Doctor's Appt. tonight - need advice on what decision to make
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LIF Zygote
Member since 8/05 44 total posts
Name: Samantha
Doctor's Appt. tonight - need advice on what decision to make
Hi all,
I posted this on the TTC board too but that someone here could help out as well.
I met with the OBGYN on May 25 for my regular checkup and to discuss ttc. He asked me about my menstrual history which has been pretty irregular for the past year or so. My last cycle started about May 1 and ended about May 11.
I told the doctor that we had just started trying. Right after my period ended on the 11th, I sorta "charted" and when I noticed that it was around the time of ovulating, DH and I tried. But no luck.
The doctor told me that if my cycle did not start again by today then I would need to take Clomid.
So technically it was that one time. This month, I haven't gotten my AF yet. Spotting on June 4th but that was it.
What do you all think about this? Should I ask the doctor for blood work to further investigate why I'm not ovulating, etc.? Charting? Go to RE for 2nd opinion?
Posted 6/8/06 1:22 PM |
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Member since 5/05 16353 total posts
Name: Lauren
Re: Doctor's Appt. tonight - need advice on what decision to make
I would definitely get blood work done. I don't think they should blindly prescribe Clomid without first doing a work-up on you.
Posted 6/8/06 2:07 PM |
My three little miracles

Member since 4/06 2628 total posts
Name: Alison
Re: Doctor's Appt. tonight - need advice on what decision to make
I agree about getting bloodwork. My Dr. also would not start me on clomid without my DH giving a semen analysis to make sure we did not have issues on both ends. He said the Clomid builds up in your system and you sohuld not be on it if you don't have to be.
Posted 6/8/06 5:08 PM |

Member since 5/05 15952 total posts
Re: Doctor's Appt. tonight - need advice on what decision to make
Posted by leighla
I would definitely get blood work done. I don't think they should blindly prescribe Clomid without first doing a work-up on you.
Yes, and to be honest, RE's are ob-gyn's that receive additional training in infertility issues. Regular ob-gyn training does not cover infertilty in any depth.
I'd go see the RE.
Posted 6/8/06 5:56 PM |

Member since 5/05 34581 total posts
Name: Donna
Re: Doctor's Appt. tonight - need advice on what decision to make
Im confused a little. You said charting showed you ovulated but then said you didnt? And if you charted in May, how do you know it didnt work? Did you test?
By irregular cycles, what do you mean? Just long?
I would definatly get blood work up's.
YOu have only been trying one month?
And did you Dr say WHY to the Clomid? Does he think your not ovulating based on anything?
GOOD LUCK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted 6/8/06 8:58 PM |
spring is in the air

Member since 11/05 2688 total posts
Name: helen
Re: Doctor's Appt. tonight - need advice on what decision to make
I would ask for some analysis before popping the Clomid M&Ms
Posted 6/9/06 7:29 AM |
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