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How soon after you got your BFP did you have your first complete OB exam?

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Member since 5/05

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How soon after you got your BFP did you have your first complete OB exam?

I noticed that some people go in immediately to see their doctors for confirmation (blood test, etc) .. while other doctor's seem to want to wait awhile before they will give you that initial exam, mainly because there isn't much to "see" too early on

I finally got in touch with my doctor today (since she was on vacation last week) and the nurse told me that they normally do not see prenatal patients until close to the 8-10 week mark. Since they guesstimate I am about 6-7 weeks (hard to tell, since I have irregular cycles , etc) they told me they'll see me 2 weeks from today Chat Icon

I know I'm being silly, but frankly I do NOT want to wait another TWO FULL WEEKS to see my doctor! Chat Icon By then it'll have been nearly a month since I got my BFP! I'm already anxious , I would like some reassurance about my hcg levels, etc.

Am I overreacting? Really you can tell me the truth Chat Icon

Posted 8/9/05 11:03 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: How soon after you got your BFP did you have your first complete OB exam?

My doctor wouldn't see me until I was 8 weeks. I knew exactly when my LMP was so I knew how far along I was.

And no you are not overreacting..... Until I saw the dr, I must have taken 10 HPT to make sure I was still pg.

ETA: I'm surprised that they are holding out on you so long since they know you had irregular periods

Message edited 8/9/2005 11:09:01 AM.

Posted 8/9/05 11:08 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: How soon after you got your BFP did you have your first complete OB exam?

Normally your first appointment is around 8 weeks. I hated waiting too - Just wanted to say that your not over reacting. I felt the same way.

Posted 8/9/05 11:09 AM

Two ladies and a gentleman!

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Re: How soon after you got your BFP did you have your first complete OB exam?

My OB has the same policy. I didn't go until 8 weeks--which was just over a month from my positive HPT!! Oh, it was torture, so no, I don't think you're overreacting.

Also, with your history of irregularity, I would think that your doctor should get you in earlier, for peace of mind if nothing else. Maybe if you insist, they will let you in this week?

Message edited 8/9/2005 11:10:16 AM.

Posted 8/9/05 11:09 AM

Delay is not denial

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Re: How soon after you got your BFP did you have your first complete OB exam?

Hey Felicia :)

First of all, once again congratulations :) !!!

If your hcg is over 1500, they can see a sac/fetal pole on the u/s. I think it's important to see if your hcg is doubling. Some ob/gyn's don't see patients until their first trimester is almost up because, of the 'shaky' nature early pg can have. It's a personal perference of doctors and yourself what you want to do. Personally, I want to know, what's going on asap. If you are 6 or 7 weeks pregnant, they can rule out ectopic and probably blighted ovum, on a u/s right now. They can also see the hb and tell you the rate. You may want to ask them if they will please see you sooner than they were planning.

Posted 8/9/05 11:12 AM

I'm Gonna be a Big Brother

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Re: How soon after you got your BFP did you have your first complete OB exam?

Most of the time doctors so wait to the 8-10 week mark. Sometimes they will see you earlier. I went right away because of the Chemical PG I had the month before.

And you are not overreached, I would have felt the same way if I had to wait, especially in your circumstance. Maybe your General doctor can run your blood work if you don't want to wait.

Posted 8/9/05 11:17 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: How soon after you got your BFP did you have your first complete OB exam?

Yes, unfortunately, like everyone else said, the general rule is that ob/gyn's won't see you until 8-10 weeks. With my first pregnancy, they made an appointment for 8 weeks, but unfortunately, my pregnancy didn't make it that far. Second pregnancy, because I had miscarried with the first, they had me come in right away.

Remember though, you ARE the patient and you dictate your care. If you want to see them earlier, then demand it. I was so relieved with my second pregnancy because my doctor treated me with kid gloves. He had me come in right away, and tested my HcG levels every 4 days, and put me on progesterone supplements right away, just in case that was a factor in the first miscarriage. Turned out it WAS because when we got the first blood results back my progesterone levels were low. My second pregnancy may not have progressed if my doctor didn't see me earlier this time, and had taken that cautionary measure.

Unfortunately these doctors often go with statistics, and won't intervene with anything until you've had one or more bad experiences. It's up to you as the patient to demand more involvement on their part, so if you're really anxious, call the office and ask to be seen earlier. If they refuse - find a new doctor!

Posted 8/9/05 11:41 AM

Spring Baby06
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Re: How soon after you got your BFP did you have your first complete OB exam?

I am in my 6th week and my appointment is on the 23rd. I will be in my 8th week. They told me when when they would want to see me.

Posted 8/9/05 11:51 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: How soon after you got your BFP did you have your first complete OB exam?

Thank you all for your helpful replies.. Chat Icon

I am glad to know that I am not overreacting.. sometimes I wonder if I am getting ahead of myself so I need you all to 'ground' me

I think that even though I can understand "why" my OB will not see me until the 23rd, I still feel a little anxious about waiting another 2 weeks. I may call my regular physician and see at the very least if they will order some blood tests so I can see how high/low my hcg levels are..

And besides, I'm so nutty that I keep using HPTs practically every day - I'm going broke Chat Icon

Thank you again!!

Posted 8/9/05 11:59 AM

LIF Infant

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Re: How soon after you got your BFP did you have your first complete OB exam?

my 1st appointment was at 8 weeks too. i thought it was a long time at first, but then i heard from other people that that is pretty common to wait until 8 weeks. the waiting is definitely hard!

Posted 8/9/05 12:14 PM

LIF Toddler

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Re: How soon after you got your BFP did you have your first complete OB exam?

I guess my Dr was different. They wanted to see me within 7 days of my BFP. THey said that it was their policy. I went immediately, they confirmed my pregnancy and then sent me for bloodwork and scheduled my sono for a week or 2 later.

Posted 8/9/05 12:24 PM

My girls

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Re: How soon after you got your BFP did you have your first complete OB exam?

I went at about 7 weeks.

Posted 8/9/05 12:33 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: How soon after you got your BFP did you have your first complete OB exam?

Definitely not overreacting...however, I also had to wait until I was 8 weeks. I believe it's just the normal time to wait.

Posted 8/9/05 1:06 PM

LIF Zygote

Member since 7/05

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Re: How soon after you got your BFP did you have your first complete OB exam?

I am not going until next friday when I will be in my 9th week. At first I was upset but after talking to a lot of people I have found out it is the norm.

What got me is that everybody says the beginning of your pregnancy is so important and what not and nobody tells you what to eat, what to avoid, and what medicine is harmful until your 9 weeks pregnant? Obviously I have an idea and am being careful, but what about women who don't know anything? Who is telling them what to do?

I was trying to get pg (mind you it happened after 1 month) and I was still very overwhelmed - VERY happy, but also a bit scared when I found out. Its my first time being pregnant and its a huge responsibility and I did not want to do anything bad for my baby. It would have been nice if my doctor wanted to see me right away to see how I am feeling and if there is anything I had questions about. But oh well, I can't wait to finally see a doctor next week. I am really hoping we can see a heartbeat and then I can relax a bit.

So to answer your question (finally), I definitely do not think you are overreacting!

Posted 8/9/05 1:37 PM

Happy New Year

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Re: How soon after you got your BFP did you have your first complete OB exam?

Mine was at 8 weeks also (for the first sono) but they took me as soon as I got my BFP and I worked up the guts to call so really they first saw me for the confirmation and the first round of questioning at 6 weeks. But when I asked if they were going to do a blood test to confirm the PG they said no, as long as I definitely got a line on my HPT - they would do a urine test in the office also and that was enough for them because they are so accurate. So the bloodwork came later.

I understand your anxiety though but hang in there - two weeks will fly by and you'll feel much better. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/9/05 2:27 PM

Life is good!

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Re: How soon after you got your BFP did you have your first complete OB exam?

6 weeks was my first sono- They couldn't see anything so I had to go back at 7 weeks,

Posted 8/9/05 4:39 PM

Mommy to 2 boys!

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Re: How soon after you got your BFP did you have your first complete OB exam?

I called my doc the day after I got my BFP (Monday) and the secretary told me that they don't see patients until they're in their 8th week of pregnancy. I told her that I was not comfortable with that and that I wanted to go in to see the doc and get a confirming blood test. She said fine and made an appointment for that Thursday and had my HCG results by the next day. After it was confirmed I was indeed PG and that my HCG levels and progesterone levels were good, I made an appt for my first sono which was done at 8 weeks.

Posted 8/9/05 4:59 PM

My Everything

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Re: How soon after you got your BFP did you have your first complete OB exam?

They didn't see me until 8 weeks. I think that's pretty normal practice unless you are high risk.

Posted 8/9/05 5:05 PM

Family of 5!

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Re: How soon after you got your BFP did you have your first complete OB exam?

My dr made me wait also...I was 8weeks and a day at my first visit..

Posted 8/9/05 5:06 PM

me and baby #3!

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Re: How soon after you got your BFP did you have your first complete OB exam?

I went at 7.5 weeks to date the PG via ultrasound and dr appt. with the Nurse Practitioner. I went a few weeks later for the actual visit where they gave me my prenatals and all the info on tests and stuff.

Then I went again at 15 weeks for another sono and a few days after that for a OB visit.

Posted 8/9/05 6:29 PM

She's 7!!!

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Re: How soon after you got your BFP did you have your first complete OB exam?

I have an appointment on August 29 (my anniversary). That would put be at about 6 weeks.

Posted 8/10/05 2:55 PM

2 Girls For Me!

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Re: How soon after you got your BFP did you have your first complete OB exam?

After my BFP, I went to see my doctor when I was 7.5 weeks - that wait was nerve-wracking, but i tried to distract myself and by the time I knew it, my doctor's appt had arrived.

Im now in my 13th week - and the time has just flown by so fast!

Posted 8/12/05 2:26 PM

Babygirl is 4!

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Re: How soon after you got your BFP did you have your first complete OB exam?

I saw my OB right away because I was spotting..... then I changed Drs. and he saw me every week up to my m/c, at 8 weeks. I started spotting at 4 weeks so I started seeing the Dr. once a week for 4 weeks - plus I was on bed rest.

Flee, you should ask your Dr. to see you early just because of the irregular cycles in the past and for peace of mind.

Congrats again and good luck!

Posted 8/12/05 3:09 PM

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