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LIF Adolescent

Member since 6/05 573 total posts
Name: Allison
pumping for first time
My son will be 3 weeks tomorrow. So far I've been bf"ing exclusively with no pumping, but I have a dr's appt next week and am going to have to pump so that my husband can feed the baby while I'm gone.
Here are my questions: how do I start pumping? When should I do it? How long should I do it for? I'm confused about how I'll be able to skip any nursing sessions, replace them with bottle sessions, but not decrease my milk supply. Any advice would be GREATLY appreciated!!
Posted 3/11/06 12:05 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adult
Member since 5/05 3372 total posts
Name: Michele
Re: pumping for first time
Do you have a pump? You should use a good double electric pump. After the baby eats in the morning, over the next few days, pump for 10-15 minutes. You have the most milk in the morning. Don't worry if you don't get any milk day 1, or get very little. Your body reacts differently to pumping than nursing. You can also pump after ANY feeding for a few minutes. use the milk within 3 days, left in the frig. Or you can buy bm freezer bags and freeze a full days worth of milk that you pumped. You don't want to freeze too much in one bag. You never want to have to waste it. If you freeze in 2oz portions you are usually better off. If the baby has never had a bottle you may want to introduce the bottle 2 days before. Don't be surprised if the baby does NOT want a bottle. Your husband should feed the baby the bottle, not you. Often the baby will get upset because he/she knows that your breasts is right there and they want that...not a bottle.
Or your husband can take the baby with you to the doctor so you can nurse if you need to.
Let me know if you need any help.
Posted 3/11/06 8:09 PM |
LIF Toddler

Member since 7/05 474 total posts
Re: pumping for first time
Thanks for posting this. While I still have a ways to go before I deliver, I had the same sort of questions...
Posted 3/12/06 7:47 AM |
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