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Re-post from Preg. board - mommies need opinion on cribs

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Re-post from Preg. board - mommies need opinion on cribs

ok, it is our first child - so I am learning everything for the first time, I went crib shopping yesterday and I really like the convertible cribs, here are (2) one is 4 in 1 the other is 3 in 1, I think I like the one with the solid sides better mainly b/c the side comes down unlike the other. What is your opionion? Also, any downfalls with a convertible crib, I think it is good for us, because we don't have alot of storage space to store a crib, then a toddler bed when the baby gets bigger. Thanks all! One is Wendy Bellissimo - I borrowed the picture from one of you mommies! The other is storkcraft (the one with draw) on - line only though.

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Posted 5/7/06 4:03 PM
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Re: Re-post from Preg. board - mommies need opinion on cribs

I'd prefer one where the sides go down. Also my crib had a drawer underneath. At the time we didn't have a storage problem, but it was very convient to have all of the sheets & blankets for the sleep-deprived 3am crib changes.

As for the crib to toddler bed, we didn't opt for it. We wanted to have our kids back to back & didn't bother with a toddler bed at all. So the only downside I could see is that if you change to a toddler bed & then have a baby - you'd want to make the switch well before you had your second child. You don' t want Baby#1 seeing Baby#2 take his bed & his mommy away at the same time. Otherwise - both look great!

Posted 5/7/06 4:20 PM

Happy Summer !

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Re: Re-post from Preg. board - mommies need opinion on cribs

Anyone else? The 2nd one I would perfer - but it is on - line only, I can't look at it anywhere - I called all over, it is made from wood and venner - is that bad quality - not all wood ?

Posted 5/8/06 10:52 AM

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Re: Re-post from Preg. board - mommies need opinion on cribs

I love the 2nd one- mine is somewhat similar, and I just wanna let you know... its VERY difficult to get your bumpers to tie on.... since there is no slots on the sides...

I dont have draws underneath- but when it comes to a baby you could never have enough storage

Posted 5/8/06 10:54 AM


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Tracey - brideinapril

Re: Re-post from Preg. board - mommies need opinion on cribs

I have the something like the second one except mine has the slots on the sides. I love the look of it and haven't had any problems yet. I love that it has the draw underneath.

Posted 5/8/06 11:15 AM

LIF Adult

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Re: Re-post from Preg. board - mommies need opinion on cribs

I am opting for the 2nd one, saw them at BuyBuyBaby, and BRU and Behrs....

Posted 5/8/06 2:27 PM

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Re: Re-post from Preg. board - mommies need opinion on cribs

I like the 2nd one b/c of the extra storage and because like Marissa said it's a pain to tie the bumpers to the 1st one (it's just like what I have by Sorelle).

I'm not sure I get the benefit of the side that lowers unless you already have it lowered before you have a sleeping baby in your arms. But it definitely was a pain to do some sort of gymnastics routine to lower Andrew into the crib while still holding him. And it still is....

Posted 5/8/06 3:32 PM

LIF Adult

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Re: Re-post from Preg. board - mommies need opinion on cribs

I have a solid back and hate it b/c you can't tie the bumper on. DS sleeps ontop of the bumper most nights.

I have a convertable and I will not use it as a crib again (so maybe its good that its a convertable). I thought since I was tall, I wouldn't have issues with the side not coming down, but it still *****.

If there are more kids, I will be getting a new, simple, easy, front comes down crib and worry about a regular bed when the time comes.

I was just thinking today, how this will always be DS's furniture and that actually made me happy, so maybe there was a brightside.

Posted 5/8/06 11:24 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Re-post from Preg. board - mommies need opinion on cribs

Hmmm they're both nice...I like the one with the solid's good when you have to sneak out of the room and your baby can't see you...Chat Icon

Posted 5/8/06 11:26 PM

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Re: Re-post from Preg. board - mommies need opinion on cribs

I like the second one better. We never like the Bellissimo one when we saw it. Those medalion things bugged me. But we also found the same problem with the bumpers that the others mentioned. We eventually found a solid sided crib with 2 strategically placed slats that were just large enough to allow for the ties. You might be able to find that too.

Posted 5/9/06 9:33 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Re-post from Preg. board - mommies need opinion on cribs

I opt for the one where the sides go down... I remember when I was pregnant, I was looking for a crib that looked nice, but all my friends kept telling me, go for the crib that makes the least amount of noise and lets you put baby down to sleep without any difficulty. I didn't take them seriously, but when Alex was born, I can't tell you how thankful I am that I had a crib where the side lowers. You have NOOOO idea how much your priorities will change once baby is born and I can assure you, when you've spent 3+ hours trying to put baby to sleep while in your arms, the ONLY thing you'll care about with the crib is that you can put baby down in the crib easily enough that he/she won't wake up again! Chat Icon I'm 5'4 and I find it virtually impossible to put Alex down in the crib while she's asleep if both sides are up, and invariably, she ALWAYS wakes up if I try to do it when the side isn't lowered Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 5/9/06 9:45 AM

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