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Bedtime Routine for 3 week old

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Member since 8/05

18208 total posts


Bedtime Routine for 3 week old

I am totally clueless when it comes to putting my 3 week old to bed at night. At the moment, since my husband is still on paternity leave, we stay up pretty late and let Baby Noah tell us when he wants to go to bed. If he is awake I give him a bath and then a bottle of EBM, some nights this could be at 1 am, other nights at 10 pm. This is usually when we are ready to go to bed.

Can you gals tell me what you do with your newborns to get a bedtime routine in...I know its a bit early to get him into a routine, but I was just wondering what you all did.

At the moment he seems to sleep for 4-5 hours at a time, waking for a sleepy feed, sleeping for another 3-4 hours, waking up at 8-9 am(ish) and then going back to sleep at 10 is for a few more hours...

Any advice would be great!

Posted 1/28/06 11:18 AM
Long Island Weddings
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3 babies for me :)

Member since 5/05

6683 total posts


Re: Bedtime Routine for 3 week old

We starting giving Alex a bath everyday around the same time. Late at first about 10pm. Then he would nurse and go to sleep. As he slept longer we just started moving the bathtime routine earlier and earlier.

Posted 1/28/06 12:56 PM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Re: Bedtime Routine for 3 week old

You are SO 3 1/2 week old is STILL getting up every 2 1/2-3 hours. IF I am lucky she'll go 4 hours and she's on formula (with about 2 bottles of EBM a day).

We really don't have a routine yet, she gets a bath every other day but I do it in the afternoon so she doesn't get too cold and that's after she wakes up since she doesn't like the bath much. Then I feed her and then she'll fall asleep again.

She's also starting to stay awake between feedings more often but then she gets overtired and it becomes hard for her to fall asleep without crying.

Posted 1/28/06 1:11 PM

Life is good!

Member since 5/05

8369 total posts


Re: Bedtime Routine for 3 week old

Katie is 8 weeks and we get 4 hours the most! You are lucky!

Posted 1/28/06 2:07 PM


Member since 5/05

6856 total posts


Re: Bedtime Routine for 3 week old

Consider yourself lucky!
Alex sleeps for the most 4 hours at a time, and that's on a GOOD day!
She usually sleeps from 10pm to 1am (sometimes 2), eats, then wakes every 1 1/2 to 2 hours to eat again.
I haven't gotten more than 3 hours in a row of sleep in over a month!!!Chat Icon

Posted 1/28/06 2:14 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 11/05

671 total posts


Re: Bedtime Routine for 3 week old

Our daughter was born 5 weeks early and she had a little jaundice so when we left the hospital they put her on a two hour feeding schedule. You're lucky your baby sleeps so well. I think at this stage, the baby tells you the routine and when they want to eat.Chat Icon

Posted 1/28/06 2:26 PM


Member since 5/05

3753 total posts


Re: Bedtime Routine for 3 week old

Posted by AndreaLMT

Consider yourself lucky!
Alex sleeps for the most 4 hours at a time, and that's on a GOOD day!
She usually sleeps from 10pm to 1am (sometimes 2), eats, then wakes every 1 1/2 to 2 hours to eat again.
I haven't gotten more than 3 hours in a row of sleep in over a month!!!Chat Icon

If it makes you and Steph feel better I'm up every 3 hours to feed Jack and he's 2 months old!!!!!!! He eats 7 ounces at a clip - the other night he took 10 Chat Icon He's always hungry and the bottles take over an hour to give to him so I'm exhausted too.

Remember - it will get better although I feel like it never will LOL but I went through it with Ava and she now sleeps the night so I know it'll eventually happen.

Posted 1/28/06 10:00 PM

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