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Doctor's Appt. Tonight - Wants to put me on Clomid

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LIF Zygote

Member since 8/05

44 total posts


Doctor's Appt. Tonight - Wants to put me on Clomid

Hi all,

This board has been so helpful already I thought that I would ask you all your opinion about Clomid.

I met with the OBGYN on May 25 for my regular checkup and to discuss ttc. He asked me about my menstrual history which has been pretty irregular for the past year or so. My last cycle started about May 1 and ended about May 11.

The doctor told me that if my cycle did not start again by today then I would need to take Clomid.

What do you all think about this? Should I ask the doctor for blood work to further investigate why I'm not ovulating, etc.?


Posted 6/8/06 11:44 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Say Cheese!

Member since 1/06

8033 total posts

A (formerly WhatNow?)

Re: Doctor's Appt. Tonight - Wants to put me on Clomid

Just because you are irregular doens't mean you don't ovulate. I would try charting before doing anything as drastic as taking drugs!

I am irregular too/have long cycles and I coneived in 3 months with out any help.

How long have you been trying, if at all?

Message edited 6/8/2006 12:45:56 PM.

Posted 6/8/06 12:45 PM

LIF Zygote

Member since 8/05

44 total posts


Re: Doctor's Appt. Tonight - Wants to put me on Clomid

I told the doctor that we had just started trying. Right after my period ended on the 11th, I sorta "charted" and when I noticed that it was around the time of ovulating, DH and I tried. But no luck.

So technically it was that one time. This month, I haven't gotten my AF yet. Spotting on June 4th but that was it.

Posted 6/8/06 1:11 PM

Say Cheese!

Member since 1/06

8033 total posts

A (formerly WhatNow?)

Re: Doctor's Appt. Tonight - Wants to put me on Clomid

Ever heard of ovulation spotting?Chat Icon You might be pregnant already!

however, if you are not after only one month of trying you certainly have nothign to worry about. Also, you should BD right BEFORE the ovulation. Depending on specifics, if you do it during it might be too late.

Posted 6/8/06 1:31 PM

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