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I know I am not a parent yet (teacher related)

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No more school= too much time!

Member since 5/05

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I know I am not a parent yet (teacher related)

I was thinking about being a mom last night and it dawned on me that being a teacher may actually conflict with a few things in my childs life. Don't get me wrong I became a teacher so I could be with my kids more.

I was thinking about sending my future child off to their first day of kindergarden. That will also be my first day of work. I think it would be very frowned down on to take off work the first day it starts! I really don't want to miss that! My mom made sure she was there for mine and it seems like such a milestone. It makes me sad to think that I would miss it! I see everyone has nice pictures of their child getting on the bus!

I know I am crazy for thinking about this now but thats me! My question is if you are a teacher how did you handle this or will handle this???

Thank you!!
Worry Wort!

Posted 9/9/06 8:26 AM
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Re: I know I am not a parent yet (teacher related)

One of my son's good friends is a teacher in Farmingdale. Our district doesn't have full-day kindergarten, so our kids are going to Catholic school since it's full-day.

I'm not sure if it's like this every year, but the Catholic school started on Tuesday, public schools began Wednesday. She was able to see him get on the bus and show up a little late for the conference they were having.

My other friend has a house in the district that she teaches. She puts her kids on the bus and then drives to school. There is plenty of time to get to school while the bus makes its stops.

IMO, there is no better job that is suited for having a child. You'll be off on every holiday and school break that they have off (except in the case of Catholic schools where you'll have a random religious holiday thrown in) and you'll be off all summer long with them. There may be some conflicting days and in the end, yes there may be somethings you have to miss.

Posted 9/9/06 8:35 AM

I love the summer

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Re: I know I am not a parent yet (teacher related)

I'm already thinking about this and my baby is only three months. I know that I don't want to miss his first day. But, I've decided that I'll cross that bridge when I get there. If I worked in a better school I would send him to my school and it would be perfect!

Posted 9/9/06 8:57 AM

Mommy to 3 boys!

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Re: I know I am not a parent yet (teacher related)

My son is only 10 days old, and I thought of this the other day because my brother was home from work taking pictures of his daughters going off to school. Then I said, ok, I can't worry about something so far off, I'll deal with that when it comes up!

Posted 9/9/06 4:14 PM

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Re: I know I am not a parent yet (teacher related)

I was just thinking the same thing! I am home on maternity leave now and was taking a walk past our local school with DD on Wednesday & I realized that I will always miss her first day of school. It breaks my heart. Chat Icon

Posted 9/9/06 10:11 PM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

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Re: I know I am not a parent yet (teacher related)

I hope that I don't miss my DD's first day of school but I most likely will since I am a teacher also. My FIL will probably have to take her, which makes me so sad. Hopefully there will be some weird chance that I won't start on the same day that she does.

Posted 9/9/06 10:19 PM

My miracles!

Member since 12/05

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Re: I know I am not a parent yet (teacher related)

I teach too. It looks like it is going to be up to DH when we have kids. By then we should have a decent camera! My mom was a SAHM and I am pretty positive she put me on a school bus every year.

Posted 9/9/06 10:27 PM

Spring Baby06
My two loves

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Re: I know I am not a parent yet (teacher related)

I'll have to cross that bridge when I come to it, as long as DH or I are there I'll be okay with it.

Posted 9/10/06 10:06 AM

Chase is one!

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Re: I know I am not a parent yet (teacher related)

It's funny that I saw this post because as I was driving home last night, I was thinking to myself, "So many people think that going into teaching is great for when you have kids, but it's really not that convenient." I am also a teacher, and I realized that I might never have the chance to be Ava's class mom or to see her off to school (unless, of course, we send her to MY school), but we've worked it out so that JT can be there with her. You just find a way around things, I guess. I'd still rather have all the holidays and summer breaks off with her than being able to bring cupcakes into her classroom twice a year. You'll find a way to make things work come time.

Posted 9/10/06 10:15 AM

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