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Lamaze classes and baby care basics

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Member since 5/05

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Lamaze classes and baby care basics

Did you take these classes and were they useful or a waste of time and money?

Posted 6/15/05 5:43 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Becoming a different woman

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Re: Lamaze classes and baby care basics

Honestly, I thought it was a waste of money since when the time actually came all those breathing techniques went down the toilet.

Posted 6/15/05 6:32 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Lamaze classes and baby care basics

Didn't take Lamaze.. I figured I read enough and it was a natural process. In all honesty my husband just never had off at night to go and we had an awesome L&D nurse who taught we how to breathe through contractions without hyperventaling in about 4 minutes.

Baby Care classes I thought were useful. I'm the baby of my own family and never really babysat newborns. The class was run by awesome nurses and I thought it was helpful.

Posted 6/15/05 6:32 PM

The man of my dreams...

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Re: Lamaze classes and baby care basics

I'm taking Bradley classes- they're more about the husbands coaching role and your body during delivery than about breathing. I
ve gone to 3 so far and they're excellent imo.

The only class I plan on taking is the breastfeeding class the hospital offers.

Posted 6/16/05 8:56 AM

My children are a blessing!

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Re: Lamaze classes and baby care basics

I took lamaze and found it to be so helpful. I used the breathing techniques throughout the whole process (13 hours) and I was always calm and relaxed. It helped me handle the pain, especially when the contractions were so intense.

Most moms I knew told me that it would be a waste because you either forget everything when you're going through it, or it didn't help them, but I think it helped so much.

Posted 6/16/05 10:00 AM

LIF Toddler

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Re: Lamaze classes and baby care basics

I took a combined Lamaze/Baby Care class. I found the Lamaze to be useless during labor, but the Baby Care was ok and I got a tour of the hospital. I am still glad that I went.

Posted 6/16/05 10:15 AM

Yay Spring!

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Re: Lamaze classes and baby care basics

I took a combined Lamaze and Baby Care class. I thought it was very helpful. The breathing techniques were only a small part of the class. We learned all about the biological, physical and emotional changes the mom goes through during pregnancy and after. What was also very helpful is we were taught what to be aware of as far as what might be a problem - like the color of your water when it breaks that are ok and those that are not, and what to do if you suspect a problem. I thought it was definitely worth it.

Posted 6/16/05 12:50 PM

Live in the Present

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Re: Lamaze classes and baby care basics

I didn't...because I was only 6 months when I went into Labor...but the nurses and my doc told me that I was breathing fine....its kind of natural we have all seen a million TV/Movies where women go into labor and do the Lamaze breathing.

Posted 6/20/05 12:51 PM

Mom of 2 Boys

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Re: Lamaze classes and baby care basics

I took combined baby care and birthing class. It was 5 sessions but I missed the last two - DH was deathly sick for one and baby came before I got to baby care! I liked the birthing class not for the breathing but they really told you alot about the process and it helped DH to understand more what would be going on.

Posted 6/20/05 2:06 PM

5 weeks till I'm a big sister

Member since 5/05

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Re: Lamaze classes and baby care basics

I took lamaze and I only used one breathing exercise. I liked lamaze for the fact that they showed you what to expect and things like that but other then that I could of done without it

Posted 6/20/05 2:29 PM

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