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Suncreen for babies under 6 months?

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Member since 5/05

11165 total posts


Suncreen for babies under 6 months?

We are traveling home for LI for the 4th, and I know Gianna will inadvertently be out in the sun. Believe me not by choice!

Does anyone know the lowdown on suncreen on babies under 6 months? What did PED's say?

I wouldn't put it on her face or head, that would be covered with hat, her arms and legs i am worried about.

Posted 6/30/06 2:04 PM
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Re: Suncreen for babies under 6 months?

My PED said 5 months but I also heard that the AAP approved the use for infants under 6 months... I'm sure a little on her arms/legs won't hurt.

Posted 6/30/06 2:08 PM

Where it all began....

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Re: Suncreen for babies under 6 months?

Found this:

Until recently the American Academy of Pediatrics advised against the use of sunblock in babies under six months of age. Now they recommend:

"For babies under six months of age, sunscreen may be used on small areas of the body such as the face and the back of the hands if adequate clothing and shade are not available. For older children, test the sunscreen on the baby's back for a reaction before applying it all over. Apply carefully around the eyes, avoiding the eyelids. If your baby rubs sunscreen into her eyes, wipe the eyes and hands clean with a damp cloth. If the sunscreen burns her eyes, try a different brand or try a sunscreen stick or sunblock with titanium dioxide or zinc oxide. If a rash develops, talk to your pediatrician."

There are two very important reasons for not overusing sunscreen in young babies:

1. Infants and children have what is called a high body surface to volume ratio. What this means is that proportionately babies have more skin for the size body as compared to an adult. Sunscreens are made of chemicals. On the older child and adult, the chemical exposure is relatively minimal because the body surface ratio is smaller than a baby. Therefore, babies get a higher "dose" of sunscreen than do those older. While this exposure would most likely not cause any problems, the likelihood of an adverse reaction is greater.

2. Babies have a mildly impaired mechanism to keep cool by sweating. In addition, they have a greater risk of becoming dehydrated due to heat. Sunscreen can somewhat impair effective cooling by perspiration, so placing it on an infant could be detrimental.

Posted 6/30/06 2:48 PM


Member since 5/05

11165 total posts


Re: Suncreen for babies under 6 months?

thank u!!

Posted 6/30/06 3:43 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

7967 total posts


Re: Suncreen for babies under 6 months?

My Ped told me no sunscreen until 6mths...she shouldnt be out in the sun at all and if I had to have her out - not in direct sun but indirect to shield her with clothes and a hat..I have a hat with the flaps at the back and I put her in long pants when we are out...but to be honest we are inside most of the day....if we HAVE to go out its early morning or late summer for meChat Icon

We were at a party a couple of weeks back and I kept her inside in the pooper...

Posted 6/30/06 3:44 PM


Member since 8/05

4987 total posts


Re: Suncreen for babies under 6 months?

my ped said anytime we go outside (more than just from the house to the car) he should have sunscreen on. i still just try to keep him out of the sun so i don't have to put anything on him

Posted 6/30/06 3:55 PM

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