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why do they love milk

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LIF Infant

Member since 10/05

227 total posts


why do they love milk

In a bottle but not in a cup??????? I try everyday to put in in a cup and he will not frink it. He plays with it, take a sip here and there but if its a bottle-he ***** it right down! I have even been drinking it myself for dinner to show him!

Posted 4/17/06 10:12 PM
Long Island Weddings
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I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

15652 total posts


Re: why do they love milk

How old is he? Maybe he just doesn't understand the concept yet? Do you give him other things in a cup? We started Emily on a sippy cup yesterday -- she got one in her easter basket -- and she just chews on the spout. She doesn't understand what it is for yet so we just want her to get used to it and if she gets a few sips in then it's extra bonus! I put juice/water in it so that I can be sure she's still getting her formula from the bottle!

Posted 4/17/06 10:14 PM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

20541 total posts


Re: why do they love milk

Have you tried different kinds? Miranda didn't quite get the ones with the spout but I got a Nuby that has a soft straw tip and she will drink out of that.

Posted 4/17/06 10:16 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 10/05

227 total posts


Re: why do they love milk

I think I will try that straw type! That soulnd good...

Posted 4/17/06 10:18 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 10/05

227 total posts


Re: why do they love milk

Posted by Melbernai

How old is he? Maybe he just doesn't understand the concept yet? Do you give him other things in a cup? We started Emily on a sippy cup yesterday -- she got one in her easter basket -- and she just chews on the spout. She doesn't understand what it is for yet so we just want her to get used to it and if she gets a few sips in then it's extra bonus! I put juice/water in it so that I can be sure she's still getting her formula from the bottle!

He's a toddler already.. He doesn't drink one during the day anymore, just when he wakes up. But I am trying to stop that one as well but give him more during the day, just not in a bottle. I really want to make sure he is getting enough of the "milk" nutrients like calcium

Posted 4/17/06 10:20 PM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

15652 total posts


Re: why do they love milk

Does he drink other things from the sippy cup?

Posted 4/17/06 10:44 PM

Love my son!

Member since 6/05

1468 total posts


Re: why do they love milk

I'm bad and have never tried milk in a sippy with Michael - he's still on 3 bottles a day (I know I know...)... anyway, just wanted to say that my mother ALWAYS said that kids (she's babysat for years) are weird in that they usually like milk in a bottle and juice/water in a cup - it seems to be true for Michael - he would NEVER drink water from a bottle... who knows... just thought it was funny that you brought it up!

Posted 4/17/06 11:36 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/06

1162 total posts


Re: why do they love milk

Posted by monkeybride

Have you tried different kinds? Miranda didn't quite get the ones with the spout but I got a Nuby that has a soft straw tip and she will drink out of that.

I'm going to try this as well. I was just talking to my aunt this weekend (shes an occupational therapist) and she says that speech therapists say the straw is better to work the muscles in the face.

Maybe there is a speech therapist here that can confirm this?

Posted 4/18/06 8:17 AM

Mom of 2 Boys

Member since 5/05

4381 total posts


Re: why do they love milk

My son was doing the same with sippy cups. He knows how to drink water from one (although prefers to play with the sippy cup) but rarely would drink more than a few sips of milk from the same sippy cups.

My dr recommended trying a straw cup for milk (I know speech pathologists who said this is better for them - not sure why but they despise sippy cups - personally - I think it is strange since all the ones I know don't even have their own kids yet so how can they judge and believe me the ones I know have judged me to my face - but that is another story - sorry for the tangent). Sooo...I tried it and he couldn't figure it out at all but did figure out how to pour it all over. Also the straw cups all said ages 2 and up that I saw - so maybe he is too young. (My son is 14 months and this was at 12/13 months.)

I finally tried milk in the Nuby and in a week - I eliminated all but my nighttime bottle (and that is because I haven't tried because he has recently become a decent sleeper and not ready to mess with it yet). He loves these and gets so excited as soon as I take it out.

Posted 4/18/06 9:19 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

1636 total posts


Re: why do they love milk

I am having the same problem. My daughter turned one last week and she transitioned to the milk fine in her bottle. When I put it in the sippy cup she spits it out. I tried watering it down but she is too smart for me. My doctor said to not put milk in the bottle at all, just the sippy. I gave up on that quickly.

Neicey- Does the nuby leak? I used to use the nuby and recently switched to the advent sippys b/c the nuby was pouring all over my daughter. I think the slits may have ripped a little from her teeth.

Posted 4/18/06 9:55 AM

Mom of 2 Boys

Member since 5/05

4381 total posts


Re: why do they love milk

Posted by GraciesMom

Neicey- Does the nuby leak? I used to use the nuby and recently switched to the advent sippys b/c the nuby was pouring all over my daughter. I think the slits may have ripped a little from her teeth.

I haven't noticed mine leaking too much - they are a little messier than the bottle when he drinks though. DH told me there is a air hole if he holds it wrongs leaks but I never checked it out. I will tonight for ya. My friend told me her son use to bit on it and break holes in his (but was doing the same thing to his pacis and bottles as well). My son only has 2.5 teeth so he probably hasn't gotten to biting on it much.

Posted 4/18/06 10:11 AM

My children are a blessing!

Member since 5/05

2598 total posts


Re: why do they love milk

I'm happy about this post. Andrew doesn't use bottles anymore, but rarely drinks enough from his sippy cups, unless it's water. I am going to try the straw type ones now maybe.

Posted 4/18/06 10:14 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 10/05

227 total posts


Re: why do they love milk

I think its funny how a water/juice mix goes down fine in the sippy but not the milk. I hope the straw cup works! Should I just cut off the morning bottle altogether and not worry if he doesn't drink the milk in the cup?

Posted 4/18/06 1:40 PM

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