiful babies and I can't wait to have one. Then the fear sets in about all of the changes that will take place. I am so scared to have the life of a child in my hands and to give up the life that DH and I currently have. However, then I begin to think about seeing my baby and I know that while I'll never be 100% ready, each day I move a little closer to it.

I feel exactly the same!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted 8/22/06 10:31 AM

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