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Thinking of getting a dog

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5 weeks till I'm a big sister

Member since 5/05

2642 total posts


Thinking of getting a dog

I live in an apartment and have a 1 year old I want a dog in the worst way I would like a medium size dog that has short hair does anyone have any suggestions for a dog that would be good in an apartment?

I was thinking of maybe an english bulldog or a boxer

Message edited 9/20/2005 3:26:59 PM.

Posted 9/20/05 3:25 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Thinking of getting a dog

bulldogs are alot of $$$ to buy a nd very expensive healthcare wise, they have alot of health problems, from what i've been told,

boxers are great with children but can be really hyper and hard to train and calm down....

try this website... you can do a search with your guidelines and it will tell you what breed is the best for you...

Posted 9/20/05 3:43 PM

Babygirl is 4!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Thinking of getting a dog

I wish I could help you, but I am a big dog person...we have a lab, and they really need space.

Bulldogs and boxers are cute -- I wouldn't go with a beagle because they like to howl...good luck, I am sure you will be very happy whatever you decide!!!

Oh and IMO, I would adopt from a many sweet dogs need homes!

Posted 9/20/05 3:44 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Thinking of getting a dog

I would also recommend a shelter....that way the dog may be trained and you can know that dog's ability to live with children, in an apartment, etc if it is an older dog. Plus rescue dogs have a special unconditional love for their rescuers.

A friend of mine just got a Basenji & it is a great dog. They do need to be walked a bit to not go stir crazy in the apartment, but the dog is great with her kids.

Posted 9/20/05 4:39 PM

I'm two!

Member since 5/05

4320 total posts


Re: Thinking of getting a dog

I would disagree that Boxers are hyper. I stayed home sick today and stayed on the couch most of the day with Bama napping right beside me.
They're definitely not lazy, but they're not hyper either. None of the many Boxers that I've met have been hyper.
They do need obedience training; they're very smart dogs but can be somewhat naughty and stubborn!

I agree about the Basenjii - they're small dogs and they don't bark. They're beautiful too!

Message edited 9/20/2005 7:00:49 PM.

Posted 9/20/05 6:58 PM

is not the girl you knew

Member since 5/05

14266 total posts


Re: Thinking of getting a dog

since you havea baby are you looking for more of an idependent breed?
or would you like a velcro dog?

Posted 9/20/05 8:47 PM

I love my boys!!

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8044 total posts


Re: Thinking of getting a dog

Posted by karacg

I wish I could help you, but I am a big dog person...we have a lab, and they really need space.

Bulldogs and boxers are cute -- I wouldn't go with a beagle because they like to howl...good luck, I am sure you will be very happy whatever you decide!!!

Oh and IMO, I would adopt from a many sweet dogs need homes!

Please do your research and get the dog that
suits all your needs. PLease don't buy from a pet store or breeder. GO to a rescue or shelter. You can start by looking on
Also, spay and neuter your pet!!

Posted 9/20/05 8:54 PM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Thinking of getting a dog

boxers end up big, they are hyper/puppy like for a long time while great family dogs. They need room.

My pug/beagle mix would be the perfect size for ya....he's small but around 30 lbs, very snuggly but also at 14 months, still a puppy (still having accidents, although rare). His fur is short, but he does shed but he's so soft all the time!

Look into a mixed breed....I've heard anything mixed with a poodle is great since poodles are good for those with allergies (like a cock-apoo). Labradoodles are awesome, but they tend to be bigger from the lab

Posted 9/21/05 8:42 AM

I'm two!

Member since 5/05

4320 total posts


Re: Thinking of getting a dog

Posted by btrflygrl

boxers end up big, they are hyper/puppy like for a long time while great family dogs. They need room.

Again, not true! Average male Boxers are around 70 - 75 lbs. A female will be around 60 - 65 lbs. Boxers are classified as mid-sized dogs.
And they really don't need a whole lot of room - we live in a small 3 floor townhouse with a tiny backyard and that's plenty of room for Bama.
One thing that I will say about Boxers though that might be slightly negative, is that they're very social dogs - they love to be around their owners, so they need a fair amount of attention to make them happy.

Sorry if I'm sounding like the Boxer spokesperson! Chat Icon

Posted 9/21/05 9:08 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/05

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Re: Thinking of getting a dog

I grew up with English Bulldogs.. they are tough looking but when it comes to kids they have a great disposition. I used to do everything to ours and he would just lie there and take it. However, they are alot of maintanence and a cold weather dog. They cant breathe too well in the hot weather and need to stay in air conditioning.

Ohhh and they are very protective of the family.

Posted 9/21/05 9:16 AM


Member since 5/05

12810 total posts


Re: Thinking of getting a dog

You can take this test to see what kind of dog is for your lifestyle and then a description of the dogs.

Breed Test

Posted 9/21/05 9:45 AM

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